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On 3/28/2018 at 5:47 PM, impulse said:


Your last 4 words are exactly right.  I don't judge a guy who makes a decision like that as "lonely and hard up" even if it's not something I'd do.  To each his own. 


I can certainly understand the attraction, having been married "back home" where it cost me many multiples of $600 a month and the sex was pretty scarce after the first 6 months or so.  And having spent way more than that dating, with the odds of sex in a percentage (looking back) that I could count on my fingers.  Or it could be a guy that doesn't want to waste time in a bar every night to scrounge up some company, hoping it doesn't go real bad tonight.  Or, God forbid, finding an "independent woman" and finding out too late that she isn't going to be happy without a ring and rights to 1/2 of what I own. 


A straight forward monthly price seems more practical than desperate.  But, I can't speak from experience.


when I was younger and naiver, now im more older and less naiver and much more cynical,


one of my older friends told me that marriage costs more in the long run (yes this guy was cynical)


this came to a shock to me, but as years have gone by, ive done the maths and odds calculation, and his arguments do make sense


anyway, my point is , many have done the maths like in this example and worked out that a hooker for $600 per month is far cheaper and less headache, which is fair enough,


so if you do hire a hooker for a night, at the end of the night or morning, they leave,  simple transaction,


so why would it be any different, you pay them their allowance, and once youve had enough of them, they leave, if they dont, you call the police or physically remove them or do whatever


whats with all this talk about renting them apartments, giving them 2 days notice, you hiring a hotel........








You compare a random hooker up against someone who supposed to be your friend and lover? 


Some people got it all wrong from beginning, and yes I understand why people getting cynicle, but again, it should be some kind of a desire to reach a surten level in life, and,,,,, well I guess just forget it. Up to you my friend, but I feel sorry for guys who think like that

  • Like 1
On 3/30/2018 at 1:14 PM, gk10002000 said:

Hell no do not leave her alone in the place.  If you are a really nice guy, get her a cheap place for a month for 5k baht.  If she was at all good to you, that would be a nice thing.

exactly, or the next thread would be "I gave my gf 1 week to get out and shes destroyed my tv, torn the couch, broken the window, fridge is burnt, and my apartment is smoke ridden........ but I think I should pay for her hotel since she has no where to stay, and I will go sleep on the park bench, and ill increase her allowance "


On 3/30/2018 at 3:33 AM, Media1 said:

Not nice 

are we trying to be nice or get ourselves out of a shit situation primary caused by her refusal to leave


I still dont get what goes trhough their mind are they insisting on staying to save face or they dont think that far ahead,

so if you could, would they still stay if you could reassign the lease to her and remove your property?

2 minutes ago, Hummin said:



You compare a random hooker up against someone who supposed to be your friend and lover? 


Some people got it all wrong from beginning, and yes I understand why people getting cynicle, but again, it should be some kind of a desire to reach a surten level in life, and,,,,, well I guess just forget it. Up to you my friend, but I feel sorry for guys who think like that

just because you think a random hooker is your gf, while ignoring all  the classic and common sense signs,

who do you blame?


personally, I find it in your best interests to be cynical,

as someone said , only be prepared to lose what you can afford to

5 minutes ago, Hummin said:

As I said before, it doesnt hurt to be smart and nice at the same time.

yes, it pays to be smart

why would you be or need to be nice, if its going to backfire,


give her 10k, she;ll want 20k,

give her 1 day to get out, she;ll want 3 days

give her the fridge, she'll want the entire kitchen


where were all my ex gfs in my life (non thai) who were and still are nice people, but they didnt give me money or a car to be nice when we broke up

  • Like 1
58 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


And for every bad story about a Thai, there is equally one about a foreigner.


