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Facebook uproar over woman sitting in Ayutthaya Buddha’s lap


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4 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

I'm not sure if this block of concrete has any "ancient ruins, archeological sites and historical structures" value.


If this site has some sort of buddhist connotations the taking of pics should be welcomed.


There are plenty of examples of incidents I referred to. You should not have difficulty researching them on your own. 

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10 minutes ago, csabo said:

I could care less about anyone's religious beliefs but ancient ruins, archeological sites and historical structures and such should not be used for climbing and taking stupid photos. The phrase we used as kids comes to mind "look with your eyes not with your hands". 

There is a staircase right in front with no barrier to enter. She is clothed head to toe and took a simple pose. It’s no big deal. It’s not important. Facebook is not the forum one should use if truly outraged. It is  stupid social media and a way lazy ass Nopporn decided to be outraged.  He knows nothing. If a tree falls down in the forest and no one is around to hear it, did it make a noise? 

If two girls who may be Thai took a picture of one just posing on a statue with no disrespect with jestures and proper clothes as well and Nopporn’s friend did not take a pic of her,  does it really matter?? 

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21 minutes ago, csabo said:

I could care less about anyone's religious beliefs but ancient ruins, archeological sites and historical structures and such should not be used for climbing and taking stupid photos. The phrase we used as kids comes to mind "look with your eyes not with your hands". 

I agree with this; I understand what everybody says about Thai buddhism, but at least respect old stones and respect people for whom these statues represent something

I know many people disagree, but they give their opinion, I give mine

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7 minutes ago, csabo said:

There are plenty of examples of incidents I referred to. You should not have difficulty researching them on your own.

I hear about them on TVFourm; thanks. Most I think are overblown jokes that place the emphasis on the wrong aspect of the deed.


In this particular instance there should be chairs and big umberellas available for visitors; to relax out of the sun. Enjoying the concrete statues without some fool reporting it to facebook.

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20 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Wasn't Buddha quite a ladies man before he went all holy?

No, he was a prince and was married and had a child, he deserted his wife and child one night without so much as a goodbye and left the palace,  in his later years shacked up with a wealthy widow.

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17 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Thre are many, many facts that insult Thais. I thoroughly enjoy going through as many as I can muster with them. 


Like, say, worshipping a concrete block isn't what Buddha meant. Nor is paying the monks for good luck, etc.

 worshipping concrete blocks and paying monks is OK as this is Thailand,  the hub and protector of Buddhism - Thai Buddhism,  but farangs don't understand. 

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1 hour ago, CharlesSwann said:

Religion is all about keeping its members under control.

Yeah. Doesn't compute that well when you're not a member and see people kneeling down on statues such as a navy dude on top of a hill in Pattaya. He must've gotten some enlightment metal or sumthing.

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2 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

 When in Rome - or Ayyutaya - do as the natives do and show some respect for their culture.

Respect must be earned. A fake culture doesn't really cut that muster. But, better respect the revenge of the pious if you want to keep your head. Good old religious violence has indeed earned it's respect.

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22 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Sheesh!  Stop being so damn sensitive, Thai people.  And while you're at it, try actually learning what Buddha taught, instead of this Thai crap you call "Buddhism".  


For starters, Buddha SPECIFICALLY told his followers NOT to pray to him when he died, as he was NOT a god, but ONLY A MAN, and prayers to him would be wasted.  


There is no such thing as true Buddhism in Thailand, only a lot of mumbo, jumbo superstition dressed in orange robes that's a fake as a $3 bill. 


Try reading what he said before telling others about what he didn't say, thanks.

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Ooh boy, like many of my fellow correspondents, I can't stand the 'outrage' over victimless 'crimes' of this sort, and there's certainly no requirement for any of us to respect the beliefs of others simply because they are the beliefs of others! But on the other hand, these statues are rightly regarded as significant historic artefacts (I'm guessing the offending tourist had traveled to the site because of this) and she should have shown respect for that significance.

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55 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Respect must be earned. A fake culture doesn't really cut that muster. But, better respect the revenge of the pious if you want to keep your head. Good old religious violence has indeed earned it's respect.

