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Britain is facing serious far-right terrorism threat, top UK officer says


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1 minute ago, alfieconn said:

Who said he did ?  but he seems a lot more concerned with the Right Wing Terrorism threat 

than he is with what the follower's of Islam are trying are doing to the country !!!!

Perhaps he was drawing attention to the threat from the far-right extremists. 


But if you insist on whataboutary I'll take it as evidence you don't really understand the extent of the threats the UK faces..... even when they are explained to you.


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5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Perhaps he was drawing attention to the threat from the far-right extremists. 


But if you insist on whataboutary I'll take it as evidence you don't really understand the extent of the threats the UK faces..... even when they are explained to you.


Where was it explained to me ?

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2 minutes ago, alfieconn said:

Could you cut and paste the parts where the extent of the threats were explained !

I'm very sure the police officer gave the information he wished to give and withheld that which he did not. 


He is certainly is warning of the threat of terrorism from the far right and you are certainly playing whataboutary.



Off the pot now, what do you find so offensive about a retiring senior police officer highlighting the threat of far right terrorism?



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5 hours ago, the guest said:

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Many British I'm sure along with EU are feeling that their values are being watered-down by non-conformist immigrants unable to embrace their values. I'm not surprised things are kicking-off, and I'm sure this problem will only spread.

Well it's nothing new in Britain.  Remember the brown shirts?  There are a lot of far right racists in the UK and always have been.  Every country have their racists.   Fortunately most are just hot air windbags but there are always some who will follow the bullsh*t and believe it.

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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I'm very sure the police officer gave the information he wished to give and withheld that which he did not. 


He is certainly is warning of the threat of terrorism from the far right and you are certainly playing whataboutary.



Off the pot now, what do you find so offensive about a retiring senior police officer highlighting the threat of far right terrorism?



So it wasn't explained then ? but you said it was explained in the OP :ohmy:  


Read and inwardly digest the OP.



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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Which process would you like to see in order to "lock them up "?

Its no illegal to be "right-wing" , "cowards , "bullies" or " none too bright"

On what charges would you like to see them jailed for ?

Could be that you are a lefty , who doesnt believe in free speech and you would like anyone whom you disagree with, to be silenced ?

A number of far right organisations have been banned by HMG. e.g. National Action, a good idea to understand why. I'm sure you would not wish to be misunderstood as a supporter or apologist for terrorism as are some other members in this topic.

Edited by simple1
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22 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

When Britain was fighting the Nazis, being far right was the only chance they had to save their culture.

This time though there is a 1000 Chamberlains to each Churchill.


When in doubt quote the second world war :smile:.   Not sure about your post though.  Are you saying that the far right in Britain were fighting for their culture?  I always thought that the far right fascist Nazi party were the bad guys?  Not sure my father who fought in the second world war would have wanted to be called far right, he would be turning in his grave!

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3 hours ago, champers said:

The EDL. They were all corralled in a pub before their march and after their fill of Dutch courage were allowed to lay a wreath at the war memorial. This was acompanied by a forest of Nazi salutes, probably their idea of a "tribute" but actually a huge insult to people who died fighting the likes of them.


I seen one EDL holding aloft a model Spitfire in a gesture of defiance, seemingly oblivious to the fact the Spitfire's sole purpose was to kill as many Nazis as possible.

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2 minutes ago, Air Smiles said:


I seen one EDL holding aloft a model Spitfire in a gesture of defiance, seemingly oblivious to the fact the Spitfire's sole purpose was to kill as many Nazis as possible.

That's absolutely terrible, have him hanged drawn and quartered !

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7 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

When in doubt quote the second world war :smile:.   Not sure about your post though.  Are you saying that the far right in Britain were fighting for their culture?  I always thought that the far right fascist Nazi party were the bad guys?  Not sure my father who fought in the second world war would have wanted to be called far right, he would be turning in his grave!

Of course the far right in Britain were fighting for their culture and it was glorious. They were all nationalists in that era. 

The Nazi's were socialists that adopted a likeness of nationalism but by nationalism they meant the state, not the people. It was an authoritarian regime. Everything and everyone was subject to the state.

So it was not as simple as right against right. It was a nation against a state.

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