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Foreigner hangs himself, burns house down next to final message to wife: "You have stolen everything from me"


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10 hours ago, Pearce85 said:


Yes it does list his mom's name and his 2 kids name.  The son is from the US and the daughter is in Thailand.  If you'll go back and reread my comment,  it said he only had 1 son in the US.  I never said he didn't have a daughter in Thailand.  And as far as what the news quotes,  they're not always right.  And YES I did/do know him very well!  


Ok there was some confusion as you wrote : Wherever you're getting your facts from about him leaving a wife and 2 kids behind in the US are completely wrong!!! He only had 1 son here and never married in the states.  ---if we knew you were writing from USA   we would have known  "here" was US not Thailand. So he had a son by a girl in the US but as you state never married her. He then came to Thailand married a Thai girl and had a daughter by her  Correct so far ?

       Then If you read posts 580 on page 39 then 588,594,595 and 617 you will see that he also allegedly had a Thai GF on the side who talks with a Thai coworker of his on FB about she was at his house but left because his Thai wife said he could stay at the home but not with her. News  also reports him sending his wife a message on Line app stating he was going to burn down the house. You may have known him well before he came over to Thailand but the country can change you. Would also like to know his alcohol level or drugs in his system that could have contributed to his decision. Was tragic anyway ,RIP











Edited by Tony125
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On 03/04/2018 at 5:37 AM, mogandave said:

The wife probably had insurance on the car, motorbike and house.

Might have had life insurance on the husband as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

And you honestly think the insurance will pay out on a family member’s arson, and suicide..?  

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And you honestly think the insurance will pay out on a family member’s arson, and suicide..?  

Depends on when the insurance was bought.

Even though the house was torched by a family member, it’s still arson, and the family member was not the owner and does not stand to benefit from the claim.

I think the insurance would have to pay.

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On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 9:39 AM, hellohello123 said:

so lets play devils advocate and lets reverse everything,


sure each country/culture has bad/unetheical people,


but would most men from farangland or even thai do that to their partner?


take their assets, and get loans against them, lie and steal from them,

and then get violent and refuse to leave, or keep their kids away from them,


possibly, but id say generally no.


Foreigners hold their culture/values higher than third world Thailand (sorry to say  but I'm guilty of this too), so why do we tolerate this sort of behaviour. 

Would you pay your Gf back home $5k just to leave the house??  Or even rent them a house for a year because they refuse to work?!?!?! 


Not a chance 

My GF back home, after I left her, didn't get me put in jail or have me murdered, nor did I ever think she would. When I was in the process of leaving my wife I feared for my life, and kept the bedroom door locked at night.

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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

My GF back home, after I left her, didn't get me put in jail or have me murdered, nor did I ever think she would. When I was in the process of leaving my wife I feared for my life, and kept the bedroom door locked at night.

maybe she is waiting for enough time to pass before trying it , keep looking over your shoulder 

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On 29/03/2018 at 10:50 AM, kalidescopemind said:

How do Thais still get away with this?    How can you buy a property that you can't have in your name, and not know you are being screwed?


It's not the Thais' fault. Some falangs lose all sense of proportion when  they come to Thailand and unfortunately become fruit ripe for the taking. We have all heard of fellows in similar situations but very few of them react how this poor chap did.


I remember an old boy of 70 who'd bought a house for his 'wife' near Jomtien. Her Thai husband turned up and the old chap was handed his belongings in a couple of black plastic bags and told to scarper. He got over it and carried on as before, a wiser but poorer man than he had been a year earlier.


A bachelor's life might be a lonely one but it's safer and more secure especially in a land where you can't read or write or even speak the local lingo.

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