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Nationwide U.S. protests planned if Trump fires Mueller or Rosenstein


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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Outcome: 0.000.

That is incorrect.

Basically makes your entire post NULL and void.

It's interesting the "trump" supporter tactic seems to be to push alternative realities. Bizarre and dangerous. We're headed towards fascism if that POV prevails. Happily, enough Americans get that and the vast majority support the continuation of Mueller's work.


seriously mate - he won the election get over it


Just like the people of the UK voted to leave the EU (thank god)  get (deleted) over it


did Trump have sex with a porn actress ?        so (deleted) what, that is between him and his wife to sort out, did he pay her to <deleted> -------------------- so what she was compensated well for opening her legs one more time


The whole thing is just complete and utter nonsense, has Mueller or anyone in the FBI ever been with a prostitute or paid for sex or been to a girlie club...........so what


Clinton used to get blown in the Oval...............so what 

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3 hours ago, pedro01 said:


It's not actually.


What you are describing is a witch hunt - starting off with a "theory" that one crime existing and then digging until you eventually find another crime.


That is the definition of a witch hunt but more importantly it's not going to get a conviction.



exactly, and meanwhile we have to listen to this crap day in and day out for now going on almost 3 years against the elected president of the USA


honestly ............................... enough is enough

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4 minutes ago, smedly said:

seriously mate - he won the election get over it


Just like the people of the UK voted to leave the EU (thank god)  get (deleted) over it


did Trump have sex with a porn actress ?        so (deleted) what, that is between him and his wife to sort out, did he pay her to <deleted> -------------------- so what she was compensated well for opening her legs one more time


The whole thing is just complete and utter nonsense, has Mueller or anyone in the FBI ever been with a prostitute or paid for sex or been to a girlie club...........so what


Clinton used to get blown in the Oval...............so what 

You clearly have not followed the news if you actually think this about consensual sex.

Nobody is denying "trump" is president. 

This has nothing to do with Clinton, Bill or Hillary. 

Get back to us when you're up to speed.

I suppose you're not American and are projecting your provincial political views on the "trump" situation.

It doesn't wash. 

Seriously, your post is utterly passe and dated. Sadly, so many of the "pro-trump" posts are like that. It's just not a credible level to have any kind of informed debate. End of. 

Edited by Jingthing
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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You clearly have not followed the news if you actually think this about consensual sex.

Nobody is denying "trump" is president. 

This has nothing to do with Clinton, Bill or Hillary. 

Get back to us when you're up to speed.

I suppose you're not American and are projecting your provincial political views on the "trump" situation.

It doesn't wash. 

Seriously, your post is utterly passe and dated. Sadly, so much of the "pro-trump" posts are like that. It's just not a credible level to have any kind of informed debate. End of. 

So (deleted) what


what the hell is your point


are you whiter than white...............is anybody ?


The stupidity is beyond comprehension


There is pretty much nobody on this earth that would stand up to this lunacy including you, there is a point where it is reasonable and there is a point where it just goes one step beyond and needs to stop


Like I said many posts ago - everyone is sick listening to it day after day month after month , it makes a complete mockery of the US to the point where people have been laughing and now are just plain fed up with it..................move on to something that matters 

Edited by smedly
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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't see any further value in engaging with you unless you take the time to become better informed on the "trump" related topics we are discussing. Saying he is president is not the point. Saying but but Clinton is not the point. Saying this is about consensual sex is totally false which anyone with basic information would already know. The investigation by Mueller is real, serious business, and ongoing. Recent polling shows about 70 percent of Americans want him to be able to finish the job and not get aborted by "trump." It doesn't need to stop. It needs to continue and reach conclusions. Again, kindly do not bother me again unless you are willing to focus on the topics based on the current facts and common knowledge that sadly is not so common among "trump" apologists. 

you replied to me ..................... now move on like your tainted FBI

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21 hours ago, smedly said:

Is anyone else fed up to the back teeth with this ongoing never ending investigation/witch hunt, for god sake either do something or drop it

I suspect the entire point is for Mueller to *investigate* indefinitely. Based on his actual prosecutions thus far, or appears he's got nothing on Trump.

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34 minutes ago, BuriramSam said:

I suspect the entire point is for Mueller to *investigate* indefinitely. Based on his actual prosecutions thus far, or appears he's got nothing on Trump.

I know what you mean. For instance, if it turned out that Trump's campaign manager was knowingly communicating with a Russian intelligence officer while running Trump's campaign that would be serious. Fortunately stuff like that could never happen.


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For those who are complaining about how long it is taking for the Special Counsel to act and to limit his investigation, just remember the investigation of Bill and Hillary Clinton by Independent Counsel Kenneth Star


It started in Aug of 1994 and was confined to the Whitewater land deal and moved on to the death of Vince Foster in Oct of 1997 and finally resulted in a report in September of 1998 which only uncovered the affair that Bill Clinton had with Monica Lewinsky and let to Clinton's Impeachment trial


So it stated with a land deal and ended with oral sex in the oval office and you people wonder where this investigation of Trump Wold will lead to


You ain't seen nothing yet ...... 

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20 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Firstly, just because restricted information on what crimes Mueller's investigation has uncovered hasn't made it to your ears does not mean that Mueller hasn't uncovered any crimes. (There are a whole bunch of indictment's, guilty pleas and a conviction that I'll accept you are probably totally unaware of, even though they have been widely reported).


