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6 hours ago, Chimp said:

In addition, whenever we are in Thailand we have a place to stay which makes our visits enjoyable and stress-free.  

Never met a Thai girl that had family land any place I'd consider visiting.

My wife has plenty of family land, all in backwood rural shit-holes.


Now, her friend has 100rai of chanoted debt free land behind MaeJo uni ........ but is so ugly ..... no way!

16 minutes ago, transam said:

I had three UK failed marriages and I can honestly say say that each one failed for totally different reasons..

Hmmmm, there had to be a common denominator...

  • Haha 1
Just now, Rodwalloper said:

I never said it was wrong to buy a home or foolish, you must read all threads before you jump on board.

i said its wrong if you do it for the wrong reasons.

I am not actually against it i feel that a home should not be bought to make you feel good, to ensure the missus does not leave, or any other reason other then as an investment which benifits her and you later, or because u love the old girl and want to buy it for her, for her not to make you feel good.

I agree. But you have to remember that many of these young girls are not with their partner because they find them attractive, and all things being equal would not have chosen them given a  choice. Most are with them as it provides them and to some extent their families a level of security which they otherwise would never had. (and provides the bloke a decent ride which he would never of got elsewhere) In that type of relationship where if the bloke looks at it with a clear head, he must realize that this type of thing will crop up, and i cannot blame the ladies for trying to get as much security as possible for them, their families and all their futures.



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1 minute ago, mogandave said:

Hmmmm, there had to be a common denominator...

They were all women? They were all white? They were all UK citizens?

Try a foreign coloured man next time and see if the result is different.

  • Like 1
22 hours ago, wombat said:

you have two choices, the old dear live with you or not.
pick your option depending on how you have been 'groomed'

When my MIL had the opportunity to come live with us, she didn't want to. Whether that was because she disliked me as much as I dislike her I'll never know.

I only offered because she wasn't much longer for that reincarnation, and it would have been better all round if my wife hadn't needed to go look after her in the village all the time.


As for the OP, I have to agree with the poster that said "stupidity". 

Funny how sons in law are not known for building MILs houses back where ever they came from.

20 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

I agree. But you have to remember that many of these young girls are not with their partner because they find them attractive, and all things being equal would not have chosen them given a  choice.

Her mom sold her to me.

If it hadn't been me, it would have been some other guy she didn't know (Thai or foreigner, they only needed the purchase price).

If my wife had been given a free choice, she would have married the local drug dealer, currently serving 25 years in jail.

When he gets out in 5-10 years, she can jump ship with my best wishes, if she so wants.


Choosing your own partner is a current western fad, the rest of the world doesn't allow it, and from the western divorce rate, it doesn't appear to be a good idea.

10 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Never met a Thai girl that had family land any place I'd consider visiting.

My wife has plenty of family land, all in backwood rural shit-holes.


Now, her friend has 100rai of chanoted debt free land behind MaeJo uni ........ but is so ugly ..... no way!

My wife had land in the village and the family house was debt free. The area was beautiful. I could have lived there happily for the rest of my life except her horrid family also lived there. In every scene of perfection there is something to stuff it up.

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22 hours ago, NanLaew said:

I suspect my MiL buying my truck with her money and putting it in my name will probably do your tiny little head in.


But never mind, eh? As you say, it is their business and thereby absolutely NONE of yours.


Bloody noobs....

how is anything you said relevant to my thread.

It does seem however that something in my thread struck a nerve, what i dont know.

so explain to me what makes one a noob, you said it you can answer, new to what exactly.

everyone is happily answering but something got under your skin, wonder what that could be.

20 hours ago, johnmcc6 said:

I replaced a second hand  tin shed for a proper kitchen and will soon do a bathroom make over. Why? Because I can. They have never asked a thing from me. They also returned sin sot money. Trying to live at their age with no water pressure and a bucket is not on. It's all under the heading of family.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making life a bit more comfortable for the rellies. Building houses for them does not come in that category.

I rewired two of the rellies houses and put a shower heater in the bathroom, but that was no biggie financially wise and gave me something to do.

