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U.S. gun lobby slams anti-gun 'elites' after Florida school massacre


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U.S. gun lobby slams anti-gun 'elites' after Florida school massacre

By Roberta Rampton and Makini Brice



Protestors rally outside the Capitol urging Florida lawmakers to reform gun laws, in the wake of last week's mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Tallahassee, Florida, U.S., February 21, 2018. REUTERS/Colin Hackley


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the National Rifle Association lashed out at gun control advocates on Thursday, saying Democratic elites are politicizing the latest mass school shooting in the United States to try to erode constitutionally guaranteed gun rights.


NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre echoed President Donald Trump's call to arm teachers to prevent school shootings, and weighed in on a long-running political and cultural divide over access to weapons that has been inflamed by last week's massacre at a Florida high school that killed 17 students and staff.


"The elites don't care not one whit about America's school system and school children," LaPierre told a friendly audience of conservatives outside Washington. "Their goal is to eliminate the Second Amendment and our firearms freedoms so they can eradicate all individual freedoms."


The U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms.


At the White House, Trump told local and state school officials he had discussed his ideas to stem gun violence in schools with the NRA, the politically influential gun lobby that backed him in the 2016 campaign. He called the group "Great American Patriots."


"There's a tremendous feeling that we want to get something done," he said. "The NRA wants to do the right thing."


Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer condemned LaPierre's comments and said the NRA was "once again spewing pathetic, out of touch ideas, blaming everything but guns."


The Feb. 14 rampage at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida was the latest in a series of deadly shootings at U.S. schools and has spurred unprecedented youth-led protests in cities across the country. Many of the teenagers and their parents taking part have called for more curbs on guns.


LaPierre, speaking at the annual gathering of the Conservative Political Action Conference, portrayed the NRA as the true protector of the country's schoolchildren and offered free training to those who want to bear arms to protect schools.


"We must immediately harden our schools," he said. "Every day, young children are being dropped off at schools that are virtually wide open, soft targets for anyone bent on mass murder." It should not be easier to shoot up a school than a bank or a jewelry store, he added.


The NRA set up a booth at the conference to sign up new members and recruit campaign field workers for the November mid-term elections in which Democrats are trying to take over control of Congress from Trump's fellow Republicans.




"I'm strongly for concealed carry, strongly for arming the teachers like Trump said," said Nick Fuentes, 19, from Chicago, as he stood outside the booth. "Teachers who are adept at firearms should be armed."


LaPierre attacked Democrats by name including Senators Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Christopher Murphy and also took a swipe at the FBI for failing to follow up on a tip about the alleged shooter in the Parkland massacre. The FBI has said it failed to act on the tip.


Florida Governor Rick Scott also criticized the FBI for failing so far to provide details about why it did not respond to the tip. "Family members and loved ones of the victims deserve answers today," Scott said in a statement.


Trump reiterated his idea, first raised on Wednesday during an emotional discussion with people affected by the shooting, to arm teachers, a notion raised by some politicians in the past but dismissed by critics as fraught with danger.


"Anyone who pushes arming teachers doesn't understand teachers and doesn't understand our schools. Adding more guns to schools may create an illusion of safety, but in reality it would make our classrooms less safe," said Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers union.


At an hourlong meeting on school safety with 10 state and local officials, Trump said armed teachers with an aptitude for guns would deter would-be shooters.


"A gun-free zone to a killer, or somebody that wants to be a killer, that's like going in for the ice cream," Trump said. "They're not going to walk into a school if 20 percent of the teachers have guns."


Trump repeated his support for tightening background checks for gun buyers, with an emphasis on mental health, and lifting the age limit to buy some kinds of guns. He also said he would push for an end to the sale of bump stocks, which allow rifles to shoot hundreds of rounds a minute.


The White House said Trump does not want to ban sales of an entire class of firearms despite mounting pressure to put assault weapons such as the one used in the Florida shooting out of civilian reach.


While gun laws vary widely by state, most federal gun control measures would require Congress to act.


A 19-year-old former student at Stoneman Douglas, Nikolas Cruz, has been charged with carrying out the Parkland shooting. Authorities say he was armed with a semiautomatic AR-15 assault-style rifle that he had purchased legally last year.


(Additional reporting by Alex Dubuzinskis in Los Angeles, Susan Heavey, Doina Chiacu in Washington; Writing by Doina Chiacu and John Whitesides; Editing by Frances Kerry and Will Dunham)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-02-23
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4 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

I read an article today that said the first police officer to arrive on the scene has resigned due to an investigation into why he remained outside instead of immediately entering the building and killing the gunman. One would have assumed he had been very well trained for the situation. (Not blaming him myself as he probably had little idea of the whole situation ) Why would anyone think an armed teacher with a bit of gun range training be any better?

