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Noise Levels


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On 12/24/2017 at 6:35 PM, superal said:

Funerals are a regular occurrence and the music noise  of the base even half a mile away is very annoying and can start in the very early hours of the morning and if the event is near to your house the base makes any loose fixings vibrate . I am told that noise does not unduly effect Thais as they can sleep at the drop of a hat in any situation .

You need to be told how noise affects Thais? Really? Wow haven't you integrated into society well!!

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On 12/24/2017 at 12:44 PM, Gecko123 said:

The event the OP describes sounds like a community event. Such events, marking weddings, funerals and monk ordinations, etc. are part of life in Thailand, and you are asking for trouble to expect people to conform to your social norms of what constitutes excessive noise. You especially need to be tolerant around New Years and Songkran which are the two holidays where many Thais have enough time off from work to return home.


With that said, neighbors cranking up their their home and car sound systems whenever they please on a day-in day-out basis is an entirely different matter. I have had friction with my neighbors in the past by complaining about loud bass music. The thing I have absolutely learned from these confrontations is to never confront people directly when the music is playing, especially at night, when people are very likely inebriated. Using a third party intermediary is advisable, as these disputes can often be seen as a farang vs Thai cultural conflict. Guess who's going to win? I have also on occasion had success just by standing outside the offending house until someone notices me and quickly realizes why I am there. Creepy as hell, you betcha, but surprisingly effective, and it avoids in-your-face verbal confrontation. 


I have also had success blasting my speakers in the direction of the offending house, but before doing this I really try to find out if they're having a large party (which I'm more tolerant of) or just a few teenage kids who have decided some loud music is just what the doctor ordered to go with the lao khao or yaa baa they've just consumed. People seem to get the message. As a last resort, you can go to the police, but because of the ill-will this will generate, I don't recommend it unless you are really at your wits end. Taking a walk or drive to escape the noise is another coping technique. I also have talked to almost all my neighbors to sound out their feelings, and it turns out that many of them don't like the loud music any more than me, but don't say anything out of a spirit of greng jai. But I have the feeling that by talking to the neighbors about how much this bothers me, at least somewhat gets filtered back to the offending parties, which helps. After I explained that I do a lot of reading and writing, and that I can't think with that bass music blasting (something I sensed that many people never even considered), I really noticed that my neighbors showed a lot more consideration after they understood why it bothered me. I also leave town around Songkran, in large part to avoid the loud music.


Hope this helps.

I have a young Thai man who lives next door to me in a close housing community where the walls are connected to each other. He is a party boy, drinks, smokes pot and takes Jabba, plays his music too loud, has many parties that last over 12 hours. They think they are Karaoke kings, hooking up a microphone to ill equipped electronics, makes for loud feedback at the early morning hours. I have two small children and it is hard to get them to sleep much less when they wake up to loud shrills and screaming like they think they are master DJ's. I have talked to him before and asked him to lower the volume and I get the door slammed in my face. This is the true Thai man that exists today.  He has lost many jobs because he only wants to party. He only lives in this house because his Thai mom/married to farang owns the house. He exists just to party. I have called the the Pattaya police several times but they either hang up (many times) say they do not speak English, or say they sent police but they see fights and had to stop to break it up. On the aforementioned occasion, we called after a 15 hour party and police say the had to break up a Tom Boy/Tom Boy fight, we called back 30 minutes later (Thai wife made the first two calls) after 1 1/2 hours no response I called and when I talked to man and started to give the address he hung up on me. Another time time I called and Policeman said he did not speak English and hung up on me. What kind of Police is that that hangs up on an emergency line????? Pattaya Police are the worst. There needs to be some serious overhaul with them. I there two times before about another place we lived where a Chinese man assaulted us two times. we made a report  and then asked the police what they were going to do about it? Are you going out to the man's house and talk to him? The policeman taking the report told us so you want to spend more money for us to go talk to him? I said no I want you to do your job. He refused to send out police to talk to the man......You are never protected by the Pattaya police. The only time they respond to anything is if it is an accident or death. They like deaths, where they can go in and steal dead man things

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On 12/24/2017 at 8:18 PM, Lite Beer said:

My Wife has instructions to blast out Pink Floyd for 5 days when I kick the bucket.