  • Like 1
23 minutes ago, 473geo said:

I've never found the need to be concerned about how a total stranger spends his money.......


The passing interest of others appears to be an excuse to slag people off..........no more no less



this is a forum, in forums and even in life we do in fact look at what others do.

you say you have no interest but you have just enough to read through the thread and the posts and further still comnent on it.

You may not have an interest in what people spend their money on, guess what nor dor any of us but it does make for an interesting and entertaining insight into the things people do.


28 minutes ago, 473geo said:

I've never found the need to be concerned about how a total stranger spends his money.......


The passing interest of others appears to be an excuse to slag people off..........no more no less



this is a forum, in forums and even in life we do in fact look at what others do.

you say you have no interest but you have just enough to read through the thread and the posts and further still comnent on it.

You may not have an interest in what people spend their money on, guess what nor dor any of us but it does make for an interesting and entertaining insight into the things people do.


19 hours ago, tweedledee2 said:


 My wife and I have been married for 4 years and I have bought my MIL 3 items and she never asked for.any of them. She had an old refrigerator and if you opened the door to far, the top hinge pin would come out and the door would fall off. One Saturday, I was at Tesco and they were having a weekend appliance sell. I bought a Panasonic refrigerator and arranged delivery for the following Monday. Well Sunday afternoon, the MIL called my wife and was excited and in tears because Tesco had just delivered it.   Then one time when we went to visit, the FIL was trying to make 1 good fan from parts from a second. So the next week I bought a Sharp floor fan and took it to her. I couldn't understand much of what she was saying but her smile I'll never forget.  Last Summer, I bought a 32" Sharp TV to replace the 20" she had.  I took it to her home set it up and left, while she was visiting a neighbor. Didn't need to see her face to know she would be happy and thankful. 

Hmmmm, my ex family got 4 fridges out of me, 3 fans, 2 shower heaters, AC, a flat screen tv and a dvd player. Not only did they not smile in happiness and gratitude at their good fortune, they threw me out of the house at the first opportunity, and never let me go back to get my stuff. Some people are sunshine, and some are robbing scumbags.

7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making life a bit more comfortable for the rellies.

I pay my MiL 100bht a day not to visit us. So far it's worked for about 350 days of the year.

Money well spent IMHO.

  • Haha 2

Having thought about it a bit, I'd say the motive for some farangs buying the family houses and stuff is because they think it will earn them brownie points and some gratitude.

Unfortunately for many, their Thais are probably like my ex family and don't possess a gratitude gene.

I can only imagine how many farangs have stood in shock and horror mumbling about how they bought the once beloved all that stuff, so why is she kicking them out; why are they not grateful?

IMO it's precisely because the farang bought all that stuff, and they don't need to keep some sucker they didn't even like much around any longer.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I can only imagine how many farangs have stood in shock and horror mumbling about how they bought the once beloved all that stuff, so why is she kicking them out; why are they not grateful?

Can't agree,

Did all the same stuff for my inlaws back in the UK, after 30 years, I was just something to be scraped off their shoes.

There is absolutely no point in being nice to a girls parents, just because you enjoy shagging her.

Their feeling for you will be ZERO when their daughter wants rid.

I don't even attempt to communicate with any of my wife's relatives, just put my headphones on or go out.

20 hours ago, possum1931 said:

I am not trying to get at you, but is it not a bit stupid to pay a sin sot in the first place, it is a Thai custom, not yours.

If it keeps the old trout happy, why not? I even wai'd my MIL to keep the sour faced hag from grumpy land sweet. Of course there was no way she was keeping it.

I think that was the last time she acknowledged my existence.

  • Haha 1
17 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I think it is quite obvious that you


Tweedle Dee. I think it is quite obvious why you reacted with a "sad":cheesy:. But not to worry, it takes all sorts to add to the entertainment in a public forum. :thumbsup:

It was my way of expressing sympathy for you. Very few posters would expose such a personal self-description on a public forum for the entertainment of other readers.

1 minute ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Can't agree,

Did all the same stuff for my inlaws back in the UK, after 30 years, I was just something to be scraped off their shoes.

