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Nationwide U.S. protests planned if Trump fires Mueller or Rosenstein


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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


Please stop lying, or perhaps you aren't lying and are just woefully uninformed, in which case here's Mueller's appointment letter:



I'd like you to highlight the part where it says what his "only mandate" is, or any language that explicitly limits Mueller or puts up boundaries as to what he can and can't investigate.



So James Comey authorized a witch-hunt and that makes it OK?

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1 hour ago, hyku1147 said:

I was not speaking literally. Why hasn't he fired Muller?


IMHO, the Dems' are going to suffer the consequences of being overconfident.


The Moderate voter is the key.

You weren't even speaking truthfully.

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33 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

So, there are pending obstruction of justice charges because The President fired Comey?

Obstructing justice does not necessarily consist of just one act. It could be a whole string of acts each of which by itself might not be enough to consider as obstructing justice, but taken together, are.

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4 hours ago, starky said:

I believe it could only be classed as a " witch hunt" if Trump really had nothing to hide. Personally the orange one doth protest too much methinks. 


But it's certainly politically motivated. And what of the "witch hunts" that were conducted into that old witch Clinton? All conveniently swept under the carpet. Great when your sexual predator lying husband can meet with the Attorney General on airport tarmac and remind her who her 'friends" are :whistling:


How sad for the vast majority of very decent Americans to be saddles with this lot.

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33 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


But it's certainly politically motivated. And what of the "witch hunts" that were conducted into that old witch Clinton? All conveniently swept under the carpet. Great when your sexual predator lying husband can meet with the Attorney General on airport tarmac and remind her who her 'friends" are :whistling:


How sad for the vast majority of very decent Americans to be saddles with this lot.

Good example. Thanks and what happened to bill exactly... Oh yeah that's right.

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I find it interesting almost every thread the left follow the same tactic and they think they've won the argument.

1. Resort to name calling the President and supporters 
2. Accusations of being something terrible, not decent Americans etc
3. I shouldn't have to "educate" you
4. Proceed to claim there is no point in explaining because your type won't get it anyway

5. Pretending they have higher moral ground

6. Pack mentality of bullying 
7. Block opposing views


In terms of a protest not going to happen - live with it.

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8 hours ago, Jonnapat said:

Drop it? Are you kidding?

well maybe if they keep digging they might find that Trump was using the wrong brand of toothpaste


The whole thing is ridiculous and makes a mockery of the US justice system


Trump won the election.............(deleted) over it


Just like the people in the UK voted to leave the EU..............(deleted) get over it



If anything it shows just where the real power is and it is being resisted


The whiter than White FBI is severely stained - the powerful greedy and corrupt are being defeated and exposed across the world and long may it continue.


Trump might not be the most political astute person on the planet but at least he is taking them on, China has been the biggest trade abuser/manipulator  these last 30 years and the only reason they have gotten away with it is because the corrupt and powerful are bought in


There have been bent dirty games being played across the globe - time to straighten it out


we have muslims invading the west............show me where that has ended well, right across the west we have clerics preaching that western values/laws are destroying islam.............if you don't fit into western societies then go back to your country of origin and sort it out between yourselves

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