That'll teach 'em.

hahah....I do that now and the missus and her family have become fans.......Play Pink Video is all I hear after dark......Pulse ...they love it.

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14 hours ago, MJCM said:

Talking about Noise Levels.

In the next village (which is around 2-3km away) there is a party going on and the music stopped at around 12:30am but it started again at 4:45am. The Bass are set at such a high level that even my wife (who seldom complains about this) was awoken by it.

Not a lot of women complain when woken by something deep and throbbing.

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11 hours ago, torrzent said:

If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, is there a sound?

Of course there is...simple physics. I could never understand that stupid  question.


I prefer 'if a man says something, and there is no woman to hear it ...is he still wrong?"

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3 hours ago, superal said:

Time of the year is insignificant as noise from numerous events is common . My TV sound does not effect any other person as I am in an enclosed room and detached house . I enjoy music and visit a couple of venues every week but the sound systems are set up correctly .  You really need to think before you speak as your posted reply has no relevance or sense . Try to think of something original to say instead of copying others i.e. relocate out of the country , as is spoken by those with little intelligence . I have no problems with constructive criticism but your post is inaccurate and without substance .  I do not wear rose tinted glasses ,am fully aware on the pros /cons of living in Thailand  and I like to call spade a spade . Finally try to stick to the facts and stop casting aspersions on people you know nothing about .

Relook at your post and don't rewrite your script stating it is numerous times a year now. Obviously if stated it is an epidemic then I would have been sympathetic. I too back in the day lived in Issan and do visit on many occasions. I have earned my right to say quit whining like an OLD disgruntled codger as it is exactly how it seemed to come out. Just another geriatric who thought as much to move here and then gripes. The proverbial spade you mentioned. I have had my fair share of Thai noise music polluters, some I could deal with to have it ceased, and others no way grin and bear it. Would you prefer me to say: relocate to a more suitable area in Thailand or in Surin? Well ok, perhaps that is your remedy as if your situation is as you say as it will never be the Utopian place of residence for you.


It is a bummer to move, I just did it after finished building my new house.


Good luck.





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8 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Relook at your post and don't rewrite your script stating it is numerous times a year now. Obviously if stated it is an epidemic then I would have been sympathetic. I too back in the day lived in Issan and do visit on many occasions. I have earned my right to say quit whining like an OLD disgruntled codger as it is exactly how it seemed to come out. Just another geriatric who thought as much to move here and then gripes. The proverbial spade you mentioned. I have had my fair share of Thai noise music polluters, some I could deal with to have it ceased, and others no way grin and bear it. Would you prefer me to say: relocate to a more suitable area in Thailand or in Surin? Well ok, perhaps that is your remedy as if your situation is as you say as it will never be the Utopian place of residence for you.


It is a bummer to move, I just did it after finished building my new house.


Good luck.





Touche ,   and well received  . Bottom line is you have to mature in Thailand to realize the way things work here as many western ways are alien here , thanks for your sensible post 

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6 hours ago, superal said:

These parties are a regular event in my district especially at weekends , not to mention the 3 or 4 day funerals . Also have a doctor neighbour who has 6 dogs that like the sound of their own barks or wolf imitation howls ,  8 hen chickens and 4 cock birds that start at 03 00 am  about 6 cats that are always fighting and talking like a baby , a menagerie . The noise does not bother my Thai family even if you clashed a pair of musical symbols near  them . I am the opposite being a light sleeper and quite often I am up at 04 00 am because of the noise . 

            I have been in Thailand off & on for 12 years and know how things work here . Post was to hear other readers experience and opinions .

That's funny, I've been here a lot longer and not off and on if that really matters!

Sounds like you backtracking a bit from your original post it didn't sound like and the responses along with mines are just that our experience and opinions, your post sound like yours is b-t-hing for all the years you been here off and on and as you cited all the regular things that go on and on so and you such a light sleeper so why even post this shouldn't be a problem. Get over it and stop making excuses to justify the negatives coming your way, go with the flow with this...

