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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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10 hours ago, heybruce said:

You began your previous reply with:


"I know this Republican/Democrat stuff is like a religion for you guys where you cast one as Savior and the other as Satan..".


Now you describe my reasoned reply, with no personal observations, as patronizing pap.  Did I strike a nerve?


I guess you could say that. Usually when people serve up the condescending crap it is at least accurate and the condescension stems from personal issues or being a British "grammar school" elitist. I don't get the condescension and patronising when someone is so clearly wrong on the facts.

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8 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I guess you could say that. Usually when people serve up the condescending crap it is at least accurate and the condescension stems from personal issues or being a British "grammar school" elitist. I don't get the condescension and patronising when someone is so clearly wrong on the facts.

Care to identify what facts are incorrect and why? 


Also, which parts of my posts you replied to do you consider condescending?

Edited by heybruce
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10 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Heybruce = 9,000 posts.


UncleTouchyFingers = 200 posts. 


In basic simple math:


I do an excellent job of staying away. 


Its true though I do pop in here from time to time to have a look. I honestly don’t know of another place on the internet to find such an extreme collective of feelings based liberal group-think anywhere. 


Trump cant even fart without all of you going into full blown meltdown. 


It’s quite sad that obsessing over Trump has become some posters entire lives... Isn’t that right, Heybruce. 

9000 posts total over 12 years.  I don't know what each of our post counts are on this particular topic, but I suspect they are comparable.  However I don't post about how I hate the topic I'm posting on.


"Trump cant even fart without all of you going into full blown meltdown."


I don't recall any posts about Trump farts.  Can't you post about real things?


I have a good life independent of TV and Trump. However I don't mind spending a little time letting others know why Trump is a dangerous incompetent who shouldn't be in the White House.

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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

Care to identify what facts are incorrect and why? 


Also, which parts of my posts you replied to do you consider condescending?

The main premise of your argument is "If you want to reduce the trade deficit, you need to reduce the US fiscal deficit." but you've got it the wrong way around. Corelation is not causation.


Budget deficits stem not from "consuming more than you produce", but collecting less in tax revenues less than you spend. Tax revenues stem from domestic activity that leads to taxable income; whether it be wages, corporate profits, capital gains or a host of other tax revenue spinners.


Reduced domestic activity leads to a smaller tax base especially if the greatest earners within that tax base are given too low of a tax rate. Reduced domestic activity, in part, stems from barriers to doing business in the US being too high or barriers to conducting trade overseas being too low. People cite the tradeoffs for this unholy bargain as being cheap goods for sale to the masses, but they never cite the unaccounted for costs in resource depletement, environmental degradation, the bolstering of totalitarian regimes, human rights abuses and domestic wealth inequality. That's all just a problem left for future generations to go to war over and suffer from.


That foreign countries buy our debt because they hold the currency with which we purchased goods from them is done in their own interest.

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32 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

The main premise of your argument is "If you want to reduce the trade deficit, you need to reduce the US fiscal deficit." but you've got it the wrong way around. Corelation is not causation.


Budget deficits stem not from "consuming more than you produce", but collecting less in tax revenues less than you spend. Tax revenues stem from domestic activity that leads to taxable income; whether it be wages, corporate profits, capital gains or a host of other tax revenue spinners.


Reduced domestic activity leads to a smaller tax base especially if the greatest earners within that tax base are given too low of a tax rate. Reduced domestic activity, in part, stems from barriers to doing business in the US being too high or barriers to conducting trade overseas being too low. People cite the tradeoffs for this unholy bargain as being cheap goods for sale to the masses, but they never cite the unaccounted for costs in resource depletement, environmental degradation, the bolstering of totalitarian regimes, human rights abuses and domestic wealth inequality. That's all just a problem left for future generations to go to war over and suffer from.


That foreign countries buy our debt because they hold the currency with which we purchased goods from them is done in their own interest.

" The main premise of your argument is "If you want to reduce the trade deficit, you need to reduce the US fiscal deficit." but you've got it the wrong way around. Corelation is not causation."


I agree, correlation is not causation.  However definition does come close to causation.


By definition a deficit occurs when one consumes more than one produces, and borrows to cover the difference.  Collectively, as a nation, civilian and government borrowing has us in a deficit situation.  Civilian borrowing is largely covered internally, and what is one US citizen's (or business's) debt is another citizen's (or business's) investment in the form of a loan.  It is the US federal deficit that is funded by outside sources, using the money other countries earn from our trade deficit. 


Try to consider this from the macro level.  Once entities external to the US have US dollars from trading with us, they can do one of four things:


1.  Pass the dollars to another entity.  However eventually the dollars have to come back to where they work as currency.


2.  Invest in the US, which reduces the trade deficit.


3.  Buy from the US, which reduces the trade deficit.


4.  Buy US treasuries, which funds the federal deficit.


Option 4 is the only option that does not reduce the trade deficit.  By reducing or eliminating the federal budget deficit, one reduces the viability of option 4, shifting money to options that reduce the trade deficit. 


Tariffs and import quotas are misguided attempts to treat symptoms instead of the cause--so long as the nation, as a whole, is funding its deficits through foreign borrowing there will be a trade deficit.  Our trade deficit is where the foreigners get the money to invest in our treasuries.


Obviously the details get fiendishly complicated:  The US dollar is the default currency in a number of countries, the massive federal deficit will provide options for buying new treasuries as older treasuries mature even if the annual deficit is eliminated, money supply is not a fixed quantity, etc. 


