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we have created a generation of zombies

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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

and modern weapons have killed millions and millions.

Too much sugar in processed food is rotting children's teeth and killing people with diabetes.

Not to mention the dumping of all kinds of toxic stuff in the waters and in the atmosphere, whose main devastating effects are in large parts yet to be felt.


Nowadays, a sunny day over a big city such as Beijing or Paris means wearing a mask!

So only rainy days are safe...great!

Feels like in Blade Runner where the sun never shines...


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15 hours ago, Brunolem said:

This all may seem preposterous, but is actually very normal for people up to their late seventies, much less so for people in their eighties or nineties.


My point was to say that there is, in a vast majority of cases, a sharp decline once people reach their eighties, even though that doesn't mean they become vegetables, just that they have to slow down considerably.

I have to disagree, it's all about the brain .  If the brain are functioning normal it doesn't matter if you're 70 or 90 . My dad was a living proof of that .  When you get older your body functions will slow down , but if the memory is intact you still want to walk around, take part in discussions , and do some hobbies like fishing , travelling.  . 

Yes the body need to rest a  lot  at that age


My dad wanted to visit Germany when he was 90 , because he studied there after the war, we took him there in the car (from Norway, driving through Europe)  , to Berlin and many other places . It was a long car trip but he did not complain . Every day he enjoyed as it was his last day . At 90 he could walk 5 km without getting tired. 






8 hours ago, balo said:

I have to disagree, it's all about the brain . 

We are moving away from the real issue which was medical progress.

Before going back to that, let me say that I personally like having both a functioning brain and body, and that I see no interest in living decades only with my brain.


If you use an elastic to describe a life, from birth to death, science is actually pulling at one end of the elastic, instead of pulling at both ends.

In other words, it is stretching old age.

People do not live old longer because they were young longer, they live longer because of medical interventions generally late in life.

Just a couple of examples...

Dick Cheney is still there thanks to a heart transplant a 72 or 73, instead of rotting in hell like nature would have it.

Closer to me, one of my uncles is still there at 97, because he got a triple bypass at 85, once again defying nature.


Now, real progress would extend each stage of aging, and not only prolong old age.

Real progress would mean that, at 40, our muscles would still have the required power to let us beat the 100 meter world record...or that, at 50, we could still be in a professional football team...because if we had to live on average until 100, we certainly would like to live a large part of that span feeling young rather than old.


Yet, nothing like that is in the works, of course, because the healthcare industry likes its elderlies who require so much of its services, while the young are of no interest to it...

19 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Was Jesus really born by a questionable woman called Maria? Evolution doesn't exist...

Your question doesn't make any sense. If talking about Mary the prostitute it wasn't her that birthed the Christ, and the one that did was a virgin so hardly questionable.


Anyway, nothing to do with evolution.

5 hours ago, Brunolem said:

We are moving away from the real issue which was medical progress.

Before going back to that, let me say that I personally like having both a functioning brain and body, and that I see no interest in living decades only with my brain.


If you use an elastic to describe a life, from birth to death, science is actually pulling at one end of the elastic, instead of pulling at both ends.

In other words, it is stretching old age.

People do not live old longer because they were young longer, they live longer because of medical interventions generally late in life.

Just a couple of examples...

Dick Cheney is still there thanks to a heart transplant a 72 or 73, instead of rotting in hell like nature would have it.

Closer to me, one of my uncles is still there at 97, because he got a triple bypass at 85, once again defying nature.


Now, real progress would extend each stage of aging, and not only prolong old age.

Real progress would mean that, at 40, our muscles would still have the required power to let us beat the 100 meter world record...or that, at 50, we could still be in a professional football team...because if we had to live on average until 100, we certainly would like to live a large part of that span feeling young rather than old.


Yet, nothing like that is in the works, of course, because the healthcare industry likes its elderlies who require so much of its services, while the young are of no interest to it...

As with everything, follow the money. The money explains everything.

Keeping old people alive past their use by date generates gazillions of bucks for the 1%. Young people make big pharma and big surgery zilch.

Making young people live better, or make old people live longer- easy answer to those that want to get even richer.

Also, a lot of the research that is going on to prolong life costs a heck of a lot of money. Who is going to benefit from that research? Hint, it's not a slum dweller in Delhi.


If it is discovered that living on Mars prolongs life ( lower gravity ) expect the push to inhabit Mars to suddenly become a 'priority".


Dick Cheney is still there thanks to a heart transplant a 72 or 73, instead of rotting in hell like nature would have it.

I don't know if hell exists, but if it does I hope there is a special circle for Cheney, his master and all their clique.

1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Your question doesn't make any sense. If talking about Mary the prostitute it wasn't her that birthed the Christ, and the one that did was a virgin so hardly questionable.


Anyway, nothing to do with evolution.

It was more a rhetorical question, You can ask a Mormon and get a completely different view of Christianity than when asking a Jehova's Witness about his/her faith.


I believe in evolution, that's not so irritating. 








On 1/24/2018 at 10:06 AM, gunderhill said:

Ermmmm.....she  is  gardening almost daily  in the  spring/summer autumn , goes  to the local church every Sunday

How much hiking, cycling and running does she do? and how many times does she have sex a week?

Because that's what counts for me.


Yeah, I understand most people act like they're 80 all their lives and just sit and talk and watch tv ...... but that's not for me.


