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Farang on bicycle enters temple and steals 1,000 baht donation money


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3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

That is terrible what some people do. That money could have gone toward a deserving monk's new smart phone or computer or a plane ride to some other part of the country. Shame on the scoundrel!

It was earmarked for an extension to the Wat!! :shock1:

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

The idiot farang must have thought that the money grew on the tree and if he take

some, others will soon grow... or, he's just a heartless rotten thief...

You must be new to Thailand and dont know what happens to temple donations. Jets, Mercs etc. Good on him.

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I'm not buying it. I'm afraid that this is just too inconclusive for me. Watch the video again. He has his hand in his pocket just before he touches the tree. He could just as easily be placing money on the tree, as taking it. So this should never have been posted and is possibly a case for the temple to be sued.

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You shouldn't hang him so quickly. I have looked at this video a couple of times now and the last thing that happens before he leaves is his left hand goes from pocket to tree, then he leaves. If he was taking something it would be the other way around. Too inconclusive, however doesn't stop everyone on here from having him hung drawn and quartered. I hope you never come up for jury service.

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8 hours ago, bluesofa said:

I'm curious how they could tell from this video that he stole a 1,000 Baht note? It doesn't seem clear enough to me, or were they going on height of his hand, and if so how can they tell if it was only one note, not two close together?

I suppose it doesn't mater, he did take somthing off the tree............theft is theft - plus I learned a long time ago, "Don't mess with Buddha, you will get it in the end"  one way or another.

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