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Two cars facing each other on a narrow path

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All my life I have "boasted" if I dare say, not to exchange insults, never and with anyone.

Thinking really the one who gets rude is wrong whatever the reasons for the misunderstanding.

 Thursday evening when returning home around half past eight we ended up face to face with a medium white car, Honda? 

At maximum 50 meters and in a straight line from my house’s entrance, we in an SUV my wife driving  (having not my glasses to drive at night),  we had to go back in reverse in a right angle turn, telling the driver, who could not guess it, you only have to do 50 meters in a straight line. 

The man, however, did not want to know, after a while and manoeuvre my wife did it well.

Right or wrong I took it for absolute bad faith on the part of the other driver when his car passed I began to scream like a  madman <deleted> you at least 5/6 times.

He got out from his car starting to punch my window, his Thai wife trying to calm him down.

I did not open my door…more for fear of the police and my visa than getting a hiding, ex-amateur boxer as a young man I had more than my share of a black eye, but at over 70 years old I had no chance against this big young guy ...and I would have deserved it.

How and why did I start losing my self-control internally during most of the situation ending to scream <deleted> repeatedly you to a perfect stranger for in fact a ridiculous and inconsequential incident

Five minutes later I felt ashamed first for myself, and a little for my wife, to whom I gave the spectacle of a hysteric.

If I knew where this man's house was, I would go and apologize,

and if he recognizes himself here on TV, I am telling him I am sorry and please excuse me for this behaviour that I have criticized and disapproved all my life...

...and also thank you for not having been farther like broken my passenger window for instance.:smile:

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11 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Hi Tchooptip,

I also find that I get angry more easily as I get older, particularly with drivers who are ill-mannered.

I have learned that it is much better to find amusement in their behaviour. Put on a smile and laugh inwardly at their stupidity.

I just saw Sapporillo's comment above - I agree entirely.


I have learned that it is much better to find amusement in their behaviour. Put on a smile and laugh inwardly at their stupidity.

I thought I was capable to do that too :sad:


There are two stories in my stories, first the behaviour of this man who by the way when I told him you have only 50 meters maybe 40 and reverse in a straight line, did not even look at me or answer anything,  after all up to him! He thought probably he was right so not necessary to discuss it. 

And the second story, me incapable of dealing with the situation I felt humiliating. But when I started shouting f. y. like a mad, it was stupid since everything was over already. 

So at my age, I put not only myself in danger but my nice car too.:smile:

It's a defeat on oneself not to deal properly and not appreciating the danger of a situation, it was not in a town area, it could have ended in the hospital for me.  If someone offers himself the luxury of insulting someone else, one must be prepared and able to face a probable violent response otherwise he has to shut up. I did not. 



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If you were only 50m from home. Calmly get out of your vehicle lock the doors and walk home. What will he do? 


Cars trying to squeeze by on the left in a non existent lane? If I'm in the passenger seat I simply open the door.

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4 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

If you were only 50m from home. Calmly get out of your vehicle lock the doors and walk home. What will he do? 


Cars trying to squeeze by on the left in a non existent lane? If I'm in the passenger seat I simply open the door.

Blocking the way for every other car?

I did walk the 20 seconds to my home first and got inside, unfortunately, I came back, a few minutes later!


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8 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

If someone offers himself the luxury of insulting someone else, one must be prepared and able to face a probable violent response otherwise he has to shut up. I did not. 

I agree entirely, but again, anyone can have a meltdown, and there are people out there who can really push one’s buttons. Plus you were probably tired after a long drive in the dark, that doesn’t help. 


Also, you really do regret it, there’s almost no risk that it will happen again, I wouldn’t worry anymore. 

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Live and learn.  It happens to the best of us (and I don't characterize myself among "the best" when it comes to losing my temper)


In my first year in BKK, losing my temper put me into situations where I deserved a whooping on several occasions.  Thank goodness, I never got one.  But I reflected on them, accepting my role and my shortcomings.   And it happens less and less as I accept the world and people as they are and not as they should be in the world according to impulse.  I could justify every single time I lost my temper.  But that wasn't going to help me prevent it happening in the future.


Took guts to come on and admit you're human.  Kudos to you.


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I too faced a similar feeling of rage but didn't act on it... no point escalating a situation which a few days later will be otherwise forgotten about. 


I was on my Motorcycle queueing to enter a car park (Arena 10, Thonglor Bangkok), the left lane is for motorcycles who don't pick up a ticket upon entrance. I passed inside a Honda HRV but the car in front was too far left so I had to wait. 

The guy in the HRV then hit his horn at me... and waved at me to move out of the way. Then sort of lurched forwards at me (threatening), he came about 1" from my bike (no way he can judge that accurately)... I thinking 'huh - why?'... He can't move until the car in front does, I'm not slowing him at all...  I'll be gone as soon as the car in front passes the barrier.


I guess this guy in the HRV was not very bright... I guess he was upset at some perceived slight, that I'd 'jumped ahead of him in the queue'


I was close to smashing his car.... keying the side... taking off my helmet and smashing in his windows... he could have hurt me when he'd earlier aggressively lurched forwards...   Instead, I ignored him, but have to wonder what was going on in his mind to be so aggressive in a simple queue for a car-park on a day the roads were fairly quiet (the windows were tinted, but I think it was an older Westerner).

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On 4/14/2018 at 5:00 AM, richard_smith237 said:

I too faced a similar feeling of rage but didn't act on it... no point escalating a situation which a few days later will be otherwise forgotten about. 


I was on my Motorcycle queueing to enter a car park (Arena 10, Thonglor Bangkok), the left lane is for motorcycles who don't pick up a ticket upon entrance. I passed inside a Honda HRV but the car in front was too far left so I had to wait. 

The guy in the HRV then hit his horn at me... and waved at me to move out of the way. Then sort of lurched forwards at me (threatening), he came about 1" from my bike (no way he can judge that accurately)... I thinking 'huh - why?'... He can't move until the car in front does, I'm not slowing him at all...  I'll be gone as soon as the car in front passes the barrier.


I guess this guy in the HRV was not very bright... I guess he was upset at some perceived slight, that I'd 'jumped ahead of him in the queue'


I was close to smashing his car.... keying the side... taking off my helmet and smashing in his windows... he could have hurt me when he'd earlier aggressively lurched forwards...   Instead, I ignored him, but have to wonder what was going on in his mind to be so aggressive in a simple queue for a car-park on a day the roads were fairly quiet (the windows were tinted, but I think it was an older Westerner).

Some drivers have a problem with bikers in general, and get upset whenever they get overtaken by one. There’s a lot of dumb people out there...

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Happens to me a lot as part of the access to my house is a 50m narrow road. If I'm over half way I sit there until they go back to allow me to pass, if I've not got to halfway I reverse and let them through.


A bigger concern on Samui for me is the amount of people driving cars with no concept of the width of the car and hence driving down the middle of the road, most of them expect you to move out of their way! As well as that they brake to a stop when a car is passing the other way.

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1 hour ago, TheLobster said:

driving cars with no concept of the width of the car and hence driving down the middle of the road

And a lot of times, it’s big SUVs that are doing this, and their drivers are clearly lacking driving skills, yet they wouldn’t buy a smaller car...?

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22 hours ago, Sapporillo said:

And a lot of times, it’s big SUVs that are doing this, and their drivers are clearly lacking driving skills, yet they wouldn’t buy a smaller car...?

Yes, they are former bike riders, with no experience of driving cars. They have a 'big SUV' (this is why they are 'Kings of the Road') on HP which they will take the rest of their life to pay for and yet they live in a 'shack'.

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