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Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘s---hole’ countries

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24 minutes ago, riclag said:

I'm sure we supporters would agree that the Democrats and liberals are making America a s***hole.

So THAT’S the problem. Its not that the pussygrabber in chief is a rude, vulgar, hate filled bigot. Its that liberals SAY he is.

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20 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

So THAT’S the problem. Its not that the pussygrabber in chief is a rude, vulgar, hate filled bigot. Its that liberals SAY he is.

your baiting ,nice try

20 minutes ago, riclag said:
39 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

So THAT’S the problem. Its not that the pussygrabber in chief is a rude, vulgar, hate filled bigot. Its that liberals SAY he is.

your baiting ,nice try


He said what he said. It is confirmed that he said it. The same people defending him for having the balls to say it are also ok with him not having the balls to own it. 


They don’t have a problem with the despicable statement, but with the fact that “liberals” are making such a brouhaha about this utterance that is a window into his ugly, racist heart.  

1 hour ago, altcar bob said:

Not just Trump or USA   UK too, that vote for Brexit was one hundred and one percent based on race,immigration, that is...internal policies too in UK  Universal Credit aimed at one particular strain, race, tribe whatever you want to call them,another Pension Credits another blow to whoever cries racism at a moments notice.  Good ain't it

""I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it," he said. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

'How LBJ Foresaw the Election of Donald Trump




On 1/11/2018 at 11:56 PM, simple1 said:

You do know the Trump Admin dismissed a report from one of his own Departments which identified current migrant policy adds net economic value to the US.


Thailand imports millions of low paid workers from surrounding Third World countries. Who will replace the working poor in the US should Trump be successful with deporting the millions of foreign low paid workers currently in the US?

Legal migrants. This is the core  issue.

Too many US businesses and individuals  use illegal labour.  These workers are exploited: Paid below legal wages, denied  access to state required workers compensation coverage and denied legal protections. The result is the businesses and individuals transfer the costs of their  illegal labour to the taxpayers who pay for the illegal workers' childrens' education and health care. These people are medically uninsured and in a catastrophe are picked up by  the  local state health  hospitals with care paid for by the  state taxpayers.

The end result is that legitimate workers see their pay undercut and their ability to obtain fair working terms and conditions undercut.


Foreign workers can be used, but they need to follow the rules. The USA needs those foreign workers and does bring them in. The legal channel is needed to ensure that the foreign workers are not exploited, that US  residents can access a fair labour market and that the local and federal governments can collect the taxes due the people.


Advocates of  illegal labour do not have a reasonable or practical  method with which to balance the  implicated parties needs. Let's stop exploiting foreign  workers and denying  locals access to a living  wage.


2 hours ago, altcar bob said:

Trump will win, again and again, bound to, even the Mexicans will be voting for Trump, at least they want somewhere clean  to shit

I thought there was a two term limit on being President.   

3 hours ago, riclag said:

OMBuda! Some are conveniently forgetting what other pass Presidents have said that was rather  controversial ,especially the one who was interviewed by a special investigator in  front of the America on National TV, in front of millions of people. 


No one is forgetting Pres Clinton was a dirtbag, that Nixon was a cheat and the Kennedy screwed around.


Do you think that makes what Trump does ok?


Charles Manson killed more than Sirhan Sirhan.  Should we just ignore the murder of Bobby Kennedy then?


I can see your new Rethuglican Party  slogan.


Trump  not as bad as Hitler

15 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It wasn't a flame. I heard the trip was off, so I assumed the Brits withdrew their invitation. I could have been wrong. 


Many times, Trump and his staffers have tweaked news to feather their own nest.  For examples;  More than a few times, when a Trump staffer has resigned in anger, Trumpsters will immediately announce that person had been fired.


Trump eagerly wanted to go to the UK.  He had asked for a fully regal procession.  Ms May has recently been publicly pissed off at him.  Probably the Queen also.  They and any intelligent Brits were starting to see that a royal Trump cavalcade through London would likely draw loud angry crowds against him, and thereby tainting his hosts.


It's quite likely the Brits withdrew their invitation.  If that bothers you, well, so be it. Sorry to say 2018 will be a bothersome year for Trumpsters, because there's no place for Trump and his fans to go but down down down, ....in a flames and a shitstorm.

Theresa May and Sadiq Khan welcome back returning ISIS fighters with open arms to walk the streets. But Trump is not welcome. What does that tell you? Strange ass backward set of priorities.


Don't conflate two potential trump trips. The one just cancelled was never intended to be a formal state visit that also included visiting the Queen. It was only supposed to be a short in and out to open the SPECTACULAR new U.S. embassy in London. trump cancelled. There is no way May said he couldn't go. He decided not to for his own reasons which are totally obvious -- he would have been met with massive and embarrassing protests. 