Edited by thailand49
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They just want to get attentions and proof their existence otherwise why the music becomes a torture tool and need to be heard from far away. Isn't it for people who are just by the speakers ? 

I have a neighbor who owns a junk Vios with a big muffler. When I saw him for first time I could guess what kind he could be. I was absolutely right. He is "a noise lover". He listens to TV with high bass loud sub-woofer. Not even a young guy, he must be in late 30s. 

My guess is when life is so empty and meaningless they react this way to get anyone's attention. Maybe , maybe not.

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8 hours ago, tryasimight said:

Until a tree falls on you...then you will feel it.

yes of course I would, the experience would be real even though the body mind complex, like the tree, is only 'real' in a relative sense, the two have no independent reality. 

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8 hours ago, tryasimight said:

Of course there is...simple physics. I could never understand that stupid  question.


I prefer 'if a man says something, and there is no woman to hear it ...is he still wrong?"

There is no sound per se, compressed air waves would strike the ear drum and the resulting vibrations would be turned into electrical signals which the brain would interpret as sound. If no living creature with an ear drum and brain was in the forest there would merely be vibrations in the air which couldn't be interpreted as sound. It is the same with colour, there is no colour, just different wave lengths of light which the brain interprets as colour, a cow or dog would experience colour differently to you, mostly different shades of grey, reality is relative, there is no-thing. 

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On 12/24/2017 at 3:46 PM, superal said:

However if I hear the sound of a Triumph Bonnie or Harley etc , that is  a bit different . 

Perhaps not to the local people?

People are immune to their own noise and  sensitive to the noise of others.

The party at 5am, their damned dogs, the local fete, whatever it is.

If you choose to live in the vicinity of others you will get noise.

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

There is no sound per se, compressed air waves would strike the ear drum and the resulting vibrations would be turned into electrical signals which the brain would interpret as sound. If no living creature with an ear drum and brain was in the forest there would merely be vibrations in the air which couldn't be interpreted as sound. It is the same with colour, there is no colour, just different wave lengths of light which the brain interprets as colour, a cow or dog would experience colour differently to you, mostly different shades of grey, reality is relative, there is no-thing. 

Keep eating the mushrooms.

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19 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Our shop house is on a main thoroughfare leading to our small city center and understandably full of the sounds of vehicles, music, hawkers and people talking over the sounds of life here. The irony for me is my wife keeps all media quite low and I hardly hear it which is quite okay but when I play audio high enough for me to offset the motorbike mufflers or neighbors booming music she says it’s too loud for her and it’s not polite for me to share my music to loud with the neighbors!
She knows I’m quick to fight on a bad day so her two wrongs don’t make a right logic keeps me out of trouble here. I do love her for that.

Please ask your wife to video your next fight and post it on here. 

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1 hour ago, tryasimight said:

Keep eating the mushrooms.

Think about it, everything you experience in the world is only inside your head, mere interpretations of the brain, touch, smell,sight, hearing, all take place in that dark space inside your skull, remove an eye and it wont see anything.

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19 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

You actually hit he jackpot, a house with free entertainment, record some of it and post them here  we all need a laugh once in a while.

the trick is.....not to laugh ......they can turn violant if a farang makes them loose their face..To loose their face on the tarmac is ok,it was just Buddha taking care of them . 

So ...observe with a straight face , as if nothing happened. If they can still walk,they will be gone in minutes before police arrives and steel their last satang  (drunk driving , no helmet ,no insurance , not driver id, not nr-plate , no tax -sticker .....)

But if they cant get up ...they will look around .....looking for some one to blame ,so stay clear , they dont like intervention ......mint your own business .


This last sentence ,is for the vultures who circle around in this forum ,and attack every well intended post .They dont have to tell me how wrong i am ,how selfish i am , what an idiot i am,  ......tell it to my Buddha who created me .


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5 hours ago, wayned said:

Just wait until one of your Thai neighbors dies and they decide to have the long 7 day wake at their house!  What joy!

Where I am in Isaan the wake lasts for 3 days but they only party on one day and the village head makes sure the music stops at 23:00. I only ever had problems with one 'music lover' but I drove to the market town police station and made an official complaint, they got to the village before I did, no more problems.