What about those guys coming out underfunded that cannot even survive on that kind of money in their own country, that then take7-10,000 a month condos here and move a woman in because they think they are being smart and it's all just free sex without bar fines or paying the girl?

well, if theyre hiring hookers, and gloating about how much money they wish they had, and they end up with a leech,

then theyve only got themselves to blame,


if the guy wants to hire a hooker everyday because its cheaper, than thats their choice, its quite smart, but if they think if the hooker is with them because he is so Hansum, then youre deluded

  • Like 1
On 3/28/2018 at 11:00 AM, joeBr said:

sorry for late reply as I was very busy.

And to give even more context. No bargirl. Family lives in Korea, is in shambles now - not an option.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle!  Joe, are you telling us she is Korean and has no family at all in Thailand?


This is one of those little "details" you should have mentioned up front! Just about everyone on TV assumed she was Thai and possessed the "home court advantage".  If she is Korean, no matter what she tells the police, they could care less.


How about a few more "details" such as:


1. Does she have a work permit?

2. Does she have a support network of any kind in Thailand?


Yes, we all understand you don't wish to give her any cash, but hell ... how is she supposed to survive?



1 hour ago, hellohello123 said:

I cant tuck my nuts behind me


The OP and his doormat colleagues may not care, just let them swing freely and make up a sad story.

You could exit with 10 to 100k in bad behavior pay.

  • Like 1
On 3/30/2018 at 9:59 AM, NanLaew said:

The Thai police, like pretty much any police force in the world, will not be interested in any sort of domestic dispute.


On the other hand, the Thai police, unlike much any police force in the world, will happily accept a 'donation' to get them to come over to the OP's condo and be all threatening and the like.



an old man complained to me his slapper had called police

to watch over when she packed up and left.

he told them it was BS, their respond was that it was her right.

and i totally dont think she had any money to pay police,

i dont think the old man had money to pay police even

5 minutes ago, robblok said:

Some people just need to justify their choices.


If its just about sex sure you can take a hooker and pay her and be done with it


For those of us who had real GF's know its different. There is a world of difference between a GF and a hooker. One stays with you because she likes you the other stays with you for money.

That is unless you pay your GF money to stay with you but then its not really a GF.


I search for people who like me and want to stay with me, but that is a bit hard to find if your 60 and want a 20 year old GF. Then its a money thing (in most of the cases) Now if your closer together in age its more often then not a mutual thing a girl that wants a companion and a lover. These guys just want girls that are normally out of their reach and use money to get them and then wonder why it turns out bad.

Well said. 


Thailand allows you to buy a girl way out of your league because your dollar is much more  powerful and you can also offer them a visa to paradise. 


Back home if you offered a local girl half your age your pension and a visa they'd laugh you out 



Unfortunately. Many people start thinking their buying power makes them superior and get delusional that the hooker are with you because you look like Brad Pitt with the charm of George clooney 


Very common on these forums too

  • Like 2
35 minutes ago, poanoi said:

an old man complained to me his slapper had called police

to watch over when she packed up and left.

he told them it was BS, their respond was that it was her right.

and i totally dont think she had any money to pay police,

i dont think the old man had money to pay police even

that's right it's luck of the draw here

3 minutes ago, hellohello123 said:

Well said. 


Thailand allows you to buy a girl way out of your league because your dollar is much more  powerful and you can also offer them a visa to paradise. 


Back home if you offered a local girl half your age your pension and a visa they'd laugh you out 



Unfortunately. Many people start thinking their buying power makes them superior and get delusional that the hooker are with you because you look like Brad Pitt with the charm of George clooney 


Very common on these forums too

Sure but the problem begins when they think that everyone has a hooker gf or that all GF's are hookers. Its just not true two different kind of situations.


I have no problem with people who have hookers as GF, my problems arise when they say all Thai woman are hookers or when they get cheated by said hooker and act like all woman are like that.

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, robblok said:

Sure but the problem begins when they think that everyone has a hooker gf or that all GF's are hookers. Its just not true two different kind of situations.