As far as a potential future formal state visit, I wouldn't bet the house that will ever happen either but I wouldn't bet the house trump makes it through his first term either. TBD, dudes. 

11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Some historical perspective about trump's (and his deplorable supporters) RACIST attitudes towards immigrants that are different than them. There indeed is nothing new in this sort of immigration RACISM in the USA. Decent Americans thought we were done with that sort of thing, but apparently trump and his supporters think racist based immigration policies are what they mean by making America "great" again. Yes, trump won, racism won, but that doesn't mean decent Americans can't FIGHT back. 





I'm not sure how this topic got conflated with immigrants. If I'm not mistaken it is about specific groups of people given temporary asylum to escape specific risks in the countries that they fled. There were time constraints attached to each group. At the end of each of these terms evaluations were made to determine if the initial risks to these people still persisted and their time of asylum would be extended or terminated as the case may be. What has that got to do with immigration?

9 hours ago, riclag said:

He's changing the  last 40 years, that harmed America! He is a threat to their liberalism. Why have't people heard about his style before?Is it because they never took him serious?He had over 65 million votes.Most people know his style of character!He is not PC.

As far as the brown skin rubbish,it's totally untrue.He and most of the people that support him don't want illegals, gang members,non skilled,non educated family members and people that can't be vetted.America has to many American's sucking off the system.To many agencies catering to them and costing tax payer money.If you can contribute and prove it your welcome

Why is it so hard to understand that!60 to 80 years ago it was no problem.He wants you to assimilate.The haters of PTrump spread lies to delegitimize his agenda.


There is a big difference between immigration as it exists today and as it did at the turn of the last century. When my great grandparents left their respective European countries they knew with certainty that they would never see their homeland or relatives ever again. This forced them to become fully invested in their new country. They were "all in". If they didn't become fully "Americanized" certainly their children did with the strong support of their parents.


Now, about $135 Billion in remittances leaves the US each year as immigrants can maintain a "foot in both worlds". Easy air travel; instant, free, global communications has greatly altered what it means to be an immigrant in the 21st Century.

8 hours ago, Thakkar said:

I wonder if Trumpsters have thought this through. Do we really want all these Second Amendment-hating, universal healthcare-loving, high taxrate-espousing, equality of women-promoting Norwegians flooding the country with their clamor for lefty share-all laws?



Funny story. I've worked with a lot of Norwegian immigrants in the maritime profession.  First Master I ever sailed with was Norwegian and used to recount stories of his youth in Norway, back when it was the poorest country in Europe rather than the richest. Anyway, aside from the thousand Sven and Ole jokes he'd tell he liked to talk about the German occupation of Norway. He said when the Nazis took over the administration of services, they controlled everything, right down to the food they would eat. He said that everyday it was the same thing "herring and boiled potatoes, herring and boliled potatoes". "Those stooppid fookin' Nazis" he'd say. "We never had it so good ! "  :laugh:

3 hours ago, greatwhitenorth said:


No one is forgetting Pres Clinton was a dirtbag, that Nixon was a cheat and the Kennedy screwed around.


Do you think that makes what Trump does ok?


Charles Manson killed more than Sirhan Sirhan.  Should we just ignore the murder of Bobby Kennedy then?


I can see your new Rethuglican Party  slogan.


Trump  not as bad as Hitler

Thank god we have Khun Prayut.

17 hours ago, simple1 said:

Below is what you originally claimed, which is false as proven by the Agency statistics.


"Australia has a law and order problem. Black africans and middle eastern races are largely the problem"


Your claim as to knowing Trump's motivation for his "shithole" description of African nations is based on which quotes from Trump?


I've given you the figures you denied, so now you skew the 'argument' looking for another angle.


Trump doesn't want people from $hithole countries for a host of reasons.  


You want to involve me in  a verbal brawl, after which you'll report me.   I'm well aware of your tactics and I'm not playing the game.  There are a handful of you who like playing the same game.

6 hours ago, katana said:

Theresa May and Sadiq Khan welcome back returning ISIS fighters with open arms to walk the streets. But Trump is not welcome. What does that tell you? Strange ass backward set of priorities.

You should be ashamed of yourself coming out with that BS. You are talking of your major ally , you know the one that fought side by side with the USA in a war despite it being illegal, the one who's sons and daughters died alongside your own. But hey, America first, we get it.


Trump is the one causing the issue, he behaves like a complete SOB (Presidentially used term) and a shithole (another Presidentially used term) to his allies and expects them to flag wave and cheer when he comes. Brits are not those kind of people and that is why you should value the strength of the friendship we have had with the US- we don't give that kind of commitment away lightly. Trump certainly does not value it. 