Likewise your claims regarding Mueller's mandate, I accept that you are not deliberately telling a lie when you make the statement above, there is a reasonable chance that you are not at all aware of what Mueller's mandate actually is:


Let me help you out: Here is the letter appointing Mueller to the post of Special Council -




Pay particular attention to item iii) in the letter, this clause mandates wide scope of investigation:

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.

(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.



Now I've helped you out with understanding exactly what Mueller's mandate is, and that it is very much more than you claimed it is, please refrain from posting uniformed nonsense - you are now informed of Mueller's powers, there is no longer any excuse for your denials of his mandate.


Thank you. Glad you clarified that. I wouldn't have. I believe reb bots are everywhere. 

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6 hours ago, smedly said:

exactly, and meanwhile we have to listen to this crap day in and day out for now going on almost 3 years against the elected president of the USA


honestly ............................... enough is enough

Can you post links to your protestations over constant Republican 'Birther' allegations made against Obama during and in the run up to his tenure or where you strangely deaf to that particular brand of crap?


Mueller's investigation is a legally enacted process that came as a direct result of Trump firing Comey, let it run its course. 

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23 hours ago, jimmyyy said:

They would have found it already if any evidence exists, they are only dragging it out through the mid term elections so the cucks on the left can take shots at the republicans on tv.  This is all it is.

Have found something and have convictions to boot....... plenty more to come.

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23 hours ago, attrayant said:

Every time something breaks we get another glimpse into how entangled this corrupt mess is.  For example, we now know that Michael Cohen was working out of the Squire, Patton & Boggs law offices, which just happen to be Lawyers for Cambridge Analytica and are lobbyists for Russia's Gazprom oil company.


When revelations like that turn up, it's going to take some time to untangle all the corruption.

What's wrong with Cohen working in the same office? Does that require investigation as well?

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14 hours ago, pedro01 said:


It's not actually.


What you are describing is a witch hunt - starting off with a "theory" that one crime existing and then digging until you eventually find another crime.


That is the definition of a witch hunt but more importantly it's not going to get a conviction.

So in your opinion, if law enforcement officials are investigating a crime and find evidence of other crimes, they should ignore the other crimes?  If the police are investigating drug dealer and find a few bodies with bullet holes, should they ignore the bodies and stick to the investigating the dealer?


A comparison the Trumpies always ignore is the Whitewater investigation.  It went on for years, with the Republicans making it clear they wanted Kenneth Starr to do whatever it took to find something, anything, on the Clintons.  I don't think many Trumpies called for an end to that investigation.

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11 hours ago, smedly said:

well maybe if they keep digging they might find that Trump was using the wrong brand of toothpaste


The whole thing is ridiculous and makes a mockery of the US justice system


Trump won the election.............(deleted) over it


Just like the people in the UK voted to leave the EU..............(deleted) get over it



If anything it shows just where the real power is and it is being resisted


The whiter than White FBI is severely stained - the powerful greedy and corrupt are being defeated and exposed across the world and long may it continue.


Trump might not be the most political astute person on the planet but at least he is taking them on, China has been the biggest trade abuser/manipulator  these last 30 years and the only reason they have gotten away with it is because the corrupt and powerful are bought in


There have been bent dirty games being played across the globe - time to straighten it out


we have muslims invading the west............show me where that has ended well, right across the west we have clerics preaching that western values/laws are destroying islam.............if you don't fit into western societies then go back to your country of origin and sort it out between yourselves

Clarify your very broad, vague claims.


What "powerful greedy and corrupt are being defeated and exposed across the world"?


What has Trump done to take on China other than words?


How do crime rates of Muslim immigrants in the US compare to the crime rate of other groups?

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On 4/12/2018 at 3:45 PM, kamahele said:

Even Trump's must ardent supporters on Capitol Hill won't put up with the attempted firing of Mueller, one of them calling it "suicide" yesterday

Well probably see. I don't think the Republican Congress has one functioning ball between them. 

Reds don't love democracy.jpg

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1 minute ago, selftaopath said:

Well probably see. I don't think the Republican Congress has one functioning ball between them. 

Reds don't love democracy.jpg

I can't believe he really said that but it does reflect his actions (more like lack of actions) while in office. Ryan should be in the dictionary under COMPLICIT. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I can't believe he really said that but it does reflect his actions (more like lack of actions) while in office. Ryan should be in the dictionary under COMPLICIT. 




Posting falsehoods and exaggerations is not a partisan thing.

Edited by Morch
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19 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

The main purpose of the over extension of Muller's fishing expedition is to maintain the shroud of doubt surrounding Trump until the conclusion of the 2018 midterms.

More head in the sand hogwash from an illiberal.


The scope of Mueller's investigation is defined in the letter appointing him to the job. 


His actions are governed by Department of Justice Regulations, the law and the constitution.


He is investigating known crimes, and uncovering more crimes. 19 indictments, guilty pleas and an conviction already in the bag. 



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22 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

The main purpose of the over extension of Muller's fishing expedition is to maintain the shroud of doubt surrounding Trump until the conclusion of the 2018 midterms.

I don't agree. You're suggesting a conspiracy theory that doesn't exist. Elections come every two years regardless. It is true the timing of any published conclusions from Mueller will have an electoral impact. That makes it tricky but that's not the same thing as the conspiracy theory you're promoting. 

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