I have no problem with people who have hookers as GF, my problems arise when they say all Thai woman are hookers or when they get cheated by said hooker and act like all woman are like that.

of course, although I do believe that  generalizations may be unfair , but they exist because primarily they are true,


but you may find a diamond in the rough, but if you think someone half your age is going to be with you without the incentive of money or visa or status in thai society, then you are playing a very low odds game,


you just got to be realistic about it, and I wish the person all the best


I just dont want to hear about how she is different and how you 2 exwives back home are cows, and your exwife here is a gold digger, and how fit and healthy you are and how hot your current wife is, and how thai people need to be taught manners


So how was this woman supporting herself or being supported before the OP took her in? My answer is she has to go back to doing that. Was it working as a maid, begging, dancing in a bar, working in a factory or was she a highly paid executive assistant? Whether or not she has a WP or is on overstay is really her problem not the OP's problem, she was doing something before, legally or not, she can go back to that. If the OP brought her from Korea to Thailand, then that's a different story, he owes her a ticket back.


Does she have any girl friends she could move in with? Does she even speak Thai fluently??


And it makes a bit of difference where the OP is located. For some reason I keep thinking this is in Pattaya, but I don't know why I think that. If it is then it seems to me it raises the likelihood that the woman was selling sex before she met OP and probably has to go back to that profession or fly home.


I'm still withholding final judgment on whether the whole thing is a troll, but giving the OP the benefit of the doubt for now.


I just read all the answers from OP.

 1) He does not want to throw her out brutally.


2) He does not want to call the police (except as a last resort)


3) He prefers not to give her money (but he may be willing to support her financially for a month or two).


I think the optimal solution would be to find someone who can act as an intermediary, a woman ideally. And that intermediary helps to negotiate the separation.


For example, they could meet in a public place all three: OP,  his girlfriend and the intermediary. And OP should help her financially for two months so she can rebuild her life.


I think that would be an acceptable solution.

13 hours ago, Marco777 said:

I just read all the answers from OP.

 1) He does not want to throw her out brutally.


2) He does not want to call the police (except as a last resort)


3) He prefers not to give her money (but he may be willing to support her financially for a month or two).


I think the optimal solution would be to find someone who can act as an intermediary, a woman ideally. And that intermediary helps to negotiate the separation.


For example, they could meet in a public place all three: OP,  his girlfriend and the intermediary. And OP should help her financially for two months so she can rebuild her life.


I think that would be an acceptable solution.

If you are asked to leave, and you dont,

there is nothing brutal about getting thrown out,


do you think OP would get sympathy for brutally getting thrown out if he doesnt pay his rent???

21 hours ago, Marco777 said:

I just read all the answers from OP.

 1) He does not want to throw her out brutally.


2) He does not want to call the police (except as a last resort)


3) He prefers not to give her money (but he may be willing to support her financially for a month or two).


I think the optimal solution would be to find someone who can act as an intermediary, a woman ideally. And that intermediary helps to negotiate the separation.


For example, they could meet in a public place all three: OP,  his girlfriend and the intermediary. And OP should help her financially for two months so she can rebuild her life.


I think that would be an acceptable solution.

I know you are serious.

But sorry, you may be one of the most naive persons ever with knowledge about the Thais and their thinking. 

  • Like 2

To some of the questions:

No she is not Korean, but her parents live there now.

She used to be pretty affluent, mostly due to her family but then got taken advantage of (including her family) and then failed on the businesses she started with the money she has left.
Subsequently she could have been way more pro-active though, so in the end it his her fault she is without any finacial means now.

Her friends are a bit scarce here and not too willing to have her for a longer period of time I think.

But as I outlined before she is about to leave soon, as soon as she has things sorted out (eg ticket to Korea).
It is going amicably now, for the most part.

It is just that she tends to be emotionally instable (which she fully admits) and that leads to certain "unfortunate" situations.
I dont wanna get her in trouble for just that moment of "freak-out" that she might regret afterwards.
Then again my tolerance has reached its limits with this.

