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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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2 minutes ago, The Renegade said:


It is all going to blow up rather quickly. Remainers, heads in the sand are either oblivious or just refuse to see what is actually happening within the EU. Too focused on Brexit, to see that Brexit might just be the least of the EU's problems.



I believe that was mentioned by the LEAVE camp in the run up to the referendum........

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4 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Chopped off the rest of your comment, duly noted and agreed with. I did not want my comment being too large.


In addition




It is all going to blow up rather quickly. Remainers, heads in the sand are either oblivious or just refuse to see what is actually happening within the EU. Too focused on Brexit, to see that Brexit might just be the least of the EU's problems.

Racists against the EU - I know which side I would prefer to be on.


Italy to compile 'register' of Roma people: Matteo Salvini

"Italian authorities are to carry out a census of Roma people with a view to deporting those without papers, according to new Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.


"Irregular [undocumented] foreigners will be deported via agreements with other countries, but Italian Roma unfortunately you have to keep at home," he was quoted as saying."

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13 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Racists against the EU - I know which side I would prefer to be on.


Italy to compile 'register' of Roma people: Matteo Salvini

"Italian authorities are to carry out a census of Roma people with a view to deporting those without papers, according to new Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.


"Irregular [undocumented] foreigners will be deported via agreements with other countries, but Italian Roma unfortunately you have to keep at home," he was quoted as saying."

I wonder what Italy's final solution will be?


You find me in Stockholm! What a civilised country this is!



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There is a tendency to ignore what is happening on the sidelines. If companies must deal with an EU notified body for certification and an EU regulator for GDPR, the incentive to remain in the UK is being eroded.
Relocation is not the only problem, some companies may choose to cease export activity and downsize the business
I suspect that there are many companies out there , particularly the smaller ones, that are reluctant to commit to the expense of preparation. They live in the hope that at the 11h hour a knight in shining armour will save them that expense. Should it fail to materialise, chaos will be the order of the day.

There was an interesting study done in the North East earlier this year by Square One Law on behalf of the NE Chamber of Commerce aimed at gauging how state of preparedness for Brexit with quite disturbing results:

“Businesses fed back that preparation for Brexit was polarised and effectively took the form of two options: no preparation whatsoever; or preparation to relocate to mainland Europe.”


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46 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Italy to compile 'register' of Roma people: Matteo Salvini

"Italian authorities are to carry out a census of Roma people with a view to deporting those without papers, according to new Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.

It would appear that some of Italy's Roma agree with him



We heard Salvini’s word and we congratulate him,” says Stefano, whose family came to Italy from Bosnia more than 50 years ago.


“There are so many delinquents within the Roma community – in this camp and across all of Italy. This camp used to be a lot better now it’s filthy – and there are bad people here. Salvini only wants to bring tranquillity to Italy, and I agree with him.”


Stefano has nine children, all of whom voted for Salvini’s far-right League party in general elections in early March, and 60 grandchildren.


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1 hour ago, The Renegade said:

It would appear that some of Italy's Roma agree with him



All of them? Does Stefano speak for them all? 


What a world we are coming to, when, once more, politicians seek to single out an entire ethnicity, and others not only turn a blind eye, but actually excuse them for their actions. 

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10 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

All of them? Does Stefano speak for them all? 

Another one with a reading problem, could not understand this simple sentence.


1 hour ago, The Renegade said:

It would appear that some of Italy's Roma agree with him

Neither I, or the article said Stefano spoke for all of Italy's Roma



We heard Salvini’s word and we congratulate him,” says Stefano, whose family came to Italy from Bosnia more than 50 years ago.


“There are so many delinquents within the Roma community – in this camp and across all of Italy. This camp used to be a lot better now it’s filthy – and there are bad people here. Salvini only wants to bring tranquillity to Italy, and I agree with him.”


Stefano has nine children, all of whom voted for Salvini’s far-right League party in general elections in early March, and 60 grandchildren.




Perhaps a few English lessons might be in order before coming back with a reply ??

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6 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Another one with a reading problem, could not understand this simple sentence.


Neither I, or the article said Stefano spoke for all of Italy's Roma





Perhaps a few English lessons might be in order before coming back with a reply ??

Sorry - just taken aback by your apparent attempt to ameliorate on behalf of a vile racist who is proposing a policy straight out of Nazi Germany. 

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7 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

In the complete absence of fact, what else do we have by educated opinion? 

Agree entirely - nothing at all!


Edit - there's nothing other than opinion - and 'the establishment' support remain....

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1 hour ago, The Renegade said:

Of course


There is something very Nazi Germany in wanting to deal with illegals within your Borders.

He is proposing to conduct a census of a single ethnic minority within his own country. Of those who are Italian nationals, he said, "but Italian Roma unfortunately you have to keep at home,". Nazi German did something very similar with German Jews. 

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50 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Well done that man, the race card and the Nazi card in one short statement of virtue signalling.


The only way expelling illegal immigrants from any country in the world can be considered racist, is if the person considering it to be so, does not believe in the rule of law, and the right of any country to protect its own citizens.


Illegal was a huge clue, one that you either missed or chose to ignore as you reached once more, for the moral high-ground

Save your faux outrage and see my response, above. He is othering Italian Roma. He distinguishes between those who are documented and those who are not, but still expresses contempt for his own countrymen who happen to be from an ethnic minority.


I repeat - it is shocking that this is happening in a European country, and equally shocking that I need to point this out to you.

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34 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Ha Ha ….. James O’Brien, divisive hate preacher who bullies lonely listeners to LBC.


If you’ve been brainwashed by this moron, you have far more to worry about than Brexit

As the saying goes, when all you can do is attack the man rather than the ball, it shows how weak your position actually is. 

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On 6/19/2018 at 5:17 PM, aright said:

Northern Ireland consists of just 2.9% of the British population . Like the rest of us they had a vote in the referendumand they should accept the outcome or leave the UK. They need to sort out their own issues rather than expect the 97.1% of the UK who don't live in NI to bend over backwards to accommodate them.

I will however pass on the feelings of your green passport mate to TM so she can plan accordingly. 



Show me where I ever mentioned the percentages that you keep banging on about. It should be about principles and these were her words.


"It means we believe in the Union: the precious, precious bond between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. But it means something else that is just as important; it means we believe in a union not just between the nations of the United Kingdom but between all of our citizens, every one of us, whoever we are and wherever we’re from."


Now tell me where your precious bond has gone.

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12 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Are you trying to make a point ?


2018 / 19 the UK is still a member of the EU so that would be the normal contribution.


 2019 - 2013 is the forecast the UK would have to pay if it remained in the EU. It is explained on Page 8.



The forecasts assume that the UK remains in the EU and contributes to its budget in the normal way, including in those years when the UK is expected to have left the EU. The OBR took this approach as, when they made the forecast, they didn’t have enough information about what the government wants from its future relationship with the EU, and what its chances of getting it are:

Or did you not actually read it and assumed that the UK was going to make these payments just for fun ?

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21 minutes ago, sandyf said:

"It means we believe in the Union: the precious, precious bond between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. But it means something else that is just as important; it means we believe in a union not just between the nations of the United Kingdom but between all of our citizens, every one of us, whoever we are and wherever we’re from."


Now tell me where your precious bond has gone.

Perhaps it was destroyed in 2014 when Scotland tried to break up the Union ?

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