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Bar problem

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1 minute ago, pomegranate said:

Where are the head teachers, the censors ?

Talking freely about vaccines is forbidden on Thaivisa, but talking about how to consume prostitutes is allowed. 

Lighten up mate, why get excited?

Maybe because you are not getting any, is that whats wrong?:cheesy:

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I don't frequent bars anymore but when I first came here I did. I had similar problems once and later heard that long time does not mean all night but 3 times finishing. Short time is only one time. I am not sure how much of this is true but I can imagine if you take some viagra (especially if you normally don't need it) you can go on all the time and girls don't really like that.


Anyway just my 2 cents too little experience in the bar scene to be of much use here. 

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2 hours ago, buick said:

3.  never pay in advance.  never.  even if you've 'invested' money in a few lady drinks before you find out you must pay in advance.  the pay in advance is the telltale sign of a pending rip off. 

It would be fair all round , if they would agree on a payment per ejaculation .

First ejaculation would be 1000 Baht , second one 700 Baht and third one 500 Baht and 500 Baht per ejaculation after that , with a time limit of 12 O'Clock in the afternoon , the following day , after that, the price goes back to 1000 Baht

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1 hour ago, ThaiFelix said:

Yes its not like the good old days when all night was normal.  I think the girls are making far too much money because a lot of mongers havnt got a clue and fall for the bullshit.  There are a lot of good girls but there are far too many who only want to do short short short time so they can get back to the bar and pick up another idiot.  Some dont even want to leave the bar because they make a good living from idiots paying for overpriced ladies drinks.  Some sit there for hours buying drinks for a "very friendly" girl who then suddenly loses her charm when you mention bar fining her.

Yes!! The 'good old days'. I remember it well. Got into Pattaya a little jet-lagged. Stayed at Canterbury Tales. Slept til about 9 pm and went out on the town. Met a lovely bit of stuff down the beach. Took her back and low-and-behold she was a HE. Cost me 100 Baht to get him out of the room. Went downstairs to have a beer. All the girls in the bar were giggling. Walked down Soi Chaipoom and met the wife.


Back to the OP. The girl was very unprofessional. You were just unlucky. Have another go. Will be different next time. Try a new bar. Take care out there. Pattaya can be ruthless for the unwary and  unprepared. Good luck for the future.

Edited by owl sees all
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5 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Met a lovely bit of stuff down the beach. Took her back and low-and-behold she was a HE. Cost me 100 Baht to get him out of the room.

i had that surprise !!!  had to pay 200thb to get my she/he out of the room.  well done with your 100thb.  that was back in 1997 for me, my second trip to thailand (phuket).  long time was 2,000 back then (short time didn't exist).

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14 minutes ago, sanemax said:

It would be fair all round , if they would agree on a payment per ejaculation .

First ejaculation would be 1000 Baht , second one 700 Baht and third one 500 Baht and 500 Baht per ejaculation after that , with a time limit of 12 O'Clock in the afternoon , the following day , after that, the price goes back to 1000 Baht

i know what you mean.  that would work well for many.  believe it or not, some pay the lady just for the companionship.  and me, khun buick, would have some trouble getting to the 700thb phase so i'd have a cheap night !!!

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Can't believe you paid a hefty sum upfront...trial and error is best to  pay for services rendered....past tense...how do you know about chemistry? What's her motive  then to deliver the goods?


The BG game is not Amazon...

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Sometimes, you get more than what you bargain for.  Other times not so much.  He screwed her and she screwed him.  Now the OP feels he should get a refund for breach of verbal contract because e didn't get his money's worth.  My father had a saying "when using a hammer to drive a nail if you hit your finger it's an accident, but if you hit it a second time it's your own fault".  Maybe the OP can find this educational.

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2 minutes ago, tweedledee2 said:

  My father had a saying "when using a hammer to drive a nail if you hit your finger it's an accident, but if you hit it a second time it's your own fault".  Maybe the OP can find this educational.

Yep, you hit the nail on the finger .

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my father pays for everything with a credit card, all over the world.  i keep begging him to stop but he really likes getting the airline miles.  he's on vacation right now in italy.  he'll pay a 5 euro bill for two coffees in rome with a credit card, even though he's carrying plenty of euros in his pocket.  he's had fraudulent charges several times.  but keeps on doing it.  he's got more money than he could ever spend, just addicted to accruing airline miles !!!  i used to hate it as it took longer to process a credit card transaction than paying in cash.  but these days, the credit card can be done quicker than cash with many merchants.