These moods, wich dont make her listen to reason anymore (it is quiete remarkable how the human brain can warp reality) also might create a situation again where she might refuse to leave.
But I think she is mentally prepared now and it does not happen as a result of a fight.



The way i see it you have a couple of obvious options.


1. Take her for a holiday to somewhere like Vietnam or the Philippines, then one night while she’s a sleep take her passport, sneak out the hotel, go to the airport and fly home.

2. Wait until your lease expires, find another place to rent then one night sneak out and move all your stuff while she’s sleeping. 

5 hours ago, cat handler said:

The way i see it you have a couple of obvious options.


1. Take her for a holiday to somewhere like Vietnam or the Philippines, then one night while she’s a sleep take her passport, sneak out the hotel, go to the airport and fly home.

2. Wait until your lease expires, find another place to rent then one night sneak out and move all your stuff while she’s sleeping. 


You would seriously abandon a Thai lady in a foreign country, flee from her and leave her there alone?  Utterly appalling that someone would think of doing that.


To some of the questions:
No she is not Korean, but her parents live there now.
She used to be pretty affluent, mostly due to her family but then got taken advantage of (including her family) and then failed on the businesses she started with the money she has left.
Subsequently she could have been way more pro-active though, so in the end it his her fault she is without any finacial means now.
Her friends are a bit scarce here and not too willing to have her for a longer period of time I think.
But as I outlined before she is about to leave soon, as soon as she has things sorted out (eg ticket to Korea).
It is going amicably now, for the most part.
It is just that she tends to be emotionally instable (which she fully admits) and that leads to certain "unfortunate" situations.
I dont wanna get her in trouble for just that moment of "freak-out" that she might regret afterwards.
Then again my tolerance has reached its limits with this.
These moods, wich dont make her listen to reason anymore (it is quiete remarkable how the human brain can warp reality) also might create a situation again where she might refuse to leave.
But I think she is mentally prepared now and it does not happen as a result of a fight.

Have you done it yet? We cant wait forever
On 3/31/2018 at 10:07 AM, Hummin said:



You compare a random hooker up against someone who supposed to be your friend and lover? 


Some people got it all wrong from beginning, and yes I understand why people getting cynicle, but again, it should be some kind of a desire to reach a surten level in life, and,,,,, well I guess just forget it. Up to you my friend, but I feel sorry for guys who think like that


It's quite pathetic that many here see companionship as some kind of financial transaction. Then spend time convincing others how their "calculations" make sense.


I could provide these people with my own calculator explaining how finding a decent, employed Thai woman helped this poor Serb save $100,000 in 4 years, but I'm sure the "customers" would accuse me if lying, so why bother.


What a life to live. Paying prostitutes for attention.  A lot of Thai people are employed outside the sex trade. 

It's quite pathetic that many here see companionship as some kind of financial transaction. Then spend time convincing others how their "calculations" make sense.
I could provide these people with my own calculator explaining how finding a decent, employed Thai woman helped this poor Serb save $100,000 in 4 years, but I'm sure the "customers" would accuse me if lying, so why bother.
What a life to live. Paying prostitutes for attention.  A lot of Thai people are employed outside the sex trade. 
From one serb to another.. Are we the only 2 in Thailand? But I digress. My father who was a bit of playboy taught me as a child to have a good wife and good girl friends

I find both are possible here and thai women can turn a blind eye if they are well treated.
  • Like 1

A couple of troll posts have been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

14 hours ago, cat handler said:

The way i see it you have a couple of obvious options.


1. Take her for a holiday to somewhere like Vietnam or the Philippines, then one night while she’s a sleep take her passport, sneak out the hotel, go to the airport and fly home.

2. Wait until your lease expires, find another place to rent then one night sneak out and move all your stuff while she’s sleeping. 

You are a very bad and selfish man I hope no lady want to be your girlfriend leave her in another country and sorry stealing her passport are a criminal act I hope she will steal your money before your dumb her 

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