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London murder rate overtakes New York's


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On 4/1/2018 at 8:02 PM, mbamber said:

And another youngster stabbed and in a critical condition yesterday nearly one a day now.

From the OP: "So far in 2018, 46 people in London have been fatally stabbed, shot or injured compared to 50 in the US city."


That's nearly one every second day.


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3 minutes ago, tropo said:

From the OP: "So far in 2018, 46 people in London have been fatally stabbed, shot or injured compared to 50 in the US city."


That's nearly one every second day.


Suppose it does matter in a few cases where bystanders get hurt  , but as with the Krays in England, the Mob in USA, Drug Dealers wordwide who cares.!. They are killing there own kind for us.

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18 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

The trouble is that The indigenous people white Brits are not aloud to speak their mind or act in response to many situations.For fear of not being PC. It’s ok for British criminals along with Forieng to commit  crime but as soon as people stand up to them. They have human rights and get better treatment than The victims. How many people have stood up and reacted in response to a crime being committed in front of them. Then they get a criminal record. Being told you should have called the police. It’s about time the British Govenment gave out punishment to fit the crime, and bring back the death penalty for murders that are 100% proof convictions. Along with treason. All prisons should be work factory’s to make prison a place you don’t want to be.Not a place to brush up on your pool or take drugs. There should be a fleet of air busses a380s to deport immediately any foreign person who commits a crime. 4000 long term foreign prisoners in British prisons. Many who we cannot deport because they have human rights. Where are the British citysens rights. That’s why Britain is a soft touch. To  many snowflakes in charge. Only today in the paper. The NHS has paid nearl 500 million to treat foreign health tourists, I could go on but obviously many people will not agree, I am 63 when I was young I got belted at school if I as much as looked at the teachers the wrong way, I think I have grown up fairly balanced, Now a days if a child’s goldfish dies the child is sent for counciling. And there parents want to sue the school. Think rant over, 

You have just touched (lightly) on the iceberg of issues that have led to both Brexit and Trump - and is being played out all over EU. That murder and crime in London is anywhere near as bad as New York, which is now getting back to the levels pre-Rudy Giuliani, is solely down to the changes that have been made to the society by the left-wing liberal pollies - soft and bad immigration policy is just one of them.  

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22 minutes ago, HAKAPALITA said:

Suppose it does matter in a few cases where bystanders get hurt  , but as with the Krays in England, the Mob in USA, Drug Dealers wordwide who cares.!. They are killing there own kind for us.

I'm sure there's plenty of collateral damage as they beg, borrow and steal from the good people.

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4 minutes ago, tropo said:

I'm sure there's plenty of collateral damage as they beg, borrow and steal from the good people.

If you ever lived in Brooklyn, you would know them good people have they own way of dealin out pain to scum, hard to tell whos who sometimes.:stoner: 

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4 minutes ago, Slip said:

In the last 40 years the Conservative party have been in power for the majority of the time.  Are you specifically blaming this issue on the left wing governments that ruled between '97 an '07?  (Blair btw was about as left wing as my Great-Aunt Victoria.) If so what do you think the Conservatives have done to improve the situation, and when do you expect their policies will  reverse the recently worsening trends happening on their watch that are the topic of the OP?


SS fom Wiki:




Ive heard of Thatcher and Churchill all them others are wet n weak.

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9 minutes ago, Slip said:

In the last 40 years the Conservative party have been in power for the majority of the time.  Are you specifically blaming this issue on the left wing governments that ruled between '97 an '07?  (Blair btw was about as left wing as my Great-Aunt Victoria.) If so what do you think the Conservatives have done to improve the situation, and when do you expect their policies will  reverse the recently worsening trends happening on their watch that are the topic of the OP?


SS fom Wiki:




Not really on the Conservatives' watch since it is the Labour Party that is in power in London - with the socialist mayor Sadiq Khan at the helm for the last few years.Actually it's difficult/irrelevant/pointless/silly to discuss this in terms of party politics.


It's also worth pointing out that overall the UK murder rate is way way way lower (so much lower as to be staggering) than that of the US - the latter's appalling record being the result of insane gun laws and the terrorist group, the NRA.

Edited by jayboy
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23 minutes ago, jayboy said:

Not really on the Conservatives' watch since it is the Labour Party that is in power in London - with the socialist mayor Sadiq Khan at the helm for the last few years.Actually it's difficult/irrelevant/pointless/silly to discuss this in terms of party politics.


It's also worth pointing out that overall the UK murder rate is way way way lower (so much lower as to be staggering) than that of the US - the latter's appalling record being the result of insane gun laws and the terrorist group, the NRA.

How much influence the various involved bodies have on crime is an interesting area for consideration.  I'm not sue if the mayor has any real impact at all.  However, I was replying to a poster blaming the left-wing for the current figures, and I would tend to agree with you that it isn't a party issue, except perhaps that the Tories tend to cut funding for policing and welfare which will obviously have some sort of effect on prevention and the motivation to commit crimes.


Just out of interest data from the Met:


image.png.a2f2bb7c88dc4bf342a1c76e20107fd3.png https://www.met.police.uk/stats-and-data/crime-data-dashboard/

EDIT: With regard to the US, I agree entirely.

