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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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3 minutes ago, RickBradford said:


Many thanks for your prompt confirmation of my point about Trump Derangement Syndrome.

You're so clever. Original too! :stoner:

Why if I had a dollah for every trump supporter that brought up the trump derangement syndrome as if it was a fresh thought ... 

Edited by Jingthing
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4 minutes ago, RickBradford said:


Many thanks for your prompt confirmation of my point about Trump Derangement Syndrome.


You’re welcome, but you should real see a professional and get a proper diagnosis and possible help.

Edited by Thakkar
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4 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


You’re welcome, but you should real see a professional and get a proper diagnosis and possible help.

I do find it odd when obvious trump supporters aggressively insist they aren't. I've even encountered this in real life. trump has no shame but apparently some of his supporters are in the closet. I suppose it might be a good sign that someday it will be almost impossible to find a trump supporter that openly admits it. De-trumpification can't come soon enough!

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4 minutes ago, PattayaAngel said:

Frankly we dont really care what you think. I have encountered 'in real life'  gay, jewish liberals like you and what? 

We? You speak for a we? That's hilarious.


This is a forum. Whether you care what I think or not is not a concern. Your mention of off topic personal identity stuff is totally obnoxious, but that's why you did it, right?


It does get silly to read so many obviously blatant pro-trump, anti-trump opponent posts framed by specious claims of non support for trump. Why do they bother? What person would actually believe it? 


Edited by Jingthing
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It is really nice of the reality TV POTUS to put in some actual hours (um...2 hours) as president.


POTUS schedule today (Jan 29th)

11 a.m.: POTUS will receive his daily intelligence briefing in the Oval Office.

11:30 a.m.: POTUS will participate in the swearing-in ceremony for Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.

12:10 p.m.: POTUS will have lunch with U.N. Security Council diplomats at the White House.


At least it will be a working lunch. He will probably need a break after all that.


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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

And there you have it. The other shoe drops. No matter how bad Trump is in ACTUALLY being president, he can NEVER be as bad as a hypothetical president Hillary Clinton.  If Trump nukes the world, well at least he didn’t nuke the world AND another nearby planet like Hillary would’ve.

So you think it is better to have a clueless, inexperienced, erratic, seemingly unstable and unteachable narcissist with the ability to launch nuclear weapons, as opposed to an informed, experienced, stable politician.  I disagree.


Perhaps you are one of those in denial of the President's power to launch nuclear weapons.  It's been explained many times, if you are still in denial you are out of touch with reality.

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9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

So you think it is better to have a clueless, inexperienced, erratic, seemingly unstable and unteachable narcissist with the ability to launch nuclear weapons, as opposed to an informed, experienced, stable politician.  I disagree.


Perhaps you are one of those in denial of the President's power to launch nuclear weapons.  It's been explained many times, if you are still in denial you are out of touch with reality.


Entire high-grossing RomComs are made on the premise of someone reading something out of context. Maybe parts of this thread can be made into a film.

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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Entire high-grossing RomComs are made on the premise of someone reading something out of context. Maybe parts of this thread can be made into a film.

Did I not provide sufficient context for you?  What do you need clarified?

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42 minutes ago, heybruce said:

So you think it is better to have a clueless, inexperienced, erratic, seemingly unstable and unteachable narcissist with the ability to launch nuclear weapons, as opposed to an informed, experienced, stable politician.  I disagree.


Perhaps you are one of those in denial of the President's power to launch nuclear weapons.  It's been explained many times, if you are still in denial you are out of touch with reality.

It seems that the POTUS has all the experience he needs in his admin,right at his side. Generals . He loves his Generals!

* "Just what in tarnation do “the generals” — Chief of Staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster — think they’re doing?

The answer, I think, is: the Lord’s work. And I’m inclined to agree with them".

*NY Post

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9 hours ago, heybruce said:

As has been explained before, an impeachable offense is anything the House of Representatives agrees on.  Impeachment follows if two thirds of the Senate agree.

I wasn't talking about an impeachable offense I was talking about statutory law. 

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12 minutes ago, riclag said:

It seems that the POTUS has all the experience he needs in his admin,right at his side. Generals . He loves his Generals!

* "Just what in tarnation do “the generals” — Chief of Staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster — think they’re doing?

The answer, I think, is: the Lord’s work. And I’m inclined to agree with them".

*NY Post

What?  Are you now saying God wants Trump in office? 


If the generals and other adults had been able to contain Trump, the Iran nuclear deal would be secure, along with aid to Pakistan and our supply lines to Afghanistan.  Trump would get off twitter and would have a competent team coming up with sane options regarding North Korea.  If Trump would be a "yes man" to the generals, it would make the situation a democratic farce, but it would still be an improvement.

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9 hours ago, heybruce said:

You want a deflection poll?


You imagine Trump would look good compared to experienced, rational politicians.  I strongly disagree, most people would rather see anyone but Trump in the White House.  But there's no need for a deflection poll to see who's correct.

I don't see it as deflection. Just for fun. Stick it in the " In Your Face " thread, not news.  You're taking this thing waaay too seriously. When the media's done with this ratings driver they'll move on to something else. In the meantime the Democrats should try to come up with a candidate that can defeat Trump, Pence, Haley, etc. You would think that would be an easy task but apparently not.

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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

What?  Are you now saying God wants Trump in office? 


If the generals and other adults had been able to contain Trump, the Iran nuclear deal would be secure, along with aid to Pakistan and our supply lines to Afghanistan.  Trump would get off twitter and would have a competent team coming up with sane options regarding North Korea.  If Trump would be a "yes man" to the generals, it would make the situation a democratic farce, but it would still be an improvement.

Just as a little side note.....The Iranian Navy in the Persian Gulf has stopped harassing US Naval vessels with their fast gun boats.  

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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

As soon as Trump won the Republican nod, summer of '16, he immediately tripled the rents for suites at Trump Towers.  He knew a bunch of rooms would be rented out by campaign workers and secret service.  He never misses a chance to commercialize things.  I wouldn't be surprised if he bottles and sells run-off from his golden toilet as 'holy water.'  He gives 'Trickle Down' a whole new dimension.  


A soon as Hilary Clinton became Sec of State donations to the Clinton Global Initiative ballooned. As soon as she was defeated in the presidential election they closed their doors.  It's a crime, all of the things that are apparently legal, for some.

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