There is absolutely no point in being nice to a girls parents, just because you enjoy shagging her.

Their feeling for you will be ZERO when their daughter wants rid.

I don't even attempt to communicate with any of my wife's relatives, just put my headphones on or go out.

LOL. My western partner's hideous step mother made no secret of her dislike for me even at the start. Have to say her father and mother were OK, though her mother moved to Australia as soon as we moved in together ( so much for motherly love ), and her Brit stepfather was brilliant, despite being a tosser when he got drunk.


Funny thing, life. I had a few girlfriends where I liked their parents or flatmates more than them, in the end.

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16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Funny thing, life. I had a few girlfriends where I liked their parents or flatmates more than them, in the end.

If you'd shagged them, you would have hated them too.


Some wise person once said to me,

"Love and hate are two sides of the same coin, once you have loved someone, the coin will be eventually be flipped"

  • Like 2
12 minutes ago, tweedledee2 said:

It was my way of expressing sympathy for you. Very few posters would expose such a personal self-description on a public forum for the entertainment of other readers.



MIL built an outdoor kitchen and storage area where we live. If she had the means to spend money like it was nothing to build unnecessary houses then I have no doubt she would. She already has everything she needs so no expectations from me (other than keeping her grandchildren healthy). Although, she really appreciates getting flowers on her birthday. 

Probably many reasons people do it. Whether brownie points, relationship based on finances, no backbone to say no or purely it just coming down to a sense of family. Some families will help each other out more than others. When my mother and father divorced, her family (other than two cousins) were too scared to even bring up the subject so just completely ignored my siblings and I. After about 6 months they realised what they did was wrong and tried to reach out. I am not all that emotional, but I certainly feel more of a sense of family with my step-mother/family and mother-in-law/family than my real mother/family. Maybe others are the same so will do it for those reasons. 


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On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 8:25 PM, Get Real said:

Incredible! How in hell does this thread even exist? Are there really that many people that can´t live a normal life?

There are no "normal" people, ergo there can be no "normal" lives.

Everyone is an individual, quite different from everyone else, and it is the trying to make people conform to some mythical "normal" that causes so many people to have psychological problems.

If there was such a thing as "normal" we'd be sheep, not people.


PS, "normal" people don't claim to live on the moon.

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On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 1:20 PM, MaeJoMTB said:

If you'd shagged them, you would have hated them too.


Some wise person once said to me,

"Love and hate are two sides of the same coin, once you have loved someone, the coin will be eventually be flipped"

If you'd shagged them, you would have hated them too.

Well, I wasn't going to shag their fathers or male flatmates, but that's probably irrelevant.

When I was a young fella full of testosterone the pill didn't exist and nice girls didn't. Anyway, having to get married ( as was the cause of many marriages back then ) wasn't in my life plan, so I didn't. Having seen some of them later on in life I was really happy that I hadn't.


However, love and hate being same side etc is absolutely true. I think the greater the love the greater the hate when it all goes wrong. Been there, got the T shirt.


Incidentally, I found out along the way, that the best shag is the one the GF gives before dumping one.


In the end, I found that not having a GF/ partner/ wife works better for me, and of course LOS is the best place not to have a GF/ partner/ wife, but to learn that lesson I unfortunately had to have a GF, partner and wife.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

There are no "normal" people, ergo there can be no "normal" lives.

Everyone is an individual, quite different from everyone else, and it is the trying to make people conform to some mythical "normal" that causes so many people to have psychological problems.

If there was such a thing as "normal" we'd be sheep, not people.


PS, "normal" people don't claim to live on the moon.

Funny guy, ain´t you?

Of course there is something called normal in relation to people and humans. That does not create any kind of psychological problems that some unnamed people seem to be dealing with.

There are a lot of normal things that regards everyone in society, but unfortunately you seem to missed them. I just end it there. Guess it´s enough.

15 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Of course there is something called normal in relation to people and humans.

Normal guys live in their home country all their lives and eat the shit their women and government heap on them.

Normal women also live in their home countries all their lives, but take all they can, from normal guys, and their government.

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