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Foreign manager of Koh Phangan hostel faces deportation for cannabis possession


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36 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

I can see your point of view but it should be done the legal way without bias, no search warrant and using the army as bully boys is breaking and entering, if he has done wrong then get proof and prosecute him in a court of 'law', alleging and assumption is not proof. While they are being so 'legal' about it they could prosecute the police for trespassing.  

I see Your point and I fully agree to it, but we must take into consideration and not forget that Thailand is 100 years behind and for 100 years ago the same would have happen anywhere in the world if not worse...;)

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3 minutes ago, catman20 said:

 apparently not ! go back and read the post from the start before you post


  13 hours ago, alex8912 said:

Unless you live under a rock you have met many scientists , lawyers, Doctors, teachers , professors, policeman , firemen, pharmacists, politicians and hippies that all smoke WEED REGULARLY!! 

And still go about their daily work without and negative effects.

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4 minutes ago, Annunaki said:

And still go about their daily work without and negative effects.

really ?  if thats the case why do so many get prosecuted for driving while stoned? and airline pilots, SAT divers etc get tested. think before you post your rubish.

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4 minutes ago, catman20 said:

 apparently not ! go back and read the post from the start before you post


  13 hours ago, alex8912 said:

Unless you live under a rock you have met many scientists , lawyers, Doctors, teachers , professors, policeman , firemen, pharmacists, politicians and hippies that all smoke WEED REGULARLY!! 

What we know is that several of the United States Presidents and other high profiled politicians have used cannabis and if we relate to the theory that the grassroot is a mirror image of the top then the chances are high that those you listed up also have used and/or are using...:coffee1:



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1 hour ago, Annunaki said:

You had your own law practice and you gave it all up to slum it in Thailand?

Of course you did.:cheesy:

you may slum it here in some rented room and drive some crappy car but i dont, so dont judge everyone here the same as your self.


do u want to work forever ? or be in a country where theirs no women or the women that may be available are old enough and fat enough to be you mom? id like to know what financial asset you've acquired over your life times work. :cheesy::cheesy: we could have a pissing contest :cheesy: ud lose that one also :cheesy:

Edited by catman20
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2 minutes ago, catman20 said:

do u want to work forever ? or be in a country where theirs no women or the women that may be available are old enough and fat enough to be you mom? id like to know what financial asset you've acquired over your life times work. :cheesy::cheesy: we could have a pissing contest :cheesy:

No, your alright, I live in the real world not the dream world.


Oh and wow for being able to insult my mom so quickly.

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6 minutes ago, Annunaki said:

No, your alright, I live in the real world not the dream world.


Oh and wow for being able to insult my mom so quickly.

you live in the real world not the dream world.

:cheesy::cheesy: go back and read my edited version ull enjoy that even more :cheesy:

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9 hours ago, ttrd said:

It doesnt mean he was not involved With dealing - it may be that this was all that was left from dealing...:shock1:


Anyway - in Thailand there is zero tollerance so despite Our oppinion and regardless the quantity, he has broken the Law in Thailand and must face the consequenses - those who play With the fire...:coffee1:

The point is he is facing different consequences, even here weed is usually a slap on the wrist and a small fine.

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13 minutes ago, Annunaki said:


There are people on this thread who actually believe that this could happen. :cheesy:

Yes, depending on the amount consumed, & the purity.

If you think that this is not true, you have no understanding of how dangerous all drugs can be.

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4 minutes ago, faraday said:

Yes, depending on the amount consumed, & the purity.

If you think that this is not true, you have no understanding of how dangerous all drugs can be.


And where is your proof on this?

Do what no one else in the history of mankind could do, show me the proof of a verified overdose through cannabis.


Can't be done because it has never happened, so your argument is baseless and pathetic.

Edited by Annunaki
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14 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

Its everywhere, plenty on samui

That it´s everywhere like you seems to know very well is not the problem.

What is the big problem is that so many people only on this forum seems so interested in theese illegal substances and that they know so much about them.

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12 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Perhaps he's tried weed, but never inhaled....

Perhaps you tried it, and inhaled too much. 
However, no I did not inhale any weed or other substances that are deemed illegal in the country I stay at the time.
I guess it´s only a childish behaviour that makes it so interesting to do things that you really shouldn´t.
I have already grow out of that stage in life. It´s called beeing a responsible adult.

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Just now, Get Real said:

Perhaps you tried it, and inhaled too much. 
However, no I did not inhale any weed or other substances that are deemed illegal in the country I stay at the time.
I guess it´s only a childish behaviour that makes it so interesting to do things that you really shouldn´t.
I have already grow out of that stage in life. It´s called beeing a responsible adult.

Why are you so full of hate? Obama and Clinton smoked pot, even when Clinton made this idiotic message that he never inhaled.


Don't you think that the real problems are hard drugs that cause physical and/or psychological harm/ addiction? 


It's not about being a grown man now, it's more about people being ignorant and/or arrogant, or just open-minded, and understanding the difference between good and bad. Destructive, or harmless. 




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1 minute ago, jenny2017 said:

Why are you so full of hate? Obama and Clinton smoked pot, even when Clinton made this idiotic message that he never inhaled.


Don't you think that the real problems are hard drugs that cause physical and/or psychological harm/ addiction? 


It's not about being a grown man now, it's more about people being ignorant and/or arrogant, or just open-minded, and understanding the difference between good and bad. Destructive, or harmless. 




Don't worry Jenny, he hasn't been thinking straight since this thread first began.

Just a miserable old git who can't stand to see anyone having any fun.

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2 minutes ago, car720 said:

I first thought that you must be a policeman or a priest but both of them break the law every day.  I cannot quite place where your thinking comes from.  But each to their own.

I guess somehow "in between". Strange religious groups do such things to people and make them to followers, transforming people into individuals who can't even think for themselves. They only repeat what others tell them. 

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2 minutes ago, PoorSucker said:

Perhaps for tourists, not for locals. 

Calling Samui, Cocaine Island is a stretch. 

Im talking about expats who have settled in. 


Your mileage may vary.


Certainly not worth arguing about, and yes cocaine island is a stretch.

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

I just hope all the marijuana junkies and pushers on this forum will change their ways.


Then start drinking a glass of wine with their meals which leads to alcoholism and ultimately death from cylirosis of the liver. It's a well trodden road. 

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22 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

The point is he is facing different consequences, even here weed is usually a slap on the wrist and a small fine.

Eaxactly - when a country have a lawsystem which is built on ambigous laws then it may open for different consequences for similar violations depending on the performing party's interpretation i.e.it may or may not be in Your favour....


This is Thailand, accept it or leave it...;)

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22 hours ago, Get Real said:

Good! Get rid of the junkie or pusher. What ever he might be. He break the law and should be deported or jailed. Gives more room for the real people that wants to do things the right way.

Agreed, for being an idiot that thinks the law doesn't apply to him in LOS. 

Still, he won't be the last foreigner that gets done for being an idiot.


Personally, I think it should be legalised, as far too much effort by law enforcement is put into something that is less dangerous than alcohol. They should be concentrating on actually bad stuff.

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