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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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Just now, Justfine said:

Many elections are within a few points. If you lose be humble and accept it.


Nothing worse than sore losers.

Not something of existential dimensions, 

The UK is also a Union and what's good for the goose is good for the gander . since some members of the the UK have voted overwhelmingly for "Stay" if brexit proceeds without a clear consensus  there is a high possibility for them to secede from the UK and remain or rejoin the EU, 

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3 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Not something of existential dimensions, 

The UK is also a Union and what's good for the goose is good for the gander . since some members of the the UK have voted overwhelmingly for "Stay" if brexit proceeds without a clear consensus  there is a high possibility for them to secede from the UK and remain or rejoin the EU, 

Excuse making.

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6 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


When people realise that their lives are carrying on as normal after brexit, there will be little negativity. When people start to see the benefits of brexit a few years down the line, the arguments will be forgotten about.

You mean . IF

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:


That's why I said a poor "attempt" , perhaps  you missed the LOL

. Remember just because you don't find it funny it does not mean that it does not contain humor. Unless of course you are the final arbitrator pf what is ans is not funny.


Simoh is the final arbitrator of everything :smile:.

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

Just wish all the remoaners would accept the result..you lost..best to get on with your lifes

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I can't believe that some still tthink that cliche is a reasonable comment.

One of the key tenets of a democratic country is the right and ability to change a policy or ones mind.

An integral part of that is to argue your point.(that's the tenet of free speech)

I find it rather confirms the stereotype of Brexiteers that they truly don't understand whatdmocracybis, confusing some ghastly mob rule parody of the democrstic process instead.

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3 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

One might say its thanks to them that we are able to have this debate

You and people of your ilk would do well to remember that and show a little respect fella

Blind faith in the legacy of war is another symptom of not truly appreciating history.

Edited by Airbagwill
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7 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

One might say its thanks to them that we are able to have this debate

You and people of your ilk would do well to remember that and show a little respect fella

what ! scoundrels?

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22 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

History is history mind your manners

The poppy remark was SICK

So is anybody who thinks its acceptable

Some of us learn from history.

My family fought on both sides in the US revolution

They fought on both sides in the first and second world wars too.

What we learned from that is how futile war is and how important unity is in Europe.

We also the learned from the US civil war (yes othb sides!) that bringing the confederates back into the Union actually finally molded the USA into a solid, permanent Union.

Let's hope history repeats it self this time.

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3 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Some of us learn from history.

My family fought on both sides in the US revolution

They fought on both sides in the first and second world wars too.

What we learned from that is how futile war is and how important unity is in Europe.

We also the learned from the US civil war (yes othb sides!) that bringing the confederates back into the Union actually finally molded the USA into a solid, permanent Union.

Let's hope history repeats it self this time.

Not for the winners it wasn't me old

I bet you have got one hell of a family tree

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