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Shinawatra extradition efforts hurt by 'false perceptions': PM Prayut


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4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

No, it was political theater and nothing more.


You had your nice little show trial, but forgot that the world was watching.


All I can say now is enjoy all the photos that will be coming from Yingluck and Thaksin for next loooooong while.


Have a good vaca, Ying-baby!



You're pandering to that sense of theatre.


The world was hardly bothered and watching with baited breath. One or two sympathetic reporters maybe; one or two lobbyists perhaps; the odd politician. 


But by and large, the world ain't interested.


As for this announcement, would they care to share how many requests for extradition have actually been filed, in accordance with the procedures under the specific extradition treaties and with which countries? Because mentioning it in your own media or over canapes at some government bash ain't gonna do it!

I think we can all guess the answer!


But neither side wants to admit a deal has been done. Both would loose face, can't have that.

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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

Just keep grinding away

One cannot fault Prayut for "grinding away" at Thai people's rights and liberties.

If there's been one thing the junta has been effective with, it's violating the Thai people's sovereignty, rights and liberties guaranteed by Prayut's own constitution. They should have little if no expectation that Prayut will stop grinding away.

2 hours ago, steven100 said:

hopefully the thai people will get the justice they so rightly deserve and are waiting for.

Are you suggesting insurrection by the Thai people to get "the justice they so rightly deserve?"

That would be fighting fire with fire I guess.

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11 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Prayut forgets that embassy staff from foreign nations actually live here so there are no false perceptions,they know exactly what is going on. 


Indeed they do. And they report back. Just as they knew what was going on with PTP and reported back.


However, as you can see, the Western democracies, and the Eastern not so democracies, ain't bothered and it's business as usual.

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6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Indeed they do. And they report back. Just as they knew what was going on with PTP and reported back.


However, as you can see, the Western democracies, and the Eastern not so democracies, ain't bothered and it's business as usual.

Yeah they not bothered by a junta government what came to power by force and so Thaksin and Yingluk can go shopping wherever they like,UK,China,Germany etc.

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3 hours ago, Thailand said:

When you are in a hole the best course of action is to stop digging!


But you have to have the sense to know you are in a hole in the first place.

Unfortunately Prayuth thinks if he keeps digging he will eventually come out somewhere better.......North Korea maybe.

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2 minutes ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

Yeah they not bothered by a junta government what came to power by force and so Thaksin and Yingluk can go shopping wherever they like,UK,China,Germany etc.


As multi billionaires with bought citizenship and passports from whatever banana countries, with their own private planes, they can easily afford to go shopping wherever they fancy. Who says crime doesn't pay?


I doubt there is one correctly made request for an extradition despite both having outstanding warrants for their arrest here. 


But in the meantime, did you miss all the meetings, visits here, visits overseas, of many countries strengthening their relationships with Thailand and its current government? Seems like they are bothered !

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2 minutes ago, Becker said:

Poor Steven. Must be tough to be the lone voice of support during the waning days of the junta. I feel for you buddy! Hopefully by now you've packed your bags and are ready to do a runner.


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no worries here ...  :violin:this government is hanging around for a few more years yet imo.   you better get use to it.  lol

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24 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


As multi billionaires with bought citizenship and passports from whatever banana countries, with their own private planes, they can easily afford to go shopping wherever they fancy. Who says crime doesn't pay?


I doubt there is one correctly made request for an extradition despite both having outstanding warrants for their arrest here. 


But in the meantime, did you miss all the meetings, visits here, visits overseas, of many countries strengthening their relationships with Thailand and its current government? Seems like they are bothered !

Ah yes,outstanding warrants ,sentenced by the same people who kicked them out in the first place,I remember Prayuth said there is warrant with interpol,but banana countries like the UK or Germany can't be bothered

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45 minutes ago, slk350 said:

There could not bring back a plate off som tam if ther want to.The Red Bull guy is more importend ,he is taking the piss .What happen to him ??

I’m thinking he must have upgraded his “not wanted in exile” package to include little extras like piss taking

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1 hour ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

Ah yes,outstanding warrants ,sentenced by the same people who kicked them out in the first place,I remember Prayuth said there is warrant with interpol,but banana countries like the UK or Germany can't be bothered

wrong there is no warrant these charges are not accepted by international leaders period. Treason comes to mind 

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Yep - A military coup against an elected government and the indefinite delay of elections is a pretty good way to create false perceptions. 


Maybe the PM should reflect on how he has created those perceptions. Don't blame others for the mess you have created.

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1 hour ago, jonclark said:

Yep - A military coup against an elected government and the indefinite delay of elections is a pretty good way to create false perceptions. 


Maybe the PM should reflect on how he has created those perceptions. Don't blame others for the mess you have created.



But hang on..."Don't blame others for the mess you have created"...that's a pretty tall order fella;you are going against the national spirit of things-Thai Niyom and all that.

Edited by Odysseus123
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10 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

No, it was political theater and nothing more.


You had your nice little show trial, but forgot that the world was watching.


All I can say now is enjoy all the photos that will be coming from Yingluck and Thaksin for next loooooong while.


Have a good vaca, Ying-baby!


He did not mention the laws that he broke

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It's never gonna happen. But let's just say it did.

Extradition and arrival of both the Shins. Mr T and Mrs Y.

Mr P really does not want this to happen, because he knows, especially with Mr T's arrival, it will be the straw that broke the camel's back.

All hell would be let loose.

The guy is still revered up here in these parts like a Holy Saint.

The Homecoming....

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6 hours ago, Becker said:

Steven, buddy; I have been living in Thailand since the early Nineties and have seen numerous juntas come and go, and while the present bunch of lowlifes have outlasted many of their predecessors the end is nigh.

There's just too many scandals for the real power brokers to accept. Your hero has proven he has the integrity of a particularly dishonest used car salesman and his morals are...well, flexible. Add to that breathtakingly poor leadership abilities, a frail ego and a mediocre mind (at best) and we might see your hero do a quick and dishonorable exit fairly soon.  Maybe that's why the little junta leader blows his top at the mere mention of the Shins.

My worry is this buddy; will you be ready for the move away from Thailand as well? Because when elections are finally held I can absolutely, unequivocally guarantee you that the result will not be to your liking. Hell, we can even see the return of the unmentionable on!!!

Are you ready, Steven??


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Reading your second paragraph I thought I saw orange for a moment, same,same, different hair colour.

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