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Dual pricing: What happened when a Thai was charged the ‘farang price’


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"Yesterday, the Ministry of Commerce responded that it would investigate the matter. If the vendor is found guilty..." 


Idiots. There is NOTHING to investigate. Not when you idiots practice dual-pricing OFFICIALLY and openly at places like national parks and temples, complete with a properly printed price list and tickets to boot. Just admit you guys are fleecing and scamming tourists. No amount of face-saving exercises is going to save any faces here. She's just following a (bad) example set by you gits.




Edited by outsider
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You gotta "suck this up". Nothing will change here in the mindset of the locals ....... because they think you can afford it, so it's ok to overcharge you!! Forget about the well used phrase "Welcome to Thailand" ...... don't get lulled into thinking you are a guest here & will be treated as such. Once your money runs out you are unwanted ........... fact. I've never been to a country where it's so money oriented to the extreme ........ everything revolves around "cash scams" here. Sadly, I guess the motto here really is "money number one" even though everyone jokes about it. They do say "Never is a truer word said in jest" right?

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Thais, in general find it hard to believe there are ignorant people like this in Thailand. She is just ignorant since she isn't the only one that deals with high rent.

Years back even their late HM, spoke at his annual Birthday that this practice gives a black eye to Thais, their current PM although appointed have spoken in public regarding this ignorant practice but it still goes on.

Sadly, this goes on far far beyond just a plate of rice,  my wife, son and his wife see what I've been talking about for years to  since they are having a baby.  As soon as they realized his last name and see his father is a farang the price jumps even at government hospitals. Sad, many times I sit back trying to be unnoticed. 

This is the government fault, their business community follow this same ignorant thinking thus the excessive charge for their ATM for foreign cards.  It is a way of life for many!

Edited by thailand49
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6 hours ago, thailand49 said:

Thais, in general find it hard to believe there are ignorant people like this in Thailand. She is just ignorant since she isn't the only one that deals with high rent.

Years back even their late HM, spoke at his annual Birthday that this practice gives a black eye to Thais, their current PM although appointed have spoken in public regarding this ignorant practice but it still goes on.

Sadly, this goes on far far beyond just a plate of rice,  my wife, son and his wife see what I've been talking about for years to them since they are having a baby.  As soon as they realized his last name and see his father is a farang the price jumps even at government hospitals. Sad, many times I sit back trying to be unnoticed. 

This is the government fault, their business community follow this same ignorant thinking thus the excessive charge for their ATM for foreign cards.  It is a way of life for many!

I've been here 15yrs witnessing all this behaviour knowing full well it will never change. I've also tried on occasions to politely discuss & reason with the perpetrators of this common trend here in Thailand. All that resulted in, was anger, indignant that they were wrong,  "you make problem you go home" rants etc ..... that basically told me to <deleted> off & if I did'nt like it <deleted> off again! The dark side of Thailand is always in the background & very little needs to be said before it raises it's ugly head ..... sad. I have very few Thai friends here since arriving in 2003 ;-( ............. I wonder why this is? 

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7 hours ago, SABloke said:

"If the vendor is found guilty of overcharging customers,..."


She already admitted to overchargibg customers so the investigation shouldn't take too long:saai:

They must set up at least a couple of Committees first,expect results

in a few years.

regards worgeordie

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I suspect dual pricing isn't only practiced by Thai food vendors/restaurants.

A few years ago my Thai wife and I were house guests of an Italian expat and Thai wife living in Kamala, Phuket. As a 'thank you' for the friends' hospitality I offered to take them for an evening meal, at my expense. They chose an Italian restaurant, which seemed quite close to Patong,  as we travelled some way on the coast road. We had an enjoyable meal and I asked for the bill, which appeared to be in order. My Italian friend took the bill off me and checked it himself. Next thing he's berating the Italian proprietor, who responded by offering me a 25% discount, which I accepted.

It transpired that I'd been given a 'tourist price' bill as it was my first visit to the restaurant, and  unknown to the proprietor!

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13 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Me too

I' happy I don't live in a Tourist area. My wife buys food and we eat at home. So I don't run across that. I would imagine It happens here. I only notice it a the Parks.


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That's not dual pricing. That's cheating tourists. What I hate is going to the local market and buying vegetables that should indicate that I live in thailand(I.e. Broccoli, onions, etc..) and getting cheated 10 or 20 baht when they would make much more on making me a regular customer. But I think it gives many Thais a certain kind of sick happiness to cheat a farang.

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13 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Shame shame shame, I never pay more than 30 baht as a farang to eat the same stuff from a street food vendor, my wife makes sure of that before she orders, good to have a wife with balls when it comes to the old mighty baht and dual pricing...lol

a wife with balls..........hmm..........must give it a try 

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So this thread has proven quite clearly that dual-pricing is not racist, but about ethnicity.  A Chinese-looking person can get fleeced as readily as a white dude.  So the next idiot who brings up racism should be btch-slapped....in a manner of speaking.

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Quote: If the vendor is found guilty of overcharging customers, she could face up to seven years in prison and/or up to a fine of THB 100,000. 

Well - this will NEVER happen of course. So, nonsense to even mention it.


13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

What happened when a Thai was charged the ‘farang price’

Wrong question: What would happen when a Farang was charged the ‘Thai price’?
The tourism industry would feel an immediate and sustainable boost - and it would put an end on the discussion that Thais are racists. 

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13 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Me too

I am glad I left Thailand what a country to live in (quote)

You answered me too but you still haunt a forum where everyone only talks about your bad memories, maybe you are a masochist? :ermm:

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14 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

I am glad I left Thailand what a country to live in

It ain´t that bad! Now your are a little bit unfair. Look at the brigh sides.

1. We don´t have to deal with democracy and all meetings and work to get something done. We have Section 44!

2. Even if the government will succeed in thier plans to make more children, the chace of overpopulation if controlled by beeing No:1 in road toll of dead people.

3. We get much healthier in Thailand by leetting the government control our drinking habits. No buy alcohol between 14.00-17.00 every day. That really cleans the body.


As you see, I can go on forever. I do think that you already can see all the atvantage we have out of staying in Thailand.

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We travel to Thailand every year for our holidays.  We always tip our waiters, tour guides, etc but I will not be doing so in future after learning of the Thai - Farang dual pricing system.  We have to save all year for our trips and are certainly not well-to-do.  Perhaps it is time to head somewhere else.

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