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Hey you baldy – Yes You

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13 minutes ago, Mansell said:

Had this Thai barber in Phuket, family barber with his wife also cutting. Showed me this hair growing product called Neo Hair in a green/black spray bottle for 600 baht. Went back a few times before I bought it thinking most like products are bogus, but you have hope for the bald patch at the back of the head. Sprayed it on twice a day, lasted a long time, must be five months now. He showed me a pic of of his receding hairline, and he now has great hair at the front....and this guy is not sophisticated, just a family barber so he wasn't pulling a fast one. One time I am waiting and a Thai guy comes in and buys two bottles, you get two for a thousand, if I remember correctly. My lady took a pic of my patch three months ago. And a few days ago she asked me if I was dyeing my hair....my hair is white....I laughed and asked why she was asking? She said hair on the back of your head is growing black. Had her take a pic and damned if the hair was growing in that area....not lush and thick, but growing, and the two pics showed the difference. So I guess I will keep on with this stuff....be interesting to see where it goes. Your results may vary. 555



Maybe end up like Cousin It......



Have a Nice Day

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Just shave it off ..most dudes over say 40 the hair doesnt look good anyway..going grey/white ..wispy.. bald..dreadful style etc . In fact a bald patch on top while the rest is strong looks diabolical . Take a look using a second mirror at the back of your own head to decide. In contrast a fully shaved looks anything from ok to cool to tough to sexy . Depending whose head and which girls opinion you take. .. Ooh a baseball cap to is a good look facing backwards..some would disagree but with shades to is a whole lot better than you could look . And perhaps 10-15 years younger . 


Edited by Rolanddrums
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Just shave it off ..most dudes over say 40 the hair doesnt look good anyway..going grey/white ..wispy.. bald..dreadful style etc . In fact a bald patch on top while the rest is strong looks diabolical . Take a look using a second mirror at the back of your own head to decide. In contrast a fully shaved looks anything from ok to cool to tough to sexy . Depending whose head and which girls opinion you take. .. Ooh a baseball cap to is a good look facing backwards..some would disagree but with shades to is a whole lot better than you could look . And perhaps 10-15 years younger . 
Sometimes i get sick of seeing bald farang in Pattaya, sometimes i even think I'd appreciate an occasional comb over, just something different. Even a wig gives me some light entertainment
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whats wrong with being bald or receeding at 62 yrs old ???  i have  never met any women, thai or euro, that are too worried about it, especially these days-many young men fully shave their heads....  nothing could look worse than being covered in tattoos...

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1 hour ago, firefox999uk said:

Go for the Walter White/Heisenberg look.....Wish i dare do it






That would be the right look...but...you would also have to show that you mean business...


First, you'd have to call your wife "woman", than tell her to call you "sir".


Finally...stop swimming at Pattaya Beach, it doesn't do any good to your hair!

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Shave it off or leave it very short. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you can take some wonder drug cure and it will grow back. It won't. It's all in your mind. Everyone else can see you're still a baldy.
If the likes of Rooney can spend thousands and still looks a baldy , what chance you got with a few drops of liquid manure.
Be bold, embrace it, its comes to most eventually.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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Buzz-cut. Or a ponytail. No comb-over, it's just cause for giggles.


As to beard/goatee, forget it. Or maybe, if you go with the ponytail and your facial hair is greying too. Search Google Images to see what you (or your wife) prefer.


There's no confusion amongst women about your 'manliness' since only men go bald.

Edited by MrY
for hairsey
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As someone suggested, go into a drug store and buy generic Finasteride (5 mg). The dose required is 1 mg per day, so buy a pill cutter as well.


You will know whether it works within 2 days of taking the drug. From 20 + hairs in your comb each morning you will go to zero. It will allow you to keep your remaining hair and it might even thicken out a bit.


You can buy the stuff over the Internet even cheaper. It probably works out at about 3 Baht per day.


Being bald can be a good look, for some, but such blokes were devastatingly handsome before going for the bald look (now they are merely handsome).

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7 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:

I prefer the comb over,  let it grow long and ask your barber for a Trump cut with or without the orange dye. 


Very Presidential




I read an unconfirmed report some time back  about the cost of the POTUS hair style and cut.      Initially it was claimed to be in excess of 200K with a monthly maintenance cost of over 10K.    It all seems to be very secret.. 


 The  cost  exceeds the budget of most of us in Thailand.









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To each his own? You got balls for posting the problem.  You can do all the things noted aside from just coming clean and get a good shave cue ball. 

Forget the comb over, growing it long or a beard to cover up the problem. Usually these so call solution you are just the laughing stock behind your back. You aren't going to hide anything better yet go to Big C and get a mop for your head.

Just shave get a clean cut look, once you take a shower you will realized you made the right choice. 

You old that is life worry more about your health than your hair. Grow up because your hair isn't coming back!

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Happened to me in my early 40's.

Went from long hair ( I mean hippy Jesus long hair) to a No 1 overnight.

Never regretted it.

I'd prefer long hair, but if I can't, no mincing about, no stylist whatever - get rid of the lot.

Then in my mid 40's - full on shaved head.

On older men, a shaved head actually makes men look younger, not older.

Now 57, and I don't look a day older than 47................

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Perhaps the OP should take comfort from the fact baldness is associated with elevated testosterone levels, which could mean his sex drive is going to still be there at a later age.

I've been bald since about 40, and decided to have nothing to do with combovers, wigs and hair transplants as somewhat pathetic.

IMHO a fat wallet is far more significant to most Thai women than the fullness of a man's follicles.

Edited by Lacessit
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