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What price a life? 5,000 baht each for families in death crash - big bike was not insured for tourist

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29 minutes ago, frank0424 said:

Why would they pose with that measly check they received  of 5000 baht for the loss of a loved one?

B5,000 isn't a "measly" amount to some Thai people but perhaps one reason for the picture is to draw attention to the issue?

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25 minutes ago, irwinfc said:

which means the bike was not registered during the incident. Por Ror Bor or Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance is, as the term implies, compulsory. the company simply had no option to NOT extend the insurance. one cannot renew a motor vehicle's registration without it. CTP costs less than 2 baht a day

Maybe the bike was acquired from an "unusual" source and could not be registered?  That was the way not so long ago before bike manufacturers started official imports of the big bikes.

1 hour ago, robblok said:

Not only Germany, the Netherlands has a similar fund  "waarborgfonds motorverkeer" its a good solution. 

UK has the MIB, BUT they keep it  very quiet so the insurance companies can  instill fear into you by saying "what if the other driver is  uninsured" you must buy "extra cover" for this, total BS just like "protected no claims"

I claimed using MIB after an uninsured woman drove into the back of  my brand new 9  miles out  of the dealers Astra GSI writing it  off way back in 1990,  the Police were involved also.

3 hours ago, DLang said:

The rental company should be forced to pay millions. 

In most cases you wont get that kind of money from anybody, other than a insurance company, even if it was awarded in court

As there is not a insurance company involved here it does not look good



2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

I wonder if its the Renting company on Soi 13/2 post office, they are the only one I've seen renting big bikes.

Renting a bike should have compulsory 1st class insurance, but you'll be lucky if you get the bog standard insurance which has minimal cover.

I have 1st class insurance definitely worth it for a few thousand baht

No insurance involved in this incident


This happens all too frequently here. Sadly, the insurance cover for most vehicles does not even cover the cost of medical bills for serious accidents. This government third party lark is outrageous & it's imperative that you have private insurance here. You can get first class for a car, but insuring a motorcycle is different & you can only get third party cover. The third party cover for motorcycles in most cases is a max of 50,000 Thai baht each for rider & passenger for medical treatment, if no third party is involved. For a serious accident involving your motorcycle resulting in death the max is 500,000 Thai baht or 10,000,000 Thai Baht cover per occurrence & 1,000,000 Thai baht for any property damage. There is a bail bond too, which is 300,000 Thai baht to keep you out of jail. In the event of an accident you must contact your insurance immediately, who you should have a direct link 24/7 with in the case of an emergency. This will certainly keep you out of jail, unless of course you've committed a criminal act. Just hand over all negotiations to them when they arrive & do not admit or say anything to the police without a lawyer present. Your insurance firm should provide you with a lawyer if you request it. Good insurance whilst driving here is a must, relax & let the insurance company do the talking as there are no misunderstandings from the outset ............ you'll be glad you have good insurance if ever a problem arises, as money is number one here & you are a foreigner. If you don't have it you're gonna get hung out to dry trying to resolve matters even if the accident is not your fault  ..... fact! Don't risk it folks ok?  



6 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

The negligent driver is dead, he didn't donate any money and he currently isn't spending any money, he died in the accident he caused.

Should be the negligent drivers family have to pay extremely big money to the victims family to take the scums body home.


The Tourist Assistance Foundation are helping out with claims, said Komchadluek who commented on their story that it was a deplorable situation that tourists could rent bikes without the proper insurance cover.


What is truly deplorable is that Thais are permitted to rent out uninsured bikes to ANYONE, not just tourists. The junta needs to implement one of its infamous "crack-downs" on these rogue rental outfits?

6 hours ago, madmitch said:

Absolutely dreadful to use this pathetic situation as a photo opportunity!

And they made up a placard to boast???....I would have quietly slipped the cheque under the door and run away.  I know they are not the responsible party and its only a donation but to boast about it???  Surprised there are not 50 BIB in the pic pointing!!


What a sad and short life that was for Netnapha Prawatdee.  In the headlines twice, but the 2nd time will be her last. Rest in peace young lady.


Also RIP to the Korean guy; another apparently innocent victim of dangerous driving.



