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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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3 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


You're the one who is being dishonest, and you are being quite silly about it. Apart from the fact that what you have posted in reply to me today makes no sense if it's not in reference to Russia, you have a long history of making these types of claims on this forum, to the point of getting into trouble with the moderators for accusing an assortment of posters who disagree with you of being Russian trolls!


Now, are we going to have a sensible discussion, and are you going to provide proof to back up your claims, or are you going to continue to try to completely derail the thread?

You wrote, various times, that I claimed something I didn't and you fail to admit that. 

I don't like when you someone tries make false claims. 


I'm quite interested of the technical details, how things are done in the internet. I replied to the artcile I read, as it was written without understanding the larger picture. That's why 'Registered' was my first word. 

I didn't claim that Russians did that. Did I?


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Just now, oilinki said:

You wrote, various times, that I claimed something I didn't and you fail to admit that. 

I don't like when you someone tries make false claims. 


I'm quite interested of the technical details, how things are done in the internet. I replied to the artcile I read, as it was written without understanding the larger picture. That's why 'Registered' was my first word. 

I didn't claim that Russians did that. Did I?



Your disingenuity is breathtaking. You now try to switch from your default position of seeing Reds coming out of the wallpaper, to claiming that you are merely interested in technical details. I guess this discussion is done.

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2 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Your disingenuity is breathtaking. You now try to switch from your default position of seeing Reds coming out of the wallpaper, to claiming that you are merely interested in technical details. I guess this discussion is done.

I'm happy to talk about other issues, once this is first settled and you admit that you lied. Since that seems to be impossible, I do agree, this discussion is done.

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3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Before the referendum was announced, support for independence was around 28% if I recall correctly. That it increased to 45% by the time of the referendum and has remained relatively unwavering ever since then tells me that there is a lot of low hanging fruit still to be harvested.


Unfortunately not ALL persons of Scottish descent were permitted to vote, only those who were living in Scotland at the time of the vote were actually "allowed' to vote.


Should a second vote be "allowed" by the Scottish parliament then all persons of Scottish descent, no matter where they live in the world should be allowed to vote. The vote should be carried out in accordance with the normal voting age across the UK which is 18 years of age and the voters must be UK citizens only and be on the electoral roll.


Whether English, Welsh and Norhtern Irish voters should be allowed to vote is a separate question.

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2 hours ago, Orac said:



Doubtful, unless he was psychic as well, since that quote is from 2004. A more up to date quote about Brexit from him would be

“By remaining in the E.U., we would have given ourselves more influence in the world, and we would provide future opportunities for young people,"

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So you are quoting yourself. How innovative!

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NOT a very encouraging start to the day!


Maybe the level of debate will improve after breakfast!


At least we will be remaining in the customs union according to various government statements so that's sensible.

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17 minutes ago, transam said:

So you think all MP's in parliament are English...?

Nope. The parliament decisions for Scotland and Northern Ireland are made in foreign country, England, by absolute majority of English MP's and unelected Lords. Therefore it's just fair and reasonable that Scotland and Northern Ireland can be free and define their own laws. 


Freedom for the people of Scotland and Northern Ireland, supporting the real Brexit.


Sounds similar to the other Brexit?



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So you are quoting yourself. How innovative!

Your comprehension skills seem to be a bit lacking since I clearly have said it was a quote from him. It was from an interview he did with Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain but I will not lower myself to posting a video of the obnoxious toad.

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14 hours ago, nontabury said:

Well I certainly support both of those regions, separating from the U.K, if they vote  so. However while it is correct to point out that, in these regions a majority voted to remain, I think you would be foolish to automatically assume that they would consider that to be more important than departing the U.K. 

London would separate from the rest of the dreary UK in a heartbeat and stay in the EU.

Edited by SheungWan
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3 minutes ago, transam said:

Did you not know the UK is a union that has been like that for centuries..Plus the folk of Scotland voted to remain in that union, there was no intervention from the English in that decision, or do you think those nasty English did...?

Now that you are wading through it, maybe you can talk us through the borders with Ireland.