50 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

It was more a rhetorical question, You can ask a Mormon and get a completely different view of Christianity than when asking a Jehova's Witness about his/her faith



Why even bother to consult with such people for scientific issues?

If I want to discuss religion, then a Jehovah Witness is welcome, but if I want to discuss evolution, or space exploration, I'd rather do it with a scientist...

2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


Also, a lot of the research that is going on to prolong life costs a heck of a lot of money. Who is going to benefit from that research? Hint, it's not a slum dweller in Delhi.



The irony (stupidity) is that the wealthy countries (the West + Japan) that prolong the lives of their citizens are those who need it the least!


Because these countries' populations have long ceased to reproduce enough just to replace the existing populations.


Thus, they find themselves with a number of elderlies increasing exponentially and a number of young falling dramatically...a reversed pyramid of population!


And this is not going to stop anytime soon...

3 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

How much hiking, cycling and running does she do? and how many times does she have sex a week?

Because that's what counts for me.


Yeah, I understand most people act like they're 80 all their lives and just sit and talk and watch tv ...... but that's not for me.


When your'e  90 let me know and report  back:w00t:

13 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

How much hiking, cycling and running does she do? and how many times does she have sex a week?

Because that's what counts for me.


Yeah, I understand most people act like they're 80 all their lives and just sit and talk and watch tv ...... but that's not for me.


And when she says 'I have sex twice a week and you realise you only have it once a month, does it not raise a hint of suspicion?:saai:

17 hours ago, Brunolem said:

The irony (stupidity) is that the wealthy countries (the West + Japan) that prolong the lives of their citizens are those who need it the least!


Because these countries' populations have long ceased to reproduce enough just to replace the existing populations.


Thus, they find themselves with a number of elderlies increasing exponentially and a number of young falling dramatically...a reversed pyramid of population!


And this is not going to stop anytime soon...

That, however, is not anything to be concerned about if one thinks "outside the box".

With an unlimited number of people from poor countries wanting to move to rich ones, simple numbers is not an issue, as long as those that immigrate are suitable.

While the sheer number of oldies is going to overwhelm public resources, that can be dealt with quite easily in the brave new world of AI/robotics or simply by cloning a super intelligent ape to be a slave for oldies.

However, I would prefer that we can agree that useless mouths can be allowed to opt for the voluntary euthanasia option. I'd be happy to take that way out instead of a nursing home hell.

17 hours ago, Brunolem said:

The irony (stupidity) is that the wealthy countries (the West + Japan) that prolong the lives of their citizens are those who need it the least!


Because these countries' populations have long ceased to reproduce enough just to replace the existing populations.


Thus, they find themselves with a number of elderlies increasing exponentially and a number of young falling dramatically...a reversed pyramid of population!


And this is not going to stop anytime soon...

What few of those in authority are bothering to discuss is that the coming AI/ robotics revolution ( already happening ) is going to strip most people of the opportunity to work, unless it is as aides to the elderly.

Future wealth is going to be created by unpaid mechanicals, and the coming, monumental debate is going to be who gets to have most of that wealth.

Hint- the tentative moves towards a "living" benefit for all is probably the 1% trying to pre empt the discussion, so most of the population gets to exist on a pittance while the 1% continue to acquire the vast majority of wealth.

I don't know what they are discussing in Davos, but I'll wager it's not about sharing the wealth.

44 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


I don't know what they are discussing in Davos, but I'll wager it's not about sharing the wealth.

Actually Macron did just that!

But he had to show his 99% socialist electorate that he had their back!

Meanwhile, he didn't offer to make an example, like letting go his palaces and move to more functional and cheaper arrangements, or starting a charitable foundation with the fortune he made as bankster...

58 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


With an unlimited number of people from poor countries wanting to move to rich ones, simple numbers is not an issue, as long as those that immigrate are suitable.


Suitable immigrants have already emigrated...they don't wait for a war to do that.


What is left are barely literate refugees, sticking more to the sacred texts than to the law, who are totally unable and unwilling to integrate.


France welcomed millions of North Africans in the 60s...everything was fine...then in the 70s, Giscard, another genius, opened the doors to the families of these migrants...and it has been a disaster!


Millions of children of these immigrants have been born in France since then, and are French citizen, yet have never integrated and live in another universe...many joined uncle Osama, then more recently ISIS.


More of these and you end up like Brussels, Malmo or Cologne...with a quasi civil war on your hands.


The Japanese know that and they will die between themselves...national hara kiri is better than being conquered...

2 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Suitable immigrants have already emigrated...they don't wait for a war to do that.


What is left are barely literate refugees, sticking more to the sacred texts than to the law, who are totally unable and unwilling to integrate.


France welcomed millions of North Africans in the 60s...everything was fine...then in the 70s, Giscard, another genius, opened the doors to the families of these migrants...and it has been a disaster!


Millions of children of these immigrants have been born in France since then, and are French citizen, yet have never integrated and live in another universe...many joined uncle Osama, then more recently ISIS.


More of these and you end up like Brussels, Malmo or Cologne...with a quasi civil war on your hands.


The Japanese know that and they will die between themselves...national hara kiri is better than being conquered...

I understand where you are coming from, but in that event, the answer lies in AI/ robotics to take care of the elderly that do want to live in rest homes.

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