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As for the moped gang pictures earlier posted...well, all look like a waste of space to me...throw em in jail and toss the key away. Also, I reserve the right to call any criminal a pile of garbage who is pulling this stuff with impunity when they should be trying to get a job (however menial to start off with) and do the right thing. Secondly, there is garbage from all races and creeds etc. everywhere, so if I call some black person a pile of sh%t, it's not racist as I'd call an Asian, Latino or Caucasian the same if they committed the crimes too. And for all the PC brigade out there that might get the hump, I'll let you into a secret...if it's true it's not racist, just the truth. :wink:

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1 hour ago, Slip said:

How much influence the various involved bodies have on crime is an interesting area for consideration.  I'm not sue if the mayor has any real impact at all.  However, I was replying to a poster blaming the left-wing for the current figures, and I would tend to agree with you that it isn't a party issue, except perhaps that the Tories tend to cut funding for policing and welfare which will obviously have some sort of effect on prevention and the motivation to commit crimes.


Just out of interest data from the Met:



EDIT: With regard to the US, I agree entirely.

Not really sure about the Tories responsibility - firstly because they haven't had responsibility for managing London for a few years years and secondly because tackling knife crime isn't really a question of throwing money at the problem.If I understand Mayor Guiliani's NY policy correctly it was more about intolerance of even petty crime.


I don't blame Sadiq Khan who I think is doing a generally good job but he needs to get a handle (sorry about that) on this knife crime outbreak pretty pronto.I note he isn't getting much flack from the Guardian,Independent etc whereas you can be sure that if Boris was still in charge the lefty press would be screaming blue murder.

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16 minutes ago, jayboy said:

Not really sure about the Tories responsibility - firstly because they haven't had responsibility for managing London for a few years years and secondly because tackling knife crime isn't really a question of throwing money at the problem.If I understand Mayor Guiliani's NY policy correctly it was more about intolerance of even petty crime.


I don't blame Sadiq Khan who I think is doing a generally good job but he needs to get a handle (sorry about that) on this knife crime outbreak pretty pronto.I note he isn't getting much flack from the Guardian,Independent etc whereas you can be sure that if Boris was still in charge the lefty press would be screaming blue murder.

I'm not either- but trying to make some reasonable inferences,  and this is where it gets interesting imo.  Perhaps I am out of touch with the responsibilities of the Mayor in London, but I would have thought the local and national government policies would have a greater influence on the myriad social factors involved in crime levels.  Having said that crime has I'm sure been rising consistently since the dawn of society regardless of politics.

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Not really sure about the Tories responsibility - firstly because they haven't had responsibility for managing London for a few years years and secondly because tackling knife crime isn't really a question of throwing money at the problem.If I understand Mayor Guiliani's NY policy correctly it was more about intolerance of even petty crime.
I don't blame Sadiq Khan who I think is doing a generally good job but he needs to get a handle (sorry about that) on this knife crime outbreak pretty pronto.I note he isn't getting much flack from the Guardian,Independent etc whereas you can be sure that if Boris was still in charge the lefty press would be screaming blue murder.

‘outbreak’ suggests that this is something fairly new. I don’t think so!

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29 minutes ago, DILLIGAD said:

‘outbreak’ suggests that this is something fairly new. I don’t think so!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Of course it's not new but the trend over the last year has been sharply upward.

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6 hours ago, tropo said:

From the OP: "So far in 2018, 46 people in London have been fatally stabbed, shot or injured compared to 50 in the US city."


That's nearly one every second day.


Yes but the update is 1 more under 18's Murdered in London in the last 12 hours and 2 more in a bad way 1 critical and one with life changing  injurys.  This is not new operation Trident has been trying to get weapons off the street for  years. 

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2 minutes ago, mbamber said:

Yes but the update is 1 more under 18's Murdered in London in the last 12 hours and 2 more in a bad way 1 critical and one with life changing  injurys.  This is not new operation Trident has been trying to get weapons off the street for  years. 

Operation Trident, run by a police force that has been gutted by Theresa May: 20,000 less officers on the streets since she first became Home Secretary and cuts that continued into her tenure as PM.

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As an American I can barely express my feelings over listening to you all debate the causes/reasons/solutions for this.

Curiously it seems that so many of you have such simplistic answers to murder in the US, "must be guns, you idiots"

Well surprise surprise. it ain't that simple.

Maybe a little introspection isn't such a bad thing, but look inwards before yet another sanctimonious post after a US shooting.

btw, based on the link posted way back, the murder rate in the US is pretty middle of the pack, regardless of popular TVF hysteria

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7 minutes ago, altcar bob said:

Can take these boys out of Africa.but cannot take Africa out of them

You will find all (?) UK born citizens. Met Police claim many of the murders by "Post Code" gangs. e.g.




The OP is based on a spike in murders in the last few months, very likely on a statistical basis to go back to 'normal'.







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It is time that the punishment fitted the crime..no more goody goody trendy lefties making apologies for the criminals.
Me..I say make a prison a fearsome place..not a " holiday camp "..also bring back the death penalty for certain crimes.
The UK needs a hard line hard hitting Govt. ..not a wimpish one.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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7 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

<snip> btw, based on the link posted way back, the murder rate in the US is pretty middle of the pack,

With relevance to the OP:


Looking at 2017, the homicide rate per 100,000 population stood at 1.2 in London and 3.4 in New York.



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1 minute ago, malagateddy said:

It is time that the punishment fitted the crime..no more goody goody trendy lefties making apologies for the criminals.
Me..I say make a prison a fearsome place..not a " holiday camp "..also bring back the death penalty for certain crimes.
The UK needs a hard line hard hitting Govt. ..not a wimpish one.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I can't see that working, nobody who commits a crime thinks that they could be caught.Having said that there are some really vile people out there, a life sentence should really be for life, not 25 years and out after 15

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What is needed is a map plotting exactly where the perpetrators of violent crime live or have grown up. Then we need some demographic analysis of those neighbourhoods. Then some simple chi-square tests will demonstrate the significance of certain demographics in producing violent crime. Then address those issues.

This is basic stuff. Are the politicians not even that clued up?

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