It's worse than that, the coward was the School's Resource Officer (SRO) assigned to  this school since 2009 and had enough years on the job to be able to retire instead of facing disciplinary action by the Sheriff (20 years in most jurisdictions but I don''t know about Florida)


So much for arming teachers Mr. Trump 

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2 minutes ago, JAG said:

I'm not advocating raising the purchase age, I'm advocating removing semi automatic assault rifles from society. The only place they belong is in a military arms kote. We (the UK) did it after a shooting episode (Hungerford) some years ago, we did it with pistols too after another school shooting (Dunblane). I understand Australia has done so too. We are still free nations. Remove these weapons from US society and it will still be a free nation. The gun nutters can indulge some other hopefully less lethal onanistic fantasy than how many hits they can score on a running child at 20 metres range, and they can still keep their dressing up boxes of camouflage fatigues and tactical assault vests if that is what fuels their wet dreams. They are sad sick people who are inflicting sad sick results upon your country. For the sake of your children snap out of it for God's sake! Do you really think that the decent honourable men who crafted your constitution, and it's second amendment, ever, in their wildest dreams, expected it to be used to justify this?


You will still be able to "walk tall", in fact it will be easier because you won't have to clamber over the corpses of slaughtered schoolchildren.

It was so close, you almost had me agreeing on the semi-automatic ban, until I saw you say that UK & Australia "are still free nations". Then laughter got the better of me.....for sake of amusement, what freedoms still exist in those countries? 

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AR15 rifles and the like are weapons designed to put down a lot of fire, to kill people in large numbers. There is no sporting reason whatsoever for owning such a weapon.


Handguns for personal protection = OK
Sporting rifles for sports, hunting = OK
Shotguns for pest control, farmers = OK
AR15 rifles for armies, war etc
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3 hours ago, JAG said:

It is my understanding, that the "second ammendment" was enacted to allow for a militia to exist to defend the nascent republic from the various threats it faced in its early years, rather than to allow people to own military assault rifles. I understand hunting (don't do it myself), I understand target shooting as a sport. AR15 rifles and the like are weapons designed to put down a lot of fire, to kill people in large numbers. There is no sporting reason whatsoever for owning such a weapon.

Banning them would have no effect upon "individual freedoms" other than the right to slaughter children because you are pissed off with something. It would have no effect upon sporting activities. Mr LaPierre is barking at the moon.

As for arming teachers! Dear God...

Soooooo, you think if AR15s had existed 200 years ago they would have excluded them from the constitutional amendment?

Absolutely arm teachers willing to carry weapons. Nothing else will work in the short term.

Don't do so, and IMO expect more candle vigils and crying parents.

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25 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

It was so close, you almost had me agreeing on the semi-automatic ban, until I saw you say that UK & Australia "are still free nations". Then laughter got the better of me.....for sake of amusement, what freedoms still exist in those countries? 

Exactly, but some are so willfully blind they actually believe that they are "free".

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Soooooo, you think if AR15s had existed 200 years ago they would have excluded them from the constitutional amendment?

Absolutely arm teachers willing to carry weapons. Nothing else will work in the short term.

Don't do so, and IMO expect more candle vigils and crying parents.

 if the Americans had AR16s 200 years ago, you will all be speaking American right now.:tongue:


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For those that actually think that the US of A has more freedoms than the UK, or Australia. Yes you have the freedom to die at the hands of some nut job with a gun, that was of course Legally purchased, somewhere.

Wonderful freedom that is.  It is a shame that still so many Americans still think, they will just die, if the 2nd ammendment is modified, or for Gods sake, actually rewritten. Charlston Heston is dead of old age, and His last hurrah for the NRA was a shame. Sorry to hear of Billy Grahams passing at 99, but wow that was a very long life.


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33 minutes ago, JAG said:

I'm not advocating raising the purchase age, I'm advocating removing semi automatic assault rifles from society. The only place they belong is in a military arms kote. We (the UK) did it after a shooting episode (Hungerford) some years ago, we did it with pistols too after another school shooting (Dunblane). I understand Australia has done so too. We are still free nations. Remove these weapons from US society and it will still be a free nation. The gun nutters can indulge some other hopefully less lethal onanistic fantasy than how many hits they can score on a running child at 20 metres range, and they can still keep their dressing up boxes of camouflage fatigues and tactical assault vests if that is what fuels their wet dreams. They are sad sick people who are inflicting sad sick results upon your country. For the sake of your children snap out of it for God's sake! Do you really think that the decent honourable men who crafted your constitution, and it's second amendment, ever, in their wildest dreams, expected it to be used to justify this?


You will still be able to "walk upright", in fact it will be easier because you won't have to clamber over the corpses of slaughtered schoolchildren.

Given that you are apparently British ( from your post ) as vehicles are apparently the weapon of choice in the UK, are you advocating banning cars? I know you'll say not, but that is as valid a point of discussion as proposing to ban semi auto rifles when they have been used in very few mass killings in the US? The vast majority are carried out with handguns.

Many people own actual military weapons in Switzerland and keep them at home, yet they have, far as I know, no mass shootings. The reason for the US situation exists more, IMO, in the American psych than in the availability of weapons.

Either deal with the reality of nutters with weapons, or live in some mythical world where removing any category of weapon in the US will usher in a "perfect world".

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Soooooo, you think if AR15s had existed 200 years ago they would have excluded them from the constitutional amendment?  Absolutely arm teachers willing to carry weapons. Nothing else will work in the short term. Don't do so, and IMO expect more candle vigils and crying parents.

Arming teachers is sooooooo wrong-headed.  If I listed all the reasons that would be counter-productive, it would hog too much space in this blog.  


Whomever says that (dumbo Trump included) either doesn't see the problems inherent in such a flawed policy, or has a death wish for innocent Americans.

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