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Prawit orders agencies to cooperate to reduce Songkran death toll


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Once again all police officers will be working hard at check points making sure your registration is up to date. When are they going to realise that getting rid of the check points, getting the police bums out of their deckchairs and onto patrolling the roads, where the accidents happen, is going to achieve a lot more. They do not even need to issue tickets to the faulty drivers (although there is nothing wrong with that) but stopping someone and pointing out where they are doing wrong is a good start to education. Slow drivers not keeping left, fast drivers overtaking on blind corners, switching lanes at traffic lights and tailgating  are a few areas to start with.

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

What a load of nonsense, agencies to co-operate to reduce songkran death toll

How can that be possible? Now Thai people you be good folk, drive slower, respect other road users, no drink driving, hell will freeze over before any of that will happen.

I got a better one Col Make the cops do there job Simple as that. Think i am pissing in the wind saying that

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One of the major things missing from ROAD SAFETY ESSENTIALS is the requirement for every vehicle to be compliant with a defined,6 monthly renewal  WARRANT OF FITNESS for cars and light vehicles and motor cycles and CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS FOR commercial vehicles (more comprehensive)


Sure it would be a massive undertaking to set up testing stations nation wide,but it can be done and is being done very successfully  in countries like New Zealand The system is self funded by the fees for the testing service.DLT I am sure would be able to obtain the details of the regulations ,if requested.to implement or modify where necessary.


Our property fronts onto highway 212,and as a past member of Road Safety Council,plus being an instructor in NZ Defensive Driving system, I notice daily many obvious defects that exist and contribute to accidents,(going somewhere to happen)

This would be more meaningful if it were added to the checkpoint,quickly visible window sticker.It would also mean that checking can be done anywhere as a separate function in parking buildings,shopping mall park,or roadside at any time.Non compliance can mean the vehicle may be towed and barred from the road until the requirements are satisfactory

This is probably enough to get the ball rolling  Phew!!

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One of the biggest problems with the various governments/controlling bodies of this country is issuing instructions for clampdowns during peak holiday periods and not addressing the problem at root level.


Clampdowns are time specific; once that period of focus is over, things go back to normal and the death tolls reflect on that normality once again. The other thread running about renting bikes in Pattaya highlights this well, worth watching the video if you haven't already seen it.


In the 20 years I have been living here, I have heard the same every year and never has it got better. 


Perhaps time to take a different approach and address the problem 24/7? Might be surprised that there aren't as many accidents happening during the busy periods if the law is constantly enforced.

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1 hour ago, ttl said:

Sure it would be a massive undertaking to set up testing stations nation wide,but it can be done and is being done very successfully  in countries like New Zealand The system is self funded by the fees for the testing service.DLT I am sure would be able to obtain the details of the regulations ,if requested.to implement or modify where necessary.

Thailand is a third world country. NZ, in comparison, is sophisiated and enlightened. Most of the motorbikes up here are not fit for any road let alone a test. Ten year olds whzzing about 'round the villages on bangers that the scrap man would only give an ice-bucket for; on a good day.


We had a bike a couple of years back. It was such a wreck in the end that the misses had to push it everywhere. She was moaning about it so much I gave it away to a family member. Still at the back of the MiL's garden. Just seen the chickens nesting on it.


The way forward is to start proper education in the schools. It will filter through eventually, and when those kids are grandparents they will tell the little ones not to drink and drive. Sorted!

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15 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

The way forward is to start proper education in the schools. It will filter through eventually, and when those kids are grandparents they will tell the little ones not to drink and drive.

Yes, that is a proper way but I doubt if the ruling elite will allow or encourage that, unfortunately. :sad:

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I’m guessing if turning on traffic lights doesn’t work - then it’s doom time especially over songkran - it’s not the water throwing - which will probably lead to another water shortage even though fun 

it’ll be the contents in the water that makes drivers “invincible” until they kill someone 

then a Wai little compo and carry on as any normal day 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

To accommodate people travelling up-country to visit their hometowns, and to stimulate nationwide tourism, the Cabinet designated Thursday, April 12 as an additional holiday on top of the April 13 to 16 usual holiday time.

Holy bat crap.... they have added an extra day to the carnage prone holiday... 


they really need to resell more of the confiscated drugs, and take less themselves... because who ever came up with this, is way way out there

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1 hour ago, mrfill said:

Surely, the easiest way to reduce the figures is to instruct the various agencies to report lower figures.


There, that's sorted that out....

Lol... given the current disparity between reported figures and the truth, you might as well suggest that they not report at all... no deaths... good outcome... hand out some medals with the chicken essence!

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I am going to do my part to try and help.

I am going to lock myself in my apartment and wait until it is over!

Only opening the door for food deliveries.  :)


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45 minutes ago, lensta said:

Stupidity is to do the same thing year after  year and expect a different result.

To paraphrase Albert Einstein, to whom it was attributed (perhaps mistakenly).


But your remark neatly encapsulates the 'workings/thinking' of Thai authorities. :coffee1:

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Prawit orders agencies to cooperate to reduce Songkran death toll

the Cabinet designated Thursday, April 12 as an additional holiday on top of the April 13 to 16 usual holiday time

How to reduce the Songkran road carnage Thai-Cabinet-Style: add one more day for the people to kill each other 


(it's all slowly starting to make sense... waah ha ha!!)

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