6 hours ago, Takeprofit said:

On the picture is the father of the driver.

Then he should be made liable for the actions of his stupid son, whom he did not bring up properly.

5 hours ago, stevenl said:

This means the victims relatives will have to go to the courts and sue the rental company plus the driver.


Rental company won't yield much though, since the required PoRoBor would only have yielded 30,000 Baht, so the only one they can collect from will be the driver. And with him dead it would be his estate, good luck collecting there.

Compensation can also be in property.... any goods etc owned by the deceased, can be held by the police, and awarded locally by the courts.


unfortunately, at the ripe old age of 22, his local possessions are probably worth nix.... but that’s about the families best hope, as I agree.... suing the Russians, in a Russian court, just ain’t going to happen

1 minute ago, wgdanson said:

Then he should be made liable for the actions of his stupid son, whom he did not bring up properly.

Lol.... the sins of the father.... northumbria is well known for its generational blood feuds... were are you from? 

2 hours ago, Pukehina1 said:

He died at the scene of the accident where he ran over the Korean man who stepped off the kerb in front of him as he was travelling to fast to stop ..... 

He swallowed a spider to catch a fly.... I don’t know why he swallowed a fly

6 hours ago, Takeprofit said:

On the picture is driver's father.

I doubt it... but if true, he would be there to pick up his 5000 baht check as well.

4 hours ago, DLang said:

The rental company should be forced to pay millions. 

I would assume they already have over the years to be allowed to stay in business

3 hours ago, rebo said:

Since about 20 years Germany has a fund all insurances pay in. In a case like this victims of an uninsured vehicle are fully compensated out of this fund. Then the fund tries to get back the money from the real culprit by civil case.


Why wouldn't this work in Thailand? @robblok


Because insurances companies would have to pay an exorbitant amount of money into such a fund. With the lengths of  civil litigation and the virtual lack of enforceable mechanisms for civil judgements against natural persons,  this fund would never recover any money soever. The already high number of uninsured drives would probably even further increase and  possibly bankrupting the fund or its benefactors.



1 minute ago, Morakot said:


Why wouldn't this work in Thailand? @robblok


Because insurances companies would have to pay an exorbitant amount of money into such a fund. With the lengths of  civil litigation and the virtual lack of enforceable mechanisms for civil judgements against natural persons,  this fund would never recover any money soever. The already high number of uninsured drives would probably even further increase and  possibly bankrupting the fund or its benefactors.



You already answered your own question, i never said this would work in Thailand. Problem is that the people who drive uninsured are hard to fine enough... takes too long and in that time they would have moved their money already. 


No amount of money can bring them back from the dead, but we should try & learn from this,

The motorbike rental co did not have the required insurances in place therefore failed to 

abide by the law,,,, I wonder if they checked that the guy had a current licence to drive a ????

Make sure his business is finished

In NZ now the rentor has to have a copy of the licence on file.


8 minutes ago, robblok said:

takes too long and in that time they would have moved their money already. 


That's exactly what I trying to point to. I couldn't imagine that people could just move their money around in the Netherlands or in Germany. The enforcement mechanism of civil courts would pounce on them.

8 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes its unacceptable, but not being insured is not a police matter they can fine the guy, but the families need to go in civil court to claim damages. Its not much different in other parts of the world. At least not in my country, its not like the police is going to start a civil case for the victims. The police can only fine them for not having insurance (as has been done) and then its up to the families to do the rest. 


It sucks but its normal procedure, however i expect the guy to move all his possessions to someone else. It seems that all the crooks do that here once they get in trouble. 

If not changed recently, in my home country the previous insurance company should still cover third party – i.e. not the Russian driver – and the insurance company could then claim compensation from the owner of the vehicle (or perhaps driver), that has not keep the vehicle insured as stated by Law. The police would (at least) fine the owner of the vehicle.

If the Russian tourist had a travel insurance, it might include a third party liability.


If any of the victims had a PA insurance, that would probably cover, or cover some (riding a motorbike may be reduced coverage). The Korean tourist maybe also had that included in a travel insurance, or home country family-insurance.


Agree in that "it sucks" – I hope the families will get some better compensation.



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