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

makes sure the music stops at 23:00


His solution is no solution at all. No one,  kids to the elderly, in a typical village goes to bed at 23:00 do they? They go to bed at 20:00 or 21:00 and so nights like this everyone in the village, save for the group getting drunk and playing hi-lo, get punished with no sleep for several hours in the darkness. And for what? People can get drunk and play hi-lo without being a bother to the others; that's culturally the way it used to be until this horribly misused speaker system technology reared its ugly head. There are villagers that have school and obligations the next day they would like to be fresh for. Others can be sick and in desperate need of some rest. If a village head genuinely cared a simple thing he could do is make sure all the speakers pointed at the people at the gathering rather than being mounted way up high pointing outward to blast the entire village which is the norm. But no, we just can't have that can we? Because not being able to harass everyone else would ruin the fun.


AFAIC, no one should have the right to harass other people that don't want to be part of it no matter what time of day or night it is.


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15 minutes ago, canopy said:


His solution is no solution at all. No one,  kids to the elderly, in a typical village goes to bed at 23:00 do they? They go to bed at 20:00 or 21:00 and so nights like this everyone in the village, save for the group getting drunk and playing hi-lo, get punished with no sleep for several hours in the darkness. And for what? People can get drunk and play hi-lo without being a bother to the others; that's culturally the way it used to be until this horribly misused speaker system technology reared its ugly head. There are villagers that have school and obligations the next day they would like to be fresh for. Others can be sick and in desperate need of some rest. If a village head genuinely cared a simple thing he could do is make sure all the speakers pointed at the people at the gathering rather than being mounted way up high pointing outward to blast the entire village which is the norm. But no, we just can't have that can we? Because not being able to harass everyone else would ruin the fun.


AFAIC, no one should have the right to harass other people that don't want to be part of it no matter what time of day or night it is.


fortunately it doesn't happen very often, in fact where I am it's seldom. Thai's seem to sleep through everything, whether kids or old people, it amazes me.

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17 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Thai's seem to sleep through everything, whether kids or old people, it amazes me.

True some can, but this is not an excuse to punish the one's that can't. You've obviously never seen the innocent child crying in bed because he can't sleep and mom, who can't sleep either, patiently at his side trying to comfort him rather than dare say a word about the noise. This is wrong. Everyone in the village should have the right to sleep at night.


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At our village the local “countdown” to the new year starts at the 29th (when most of the villagers who work in other provinces return) and we already have made plans to not be around because the noise will be deafening even at our house which is around 500 meters away from where the “party” will be held.

But to my utter surprise, this morning (at 7:00am) the noise already started so they are already preparing (2 days early), we will wait and see what happens (read if the volume stays up) but we are ready to flee but a lot earlier then expected. :(

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3 hours ago, MJCM said:

At our village the local “countdown” to the new year starts at the 29th (when most of the villagers who work in other provinces return) and we already have made plans to not be around because the noise will be deafening even at our house which is around 500 meters away from where the “party” will be held.

But to my utter surprise, this morning (at 7:00am) the noise already started so they are already preparing (2 days early), we will wait and see what happens (read if the volume stays up) but we are ready to flee but a lot earlier then expected. :(

You can find a quiet place on new years eve ? good luck and I hope not the frying pan / fire scenario 

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4 hours ago, canopy said:

True some can, but this is not an excuse to punish the one's that can't. You've obviously never seen the innocent child crying in bed because he can't sleep and mom, who can't sleep either, patiently at his side trying to comfort him rather than dare say a word about the noise. This is wrong. Everyone in the village should have the right to sleep at night.


I agree but that won't stop anything, most countries in the world are noisy if you leave out Europe which has strict rules, take all of south America or China for instance. When a wedding took place right next to my house I took one look at the towers of speakers and moved my family out to a resort 10km away for one day and night, we had a great time actually, it was something we wouldn't normally have done and it didn't cost the earth.

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You can find a quiet place on new years eve ? good luck and I hope not the frying pan / fire scenario 

Fortunately were we will be staying It’s a LOT QUIETER then when we stay at Home, and at least there we won’t have a headache (for 4 days) because of the bass
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