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A new form of medical certificates to be introduced March 1 for driving license applications


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A new form of medical certificates to be introduced March 1 for driving license applications

By Thai PBS




Starting March 1, applicants for a driving license will be required to produce a new form of medical certificate from qualified doctor certifying that he/she is free from five diseases namely elephantiasis, tuberculosis, alcoholism, leprosy and drugs addiction.


On top of that, Land Transport Department director-general Sanit Promwong said applicants for a driving license must fill in his/her medical record, record of accidents and surgeries and treatment in hospitals.


Also, he said the doctors who issued the certificates to the applicants must certify that the applicants are not disabled to the extent that they cannot perform their duties; do not suffer from mental illness or being mentally disabled or showing symptoms of drug abuse or chronic alcoholism and do not have symptoms of leprosy which are communicable and symptoms of tuberculosis in dangerous stage.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/new-form-medical-certificates-introduced-march-1-driving-license-applications/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2018-02-15
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Another form and more payment to some official who can 'help' with its provision. Who is going to know just what ailments I might be suffering from without a very extensive and costly check-up. Only when drivers are insured and not vehicles will some sense be seen.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

On top of that, Land Transport Department director-general Sanit Promwong said applicants for a driving license must fill in his/her medical record, record of accidents and surgeries and treatment in hospitals.

buying a finished DL looks better and better; forgoing all their foolish, administrative crap

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Its not a new idea, the above has been directly ripped from the medical form you need to renew a work permit.


No hassle though as a local clinic doctor can sign this, nope doesnt need to be a hospital full blown check up job ...so still 50 baht or thereabouts.

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4 minutes ago, YouYouYou said:

Its not a new idea, the above has been directly ripped from the medical form you need to renew a work permit.


No hassle though as a local clinic doctor can sign this, nope doesnt need to be a hospital full blown check up job ...so still 50 baht or thereabouts.

Oh right, that's where I've seen it before.

Yes, 50 Baht if you're lucky or 200 Baht if you're not.

Edited by bluesofa
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9 hours ago, Cadbury said:

A bit of additional paperwork plus the required shuffling from one desk to another. Yes that should solve the road toll problem. 

Ah yes! The shuffling from one desk to another - ah that's my favourite part of the day. And then having to queue up again to see the nincompoop at the next desk. Oh the joy of it all!

Edited by metisdead
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10 minutes ago, djayz said:

Ah yes! The shuffling from one desk to another - ah that's my favourite part of the day. And then having to queue up again to see the nincompoop at the next desk. Oh the joy of it all!

It's a day out, plus good exercise shuffling - unless you're a card dealer.

I only have have to give my paperwork to a solitary nincompoop. We must have a shortage in Udon.

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10 hours ago, smedly said:



well that one is easy - you can't get your shorts on above your knees 


How about full disclosure as to the level of education of people coming up with these stellar ideas

If my memory is good, the first time I applied for a visa to Thailand 12 years ago in Australia the new list of diseases was a requirement. It took a city hospital 7 days to come back with a result, How will they test these diseases here, 55555555.

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10 hours ago, smedly said:



well that one is easy - you can't get your shorts on above your knees 


How about full disclosure as to the level of education of people coming up with these stellar ideas

is that why I need pants 5 sizes bigger

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7 minutes ago, transam said:

Well an "actual" vehicle test would be a great idea and forget about Elephantiasis...

PS. Never needed a medical test for a license renewal...


There are a lot of better things that they could do to improve road safety but we just have to live with the things that they are doing or not doing.

I bumped into a chap at AEK Udon Hospital in Udon Thani and he told me he was there for his medical for his 5 year license renewal, but if like you say that you have not had a medical for your license renewal and that is the way it is then this new medical is only for new license applications so it would not be of concern to anyone that already holds their license.

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The authorities would be better off making people answer a test to discover whether they are an inconsiderate moron or not.


Example question on said test could be like,


1. When driving down an average dual carriage way and there are other road users around you, what would be an acceptable style of action regarding how you should be driving?


A. Tailgate and flash your lights at the person in front of you in the right hand lane at high speed to harass/pressure them into moving to the left despite it might not be a safe option for them at that time....but who cares, yeah.

B. Race with another road user that you perceive to have maybe slightly dented your frail ego, as you need to show them what's what right?

C. Undertake cars at speed as a way of signalling that you are somehow smarter than everyone else and should be congratulated for being so daring.

D. Slow down to the speed limit, be patient and have spacial awareness of your situation whilst limiting your speed to the surrounding environment plus acting accordingly to any hazard signs so that you, and your fellow road users, are much safer.

E. Sending text and making/answering calls whilst driving is fine and cool yeah...makes me look like the modern busy person. 


Would get a much better result as I doubt any of them would catch on to the sarcasm nuances in it all as abstract thought is a rarely found quality here. Once again, they miss the point and fail to understand what's really wrong here. All this will do is just make even less people have licenses that won't care anyhow and still drive. Every New Year or major holiday they catch like 60-70 thousand people at road checks that can't produce a license anyhow...plus that means no insurance or tax too. Until they address the general contempt/apathy the average driver holds for everything from the system, highway code to other road users then you can dream on.


I reckon this idea will encounter much grumbling from the Thai public and be quietly dropped when the time is right. Just another proposition from the "Ministry of Grand Plans & lofty Ideas."

Edited by Sir Dude
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