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Just now, transam said:

Did you not know the UK is a union that has been like that for centuries..Plus the folk of Scotland voted to remain in that union, there was no intervention from the English in that decision, or do you think those nasty English did...?

All unions can be broken and re-created. IIRC Scotland vote was before the Brexit decision. Terms of staying in the British union, run by the overlords, has been changed dramatically as Britain can no longer offer membership with the EU.


New vote for Real Brexit should and will happen quite soon after England has left the EU.



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19 hours ago, transam said:

Say's the folk who do not have to deal with stuff the ordinary folk on the street have too....The folk who wanted their country back voted to do that....

I take it you mean the folk that are looking for someone to blame as their standard of living goes further down the pan.

The UK will not leave the single market until Dec 2020, by the time that comes to fruition the folk that you refer to may well have changed their minds, unless of course you would deny them that right.

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2 minutes ago, sandyf said:

I take it you mean the folk that are looking for someone to blame as their standard of living goes further down the pan.

The UK will not leave the single market until Dec 2020, by the time that comes to fruition the folk that you refer to may well have changed their minds, unless of course you would deny them that right.

Every time a UK gov is voted in in short order they are slagged off by those who voted them in..Just the way it is...:stoner:

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7 minutes ago, transam said:

Every time a UK gov is voted in in short order they are slagged off by those who voted them in..Just the way it is...:stoner:

People change their minds. Just the way it is...


The surveyor's report is not good but the potential buyer has bragged so much and cannot withdraw without losing face and upsetting the family.

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13 hours ago, Khun Han said:



One statement which surprised me is that there are 4.5 million EU nationals living in the UK. Last year, the accepted figure was less than 3 million, and we keep being warned that there are going to be post-brexit labour shortages because EU migrants are leaving in their droves.

Good news - at the 2014 indyref EU nationals voted around 75% to remain in the UK if I recall correctly. Next time round, I would expect the split to be much more in favour of UKexit.

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2 hours ago, transam said:

Did you not know the UK is a union that has been like that for centuries..Plus the folk of Scotland voted to remain in that union, there was no intervention from the English in that decision, or do you think those nasty English did...?

What??? Were you asleep for the period 2013 to 2014? No intervention? Sorry to be so blunt, but that almost Trumpian in its utter nonsense.


From Cameron urging his best pal Putin to intervene, pushing the queen to break royal protocol and comment publicaly on political issues, Obama, David Bowie, Eddie Izzard and any other passing celeb being begged to plead with Scotland to stay. Even David Beckham got roped in on the promise of an MBE if he spoke up for the union, as his leaked emails later revealed. There were threats of Russian invasions, annexing of the North Sea and Shetand Isles, grounding of our airports, a hard border with England - the barrage of threats and lies from England was massive and relentless.


Despite the loss in 2014, the majority of Scots born residents voted for independence. Thankfully more and more of our Scots who were born outside the country are realising that the UK does not serve Scotand well. Indyref2 will see the end of the UK as it currently exists.

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12 hours ago, billd766 said:


Unfortunately not ALL persons of Scottish descent were permitted to vote, only those who were living in Scotland at the time of the vote were actually "allowed' to vote.


Should a second vote be "allowed" by the Scottish parliament then all persons of Scottish descent, no matter where they live in the world should be allowed to vote. The vote should be carried out in accordance with the normal voting age across the UK which is 18 years of age and the voters must be UK citizens only and be on the electoral roll.


Whether English, Welsh and Norhtern Irish voters should be allowed to vote is a separate question.

Hmmm - I am not sure that you should be the one to set the terms on what Scots may or may not do in regards to their own future, but thanks for another example of unwanted, outside interference.

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9 minutes ago, transam said:

So now the Russians are involved....And you have insider info...I am impressed.....bravo.gif.817551ff5368147e1e050a0afcce1eaf.gif

No, I have access to Google - you should try using it sometimes; maybe this will help reduce the number of times you need to be corrected.


Cameron's Plea to Putin: Help Me Stop Salmond


So, having put you right on the Russians, anything else you want me to enlighten you upon, or are you willing to accept that the rest is fact too?




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