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4 hours ago, BarnicaleBob said:

Good grief, you went out, payed for something that is illegal in Thailand and felt you didn't get your monies worth.  Go right on down to the tourist police and tell them you have been swindled while committing a crime.  I'm sure they will help you and maybe even give you lodging for a while.  

This reminds me of the guy who purchased drugs and got ripped off then, reported it to the police.  


4 hours ago, Falcon said:

As you gave your credit card details to the bar, i’d Be very surprised if the girl you paid for isn’t the only thing that’s disappeared early. If I were you, I’d call the credit card company and require as to the balance left on your card. Giving out credit card details in a bar isn’t the smartest move in my opinion.....


4 hours ago, Falcon said:

As you gave your credit card details to the bar, i’d Be very surprised if the girl you paid for isn’t the only thing that’s disappeared early. If I were you, I’d call the credit card company and require as to the balance left on your card. Giving out credit card details in a bar isn’t the smartest move in my opinion.....

Great life you born with eyes and a brain use it to the best of your     ability.   use cash cc are dangerous for scams 

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20 minutes ago, tweedledee2 said:

My father had a saying "when using a hammer to drive a nail if you hit your finger it's an accident, but if you hit it a second time it's your own fault".

My dad used to say something similar. He said "if you can't hit the nail with the hammer forget about being a chippy; try for brain surgeon son."

Edited by owl sees all
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3 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Did you buy her some food, some drinks, be nice to her? Long term girls you might as well enjoy their company first. Be nice to them and more times than not they'll be nice to you. You got all night mate, no need to rush. Also, always pay after the fact. Barfine, ok you need to pay that up front. Cash not credit card.

Damn, I was wondering how long it would take to get some sense into this.


From the story it was apparent she had had enough of the OP. This is a job to these girls. Just like any job, it can be drudgery or pleasant or anything in between. I've known many who say, "damn it she works for me, she will do as I say." They seem to be the ones who have the most trouble with women and end up saying, "yes honey, anything you say" and still get cuckolded. 


The guys who know how to handle women have more trouble getting them to leave--the old joke being, you don't pay them for sex, you pay them to leave.

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4 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

Ah yes, the convent formerly known as Soi Cowboy

Your interpretation of what constitutes a decent girl leaves me wondering of what they have to do to become indecent

She's nothing more than a clever prostitute. He accepted the conditions in which  he found himself and she  triumphed ..................... Get over it ...:stoner:

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3 hours ago, Cranky said:

Getting them to leave was indeed the biggest issue a few years ago.  Had to get hotel security to sling one out once!!  Short-time didn't exist till recent years.

Oh please. Years ago, many bars would not let the girls go. They worked there, ate there, slept there. How else do you inventory the usage? You let them go and they can make money on their own.

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2 hours ago, gamini said:

bar fines are nothing more than pimping fees which go to the lowlife bar owner pimp. Many of them are farang scum.

so why don't we all call bar finds pimping fees to show our disgust at this practice. The worst part is that the girl gets nothing.

Are you really that naive? Bar fines are utilized differently; sometimes they do as you say and go to the bar only; it is up to the girl to get from the customer what she can. Other times the girl and the bar split the barfine; the split depends upon the bar too; sometimes it's 50/50, other times it favors the bar, and even sometimes it favors the girl.  An old ruse, of course, is the girl will tell you she gets nothing from the barfine; gee, can you figure out why she would say that?

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25 minutes ago, tweedledee2 said:

Sometimes, you get more than what you bargain for.  Other times not so much.  He screwed her and she screwed him.  Now the OP feels he should get a refund for breach of verbal contract because e didn't get his money's worth.  My father had a saying "when using a hammer to drive a nail if you hit your finger it's an accident, but if you hit it a second time it's your own fault".  Maybe the OP can find this educational.

I've always felt it was your fault when you hit your finger the first time.

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Just trying to figure out what's more a waste of space - 6 pages of posts, or the OP. I'm reminded of Oscar Wilde's observation on fox-hunting as practised by the English gentry : The unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible.

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4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

So you are just worried about missing out on 3 hours of sex and paying for it ? I think most of us married here to Thais fee like this when the Mrs throws Thai strop over nothing and wont talk or have sex for days ! But hey, that's life. Mine's currently in a strop for 2 days now as I said I wanted her to put the toddler to bed - at 11.30 pm !

Do you really believe most married men are controlled in that manner by their wives?

Edited by smotherb
tried to clean it up
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