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The week that was in Thailand news: Don’t drink the water – unless you live here!


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2 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Nice reading. Improved my English vocabulary

Yep, weirdly I was thinking of synonyms for cornucopia. I came up with - range, variety and smorgasboard (they could be wrong though). Why? Three reasons:

1. I'm an Enrish teatcha

2. It's the way I roll

3. I'm a boring tool.


Any more gratefully received. Or is it recieved?

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8 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Nice reading. Improved my English vocabulary


Well, not 100% correct. Please see minor suggestions below.


'Harsh words perhaps but Rooster is not the sort of bore that who is always giving advice, especially about Thailand'. 


'Though a teacher of Thai language and culture for 20 years I have not always been what might be termed “culturally sensitive”. Just ask Mrs Rooster for confirmation. of that'.


'Growing up in England we always took our family holidays in France in July as my father was born near Le Mans and we had a huge amount of Gallic relos to sponge off and for my bilingual old man to keep up with his French. with.




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I agree with the above post; I enjoy Rooster's writing being an author myself.  The only thing I would take issue with him this week is his assertion that the infamous meterless taximeters of Pattaya are driven by a breed of cherubim. 

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Allot of tourists come to Thailand to have fun, and some of them act like children and forgot how to behave like an adult... thinking it's their vacation they should be able to do whatever they want... drinking way more than they should and doing stuff they wouldn't normally do in their home country... doing things without thinking about what the consequences of their actions...


And there are those tourists who have been around who have fun but also remember to stay alert, be respectful and mindful of local customs but wind up getting treated poorly from thai locals because the tourists who arrived before them were jackasses.


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On 3/25/2018 at 11:11 AM, Tchooptip said:

The lack of respect for other people beliefs is not a proof of intelligence and certainly not of education:coffee1:


Here are some other beliefs, that you ought to respect:


The earth is flat

Climate change is a hoax

Sexual orientation is a choice

The moon landing never happened

Secret cabal of [Illuminati, Rothschilds, etc.] controls the weather

Earth is the center of the universe/solar system

Lottery tickets are a good investment

Ghosts are real

People lived during the time of the dinoasurs

Lizard people control the government(s)

Elvis Presley is still alive

Bigfoot, Loch Ness monster, other cryptozoology

Globalist new world order nonsense


Cell phones cause cancer

ESP/paranormal abilities

Soft drink is an acceptable dietary substitute for fruit/veggie, whereas oranges and bananas are NOT

Obama isn't a US citizen

Female genital mutilation

Planet X/Nibiru

6000 year-old Earth


And probably hundreds more that we could dig up.  Clearly, a lot of these beliefs are born out of willful ignorance but some are purposefully concocted from diseased minds (like Icke) and spread like a virus, infecting our ability to understand reality and peacefully coexist as a race of humans.  I'd like to hear some good arguments for respecting any of these beliefs.  And "because we don't want to offend anyone" is not a good reason.


What is worse: Instructing children to respect religious beliefs, instead of understanding reality, is child abuse.  That's why we have schools - to stamp out ignorance, not validate it or "respect" it.


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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


What is worse: Instructing children to respect religious beliefs, instead of understanding reality, is child abuse

Couldn't agree more. Inform ALL children about ALL religions equally, then when they are 'old and intelligent enough' let them decide which, if any, they want to follow.

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Rooster, you always make for good reading and today had me positively chuckling, nay, guffawing. The downside is that I am in Starbucks enjoying a coffee and a ‘Crock Messer’ and the other patrons think I’m slightly ‘touched’! Thanks for a joyful start to the day. ?

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21 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Couldn't agree more. Inform ALL children about ALL religions equally, then when they are 'old and intelligent enough' let them decide which, if any, they want to follow.


That's dangerous - at least wait until high school when they've already learned how to evaluate and question statements.  AND teach it in a class called 'mythology & superstitions 101'.  


Further complicating matters, do we include obvious cults like scientology and mormonism?  Big can of worms there.

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On 3/25/2018 at 10:19 AM, wgdanson said:

And some people actually believe that a hippy guy about 2000 odd years ago came back to life on this day, after being brutally executed by some Italians in the middle East somewhere.

I'm not Christian.  However a beyond perfectly rude and crude comment to all of them.  

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