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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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On ‎08‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 2:04 AM, simoh1490 said:

I know how Team Brexit doesn't like to read about budgets and matters of an economics nature because it can make for difficult reading, and of course, there are things in this world that are far more important than money, nostalgia and principals being two of them.


But sadly, money is at the heart of all evil they say and nowhere is that more apparent than in reading the UK crime statistics, up by 24% in 2016 and up by 13% in 2017. Today in the TG Amber tells us these increases have nothing to do with staffing and budget cuts, of course they don't Amber now have a nice glass of warm milk and get an early night! Cressida Dick on the other hand (for Dundee's benefit, she's the number one police person in the Metropolitan Police, in London, in England) told us in November last year that staffing cuts would compromise the Mets. ability to tackle the very crime that Amber tells us isn't being caused by budget and staffing cuts - we'll just let the girls sort out that little dispute and get back to us perhaps although I think the answer is pretty clear.


It seems pretty clear that most government departments are coming under spending and staffing pressures and have been for some time, in simpler terms, we can't afford the services that exist so they must be reduced, the armed forces, the NHS, the police and so on. In a stable and somewhat predictable economic environment, aka the status quo, it will be difficult to maintain spending levels; in a Brexit trading environment we're entering into a period of economic uncertainty, if not a total unknown, hence our ability to maintain spending at the current inadequate levels must be seriously at risk of compromise. 


I just wonder if I can persuade nontabury to post his project fear cartoon again because for the first time we may actually have an appropriate place for it!




Our direct debit of £200 million per week to the EU will be cancelled once we're fully out. That money will go a long way toward addressing some of the concerns you raise.

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4 minutes ago, nauseus said:

You miss the point every time (or choose to). Right now there are not things more important than national identity to many people in the UK. What are these things that are more important anyway? What is your definition of a real world? I think you are in a world of your own, certainly not identifying with British people. 


I'm not talking about going back. Once we are clear of the mess that the EU is, we can move on. 

Utter tosh.


Tell me Mrs Smith, what's more important to you at this time, keeping the country's identity or keeping you safe on the streets and in your home, making sure there is a functioning easily accessible and timely NHS available to treat you, keeping taxes at a low level and having armed forces to protect our shores. Hmmm, difficult she will say, well actually you know, the EU not such a bad place, is it! Real world, you think your world is everyones real world and it's not even close.

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19 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Our direct debit of £200 million per week to the EU will be cancelled once we're fully out. That money will go a long way toward addressing some of the concerns you raise.

Thank god, we're saved, hallelujah.

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2 minutes ago, transam said:

But what weeeeee country is funding a huge amount for your EU utopia....?

I don't think it's a utopia but that's a different subject.


Hand on heart, I haven't bothered to study the EU funding scenario because everyone else seems to have done so,. Is it value for money, some think not, if that's the case and it isn't, tackle that subject rather than baby and bathwater.

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53 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

TransamYes we will be, but your personal invested stuff may have a ploblem.


Simoh1490: I didn't understand that so I can't respond, it didn't make any sense to me.

I think what he meant was that younger people, like you and I, whose savings for our future are invested in the economy, can see our future well-being disappearing up the swannee with scarcely a whistle.    



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3 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

I think what he meant was that younger people, like you and I, whose savings for our future are invested in the economy, can see our future well-being disappearing up the swannee with scarcely a whistle.    



I'm almost 70 - FWIW I'm invested more ways than spaghetti junction and 63% of that is in Asia.

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On awonders more serious note, one of the main flames fo WW2 was the rise of nationalism.....and that I would be prepared to fight against tbooth and nail.

What else can we learn from history? Take a look at the American civil war ...... If we don't do something about the rebel soon, we will end up in disaster.

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47 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I wouldn't mind seeing a retrenchment of the EU. A last redoubt against an increasingly nasty, dangerous world. Dump all the Eastern Europeans and Southern Europeans including Spain which is just a U.K. Suburb. The Austrians can decide what they want. Keep the Czech Republic. Dump Ireland, keep the Scandinavians. Get rid of the Muslims and if Israel doesn't behave the other lot can go also.


Right now the world is a nastier and more dangerous place than it has ever been in my lifetime. Nationalism and Popularism and Celebrity. Bring on Armageddon; after I've finished my beer.

Wow, I didn't know you could be so radical, I'm impressed.

While your in the mood, how about dumping the whole EU.

Then sort out an honest UK gov for us.

After afternoon tea please.


Edited by talahtnut
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6 minutes ago, nauseus said:

You know full well that, in terms of priorities, I was referring to those concerning why British people voted to leave the EU, not other important issues, which should be considered apart. Your post twists and expands the context of what I said and converts a Brexit issue to include other UK domestic problems, just to suit your own case. 


The EU will neither save nor protect us. In that respect we are definitely far better off out of the EU. The security, safety and well-being of the British people does not and should not rely on the EU, especially as we are leaving. The UK is capable of keeping its people safe and well without the EU but it doesn't do a very good job at it right now. A good British leader is needed to step forward, be recognized and elected, then assume the responsibility of managing all this properly. 

"Your post twists and expands the context of what I said and converts a Brexit issue to include other UK domestic problems" -

The difference between  looking at the larger picture rather than just a few pet issues in one corner of the picture - broaden your line of vision my lad.

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2 minutes ago, nauseus said:

The larger picture was not under discussion. The reason for the leave vote was. It may shock you to know that the EU is not the centre of the universe. But your narrow vision and mind can't handle that concept.

"The larger picture was not under discussion", that's priceless nauseaus, absolutely priceless. So from now on we all know that we must discuss only the component of the larger picture that you wish us to discuss, without introducing other related components.

......howls at moon and says, ruff, ruff ruff. 


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38 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

"The larger picture was not under discussion", that's priceless nauseaus, absolutely priceless. So from now on we all know that we must discuss only the component of the larger picture that you wish us to discuss, without introducing other related components.

......howls at moon and says, ruff, ruff ruff. 


You can discuss what you want but in responding to a post, normal people keep to the issue at hand. But you frequently diverge and distort, if it helps you to try and argue..... and you really do need help most of the time. It's almost expected of you now.


Now you try to mock me in the hope that others won't backtrack on the history of these posts and see for themselves how weak your deflections are.   

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2 hours ago, simoh1490 said:
2 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Our direct debit of £200 million per week to the EU will be cancelled once we're fully out. That money will go a long way toward addressing some of the concerns you raise.

Thank god, we're saved, hallelujah.

I'm glad you agree.

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42 minutes ago, nauseus said:

You can discuss what you want but in responding to a post, normal people keep to the issue at hand. But you frequently diverge and distort, if it helps you to try and argue..... and you really do need help most of the time. It's almost expected of you now.


Now you try to mock me in the hope that others won't backtrack on the history of these posts and see for themselves how weak your deflections are.   

Stop trying to score points through word games and start thinking about the issues and the big picture, most of your energy is not going into thinking about these things, asking questions and agreeing the parts of the argument that you can agree with

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54 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Stop trying to score points through word games and start thinking about the issues and the big picture, most of your energy is not going into thinking about these things, asking questions and agreeing the parts of the argument that you can agree with

Are you saying that while swinging a gold hunter in front of my eyes? I don't think it's working, Sigmund!  

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2 hours ago, evadgib said:


Should Nicola Sturgeon not be going with Liam Fax to the USA and Canada.


In the USA, he will visit Starbucks and will meet representatives from Scottish whisky distillers, Balvenie as both companies continue to export across the globe.


After all he is meeting with representatives from one of Scotland's biggest exports and I don't mean Starbucks.

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