The embassy in London did not cost the US taxpayer a single cent and it is set on 450 acres of the UK's prime real estate. It is the most secure, high tech Embassy the USA has EVER built and Trump uses a kindergarten excuse to snub the effort of all the Americans and Brits that have contributed to this amazing facility. Shame on him and shame and you and those that liked your post for being sheeple. 

4 hours ago, steven100 said:

Thank god we have Khun Prayut.

Posts mention Mason, Hitler, Shiran etc and you subconsciously think of the junta leader. Interesting! Well, enjoy him while you can Steven buddy. Hey, maybe you two can share a flat in Port-au-Prince when the Shins are back in power?


The problems Trump is creating now, will last many years past the time he's in the WH.

Example:  the 'shithole' comment will sour US relations with many countries in Africa and the Caribbean and beyond.  


It's akin to the screwed up OJ trial.  Even decades after that sham verdict:  If an American talking to a foreigner says something like, "well, at least the US has a fair judicial system..." ...the foreigner can say, "Oh really? what about the OJ trial?!"


For decades into the future, when an American happens to be discussing race relations with a foreigner, and deigns to say America has become fully integrated, the foreigner can say, "Oh really?  What about you (assuming all Americans, because a US president said it) ....saying all brown-skinned people came from shitholes?!"


I'm not saying it's logical, sensible or true.  Instead, I'm saying that's the perception that Trump is spreading ww.  He did it on another issue by pulling the US out of the Paris Accords (the perception ww is the US doesn't care about environmental issues), and Trump is doing it again with his 'shithole' mouth fart.


For those who care about economics and US jobs, .....Trump's mouth farts will adversely affect those also.  Foreign companies looking to go with alternative power solutions will likely shun the US, because Trump ensured the US has an anti-environmental bent.  Similarly, companies in Africa, the Caribbean (and anywhere else where there are a majority of brown-skinned people) will shun US business because of his recent idiotic comments.


"it's worth noting that former President Obama called the African country of Libya a “shit show” just two years ago. The comments were recorded in an interview with The Atlantic. The wide-ranging interview was based on Obama's foreign policy"


So why the double standard?


President Obama said it in a public interview

President Trump said it in a private meeting.

5 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


I've given you the figures you denied, so now you skew the 'argument' looking for another angle.

Haven't denied any figures, so stop lying. I deleted your calculations in my response as they are a deflection, from your orfiginal claim which I challenged and subsequently proved to be a falsehood  using government statistics. 


"Australia has a law and order problem. Black africans and middle eastern races are largely the problem"


In context with the OP, similar to the white supremacist hero Trump, keep repeating a lie / misleading info, never take ownership for falsehoods.

5 minutes ago, Patong2 said:

"it's worth noting that former President Obama called the African country of Libya a “shit show” just two years ago. The comments were recorded in an interview with The Atlantic. The wide-ranging interview was based on Obama's foreign policy"


So why the double standard?


President Obama said it in a public interview

President Trump said it in a private meeting.


Trump has denied making the remark. Are you saying Trump is a liar?

"it's worth noting that former President Obama called the African country of Libya a “shit show” just two years ago. The comments were recorded in an interview with The Atlantic. The wide-ranging interview was based on Obama's foreign policy"
So why the double standard?
President Obama said it in a public interview
President Trump said it in a private meeting.
The double standard of the left is legend. They say it's directed at Trump because he's 'harming' the US's image internationally, but if he died today, nothing would change. They'd just change the name of their target to Pence.

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10 hours ago, greatwhitenorth said:


No one is forgetting Pres Clinton was a dirtbag, that Nixon was a cheat and the Kennedy screwed around.


Do you think that makes what Trump does ok?

Not especially but they do make Trump's words, and that's all they were, said in private, pale into insignificance.

9 hours ago, katana said:

Theresa May and Sadiq Khan welcome back returning ISIS fighters with open arms to walk the streets. But Trump is not welcome. What does that tell you? Strange ass backward set of priorities.

Who said Trump is not welcome?  He cancelled his visit, no one cancelled him.

1 hour ago, Mrjlh said:


So why do people flood to the US if they belong to "certain Nations that are not shitholes"? So is Slovania a shithole because Melania came, Is Germany a shithole because Trumps Father came? Is Scotland a shithole because Trumps Mother came? Is America a shithole because so many Americans came to Thailand? or are the other places shitholes to Trump because they are full of Blacks. I assume the pretty little Fox Anchor who was saying the same thing above from the studio in New York considers South Dakota a shithole, that is why she moved to New York. It seems if movement is the requirement then the whole planet is a shithole. Whatever, The Captain of a ship can let the men on the 'lower decks' cuss, whore and fight but he would NEVER engage in such activity himself. He sets the law and leads by example. The US has global policies and Global reach, it should be doing the same and if the US does not want to act responsibly anymore then it should return ALL troops to mainland USA and leave all foreign military installations. Make America Great again, and just keep America to its self.

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