However the basic fact remains--the US as a whole is in a deficit situation because the federal government is borrowing to pay its bills rather than living within its means.  This borrowing provides the option for those who have a trade surplus with the US to invest the surplus in a manner, buying treasuries, that does not reduce the US trade deficit or endanger their trade surplus.


Basic economic logic states that the time to reduce or eliminate deficit spending is when the economy is strong, as it is now.  However Trump and friends prefer to increase deficit spending because it buys political popularity until the next election, and there is always a next election.  Worse, they are not using the deficit spending to improve US infrastructure and improve the nation's productive capability.  This is bad for the economic future of the US, and bad for the trade deficit.


Once again, please tell me how my facts and logic are wrong, or identify what is condescending about the reasoning.

Edited by heybruce
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Analysis: Tax cuts, spending to raise deficit to $1T by 2019

The report paints an unrelentingly bleak picture of federal deficits, which would permanently breach the $1 trillion mark in 2020 unless Congress stems the burst of red ink. The government would borrow about 19 cents of every dollar it spends this year. Deficits would grow to $1.5 trillion by 2028 — and could exceed $2 trillion if the tax cuts are fully extended and if Washington doesn't cut spending.


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4 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Heybruce = 9,000 posts.


UncleTouchyFingers = 200 posts. 


In basic simple math:


I do an excellent job of staying away. 


Its true though I do pop in here from time to time to have a look. I honestly don’t know of another place on the internet to find such an extreme collective of feelings based liberal group-think anywhere. 


Trump cant even fart without all of you going into full blown meltdown. 


It’s quite sad that obsessing over Trump has become some posters entire lives... Isn’t that right, Heybruce. 


Its true though I do pop in here from time to time to have a look. I honestly don’t know of another place on the internet to find such an extreme collective of feelings based liberal group-think anywhere. 

Ever tried Fox News, Infowars or Breitbart?

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Mueller closing in even closer to "trump." "trump" is freaking out big time. "trump" maybe firing Mueller is back in play. Stay tuned (we all will).




Michael Cohen is in serious legal jeopardy. That’s a really bad sign for Trump.


Cohen, someone extremely close to Trump and who has been known as the president’s “fixer,” appears to have serious legal problems. If federal prosecutors feel they have enough on you to execute a search warrant, it’s never a good sign — just ask Paul Manafort. And to the extent that Cohen, part of Trump’s innermost circle, might have knowledge relevant to Mueller’s inquiry, we can’t rule out the possibility that his own legal troubles could induce him to cooperate in the Russia investigation.





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8 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I think somewhere along the way you got the impression that I was indifferent to budget deficits and increasing national debt. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am what is termed a "deficit hawk" and if I could wave a magic wand I'd institutute a constitutional amendment requiring  balanced federal budgets, just like the vast majority of states have either by statute or constitutionally.


The difference is you have just woken up to this need for fiscal responsibility. When the National Debt doubled in the last 8 years from what it was cumulatively over the preceding 232 years I didn't hear a word out of you. NOW, because the crook you wanted to be elected president was beat by another crook it's the worst thing ever. Well, it's always been the worst thing ever, and it isn't just impacting our economy but it is impacting the social fabric. We Baby Boomers and the generation that preceeded us are the most selfish, destructive generation since at least the Great Depression and probably the Civil War. We have not been good stewards of our nation or its economy and we have made the lives of future generations that much more difficult. Rationalize it any way you like.


I envy you guys that only wake up to all the ways we've screwed up the lives of future generations when the party you didn't vote for is in power. That's only about half the time. Not bad. For me, I get to see it whoever you short sighted folks choose to elect.

First you pronounce my posts as being completely false.  When I explain my logic in detail, you don't refute the logic, you change the subject. 


I have been a deficit hawk since Reagan.  I understand that when the economy is slow and needs stimulus that deficit spending is sometimes a useful tool, and I understand that when the federal debt is increasing at a rate slower than the economy is growing that it isn't too bad. I don't complain about the deficit then.  I also don't complain too much about the deficit when it is shrinking, as it was during most of the Obama years.


However I do speak out when large, unaffordable tax cuts are put in place when the economy is doing nicely.  That is when deficits should be cut.  That is a favorite trick of the Republicans; in fact they rely on it so much I sometimes refer to them as a one-trick party.  I also point out the hypocrisy of Republicans going from vocal deficit hawks when there is a Democrat in the White House to "deficit don't matter" spending maniacs when they control the White House.


Tax reform was, and still is, desperately needed.  Trump's tax cuts, touted as reform, didn't do the job.  They will just lead to trillion dollar deficits for the indefinite future.

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Heaven help Americans that don't realize the threat posed by "trump" and that enough people do something about it before it's too late.

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I'm sick of your personal witch hunt.


I assume you mean citizens of the USA, who voted the man into office.





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15 minutes ago, heybruce said:

We refuse to have a rational debate? 


Pick any of my posts about Trump.  I recently posted a few about how the trade deficit will not go away while the US has to borrow (sell treasuries) to foreign buyers to fund its trillion dollar deficits.  Do you want to debate that?


If not, pick any of my other posts.  I'll be happy to have a rational debate.  I've been unable to drag any of the MAGA crowd into anything resembling a rational, evidence based debate about Trump.

What makes you think I was talking about you?

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On 3/18/2018 at 12:32 AM, Jingthing said:

I get it. Even if he's guilty, you don't care. Decent Americans must continue to RESIST such blind loyalty to the authoritarian demagogue in the oval. Rosenstein may be fired. Mueller may be fired. But that will not stop the resistance to the evil rot at the top known as "trump."

The democrats did not care about Clinton corruption, bribery. nor rape. I was in Chi in 67 or 68 when Mayor daily was killing protesters. 

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