A fake culture doesn't really cut that muster   mustard.              Colman's if you don't mind.:thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

Respect must be earned. A fake culture doesn't really cut that muster. But, better respect the revenge of the pious if you want to keep your head. Good old religious violence has indeed earned it's respect.

I agree respect should be earned, but this cuts both ways. One certain way for visitors to Thailand, and the countries they hail from, to lose the respect of the indigenous population is to behave as the girl in the photograph is doing. 


Fortunately, Buddhists are generally fairly tolerant folk. Had she shown similar disrespect to a religious artefact while visiting, say, an Islamic nation, the consequences could have been far more serious than a brief tongue-lashing on social media!


As to Thailand being a fake culture - well, can you point to one that isn't? All cultures are phony in the sense that they are inventions created as a distraction from the innate anxiety generated by the knowledge of  our ultimate mortality - a burden not borne, apparently, by the other animal species.


By implication, you seem to be suggesting that all religions are also fake - a widely held conviction which has yet to be proved or disproved. One could argue that being an atheist or agnostic is,therefore, just as much a matter of faith as being a Christian, Buddhist or follower of Islam.


As for the "revenge of the pious", this extends beyond the realm of religion belief to encompass the fanatical followers of just about every other system of mass control dreamed up ruling elites over the centuries. My guess is that the body count amassed by Communists such as Stalin, Chairman Mao and their disciples across Asia and Africa at least rivals that accumulated by followers of Christ, Muhammad and Buddha.




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On 2018-03-09 at 2:38 AM, Just1Voice said:

Sheesh!  Stop being so damn sensitive, Thai people.  And while you're at it, try actually learning what Buddha taught, instead of this Thai crap you call "Buddhism".  


For starters, Buddha SPECIFICALLY told his followers NOT to pray to him when he died, as he was NOT a god, but ONLY A MAN, and prayers to him would be wasted.  


There is no such thing as true Buddhism in Thailand, only a lot of mumbo, jumbo superstition dressed in orange robes that's a fake as a $3 bill. 

    Not sure where in the article it said people were praying to the statue, but it did say someone decided to sit on it.

  Who are you to say there is no true Buddhism in Thailand ?   You could easily say there is no true Buddhism anywhere in the world, as it has changed in various ways in various lands, and over time.  Is Tibetan Buddhism or Sri Lanka Buddism true Buddhism?  Is Zen Buddhism or Pure Land Buddhism true Buddhism ?

   Are there really bad monks..  yep.... They're human and subject to the temptations of this world as we all are.  Same with bad Christian pastors and priests...  

   There are also many, many good monks and pastors and priests.. 

   That does not make the religion bad... The religion or philisophical way of life give us something to strive for.. to try to make ourselves better if we apply the teachings and if we are sincere. 

    How about Christianity?  What Christian denomination is true Christianity ? ?   How about Hinduism or any other religion you wish to mention ? 

     No true Buddhism in Thailand?  Perhaps.  But, it is their Buddhism. The Buddhism of Thailand whether or not you like it.

     The Thais have their form of Buddhism, with a bit of animism and Hinduism mixed in. 

   Respect it when you are in Thailand or a Thai temple anywhere in the world. 

     If you do not with to respect Thai Buddhism or the forms of Buddhism in other countries because it is not "...true Buddhism..." that YOU agree with....... then PLEASE STAY AWAY from the temples and other religious places.    

Thank you.

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8 minutes ago, HLover said:

Agreed, those crucifix symbols are strange indeed.


8 minutes ago, HLover said:

Agreed, those crucifix symbols are strange indeed.

     You get Christians buying Jordan River water, dirt from the Holy land.

   Roman Catholic 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class relics amulets of the saints.  If you actually have a 1st class relic like a tiny piece of a saint's bone or hair in a locket verified and sealed by the Church... you've got the best. Miracle for sure should happen for you according to Christian believers. Even a 2nd class relic.... like a tiny piece of material that had been worn by a saint...  wow! 

        Blessed crosses and crucifixes.. and more..   

  Lots of amulets and things in various religions...  It's harmless for the most part.  Except if you believe they are going to protect you from knives and bullets. 

   I own some Thai amulets, but I do not believe they have any supernatural powers.  I simply use them as a focal point to remind me of Lord Buddha and his Dhamma. 


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