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3 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

I agree that the world view is limited, but the Thai I know and live amongst are very into taking care of family members. I have been quite impressed with my wife's large, functional family and the extents they go to help each other as most often visible in child rearing... the Western world has a larger world view and yet cannot be kind to family members. 

Yes but you ignore WHY there is a culture here of children looking after parents (as there also is in other depressed countries). The reason is there is very little social security, pensions and the like and so the system is 'the kids will look after us' and when I talk to Thais this is the prime motivation for having kids and kids are insurance. I'd drop those rose tinted specs a little bit.

Yes but you ignore WHY there is a culture here of children looking after parents (as there also is in other depressed countries). The reason is there is very little social security, pensions and the like and so the system is 'the kids will look after us' and when I talk to Thais this is the prime motivation for having kids and kids are insurance. I'd drop those rose tinted specs a little bit.

Not like western countries with social programs that allow us to place old folk in a home where we never have to worry about them other than the obligatory weekly visit

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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52 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

Wow.Talk about the pot calling the kettle a bubble dweller.


Americans are probably among the most self-absorbed, insular people on the planet. I wonder how many Americans who've chosen to live in Thailand know anything of Thai language, culture or history or, for that matter, anything about North American history beyond a few headline events that were explained to them by Fox News using language suitable to 3rd graders.


I doubt most Americans could find Syria or Thailand on a map and a large percentage couldn't find the US.






This person makes a good point. One of my last conversations in USA was with the people who bought my parent's house after their passing...


"Why do you live in Taiwan?" 

"That's Thailand."

"Well, do you speak Taiwanese?" 


But, even sophisticated Ny'ers were subject of a famous New York Mag,. Cover art that depicted Manhattan as quite large, NJ, a mere line next to it and SF, a distant dot...

2 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Yes but you ignore WHY there is a culture here of children looking after parents (as there also is in other depressed countries). The reason is there is very little social security, pensions and the like and so the system is 'the kids will look after us' and when I talk to Thais this is the prime motivation for having kids and kids are insurance. I'd drop those rose tinted specs a little bit.

Depressed country?


Most Thais I speak to don't have kids for this reason. I guess we moved in different social circles.

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2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Depressed country?


Most Thais I speak to don't have kids for this reason. I guess we moved in different social circles.

What reason?  anyway cultural shift is happening but it's slow

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3 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

You got me there - - the old rose tinted line... sure, why see the bright side when I can choose to be a miserable whining wretch.. right? 


Not sure it is the prime motivation for having kids but agree it is part of it - that is the history of the species. My parent's generation in the Western World felt an obligation to look after their elderly parent's as I felt toward mine too when they became disabled... 


If you look up, social security is not doing a great job of taking care in some coutnries - - and from what I see here, there is actually more security in having a family who will always be willing to help - - at least that is the experience I have observed with my wife's very large, close, caring extended family. 

Yes fair points but my point is valid too. Many Thais ask me, because I don't have kids, but WHO will look after you when you are old?  it's insurance and the main reason in my observation. 

1 minute ago, Beats56 said:

Get a atlas out and ask Thais to find certain countries. Bet they can't even find their own country. That tells you Alot.  My wife didn't even know that men had landed on the moon.

Tbh, there are a lot of people, in many countries, who don't know for sure that men had landed on the moon.

And, tbf, Thailand is not the only place with its fair share of ignorant people.

11 minutes ago, peterquixote said:

My Thai wife didn't believe that man went to the moon. 

She said it was impossible.

She was right of course , Stanley Kubrick filmed it all down there in Arizona and on set. 

And the earth is flat too.?

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14 minutes ago, peterquixote said:

My Thai wife didn't believe that man went to the moon. 

She said it was impossible.

She was right of course , Stanley Kubrick filmed it all down there in Arizona and on set. 

Strange how they had the technology 50 years ago and now, with amazing advancement, they never go back.

  • Haha 1
7 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Yes fair points but my point is valid too. Many Thais ask me, because I don't have kids, but WHO will look after you when you are old?  it's insurance and the main reason in my observation. 

Agreed - - many ask me the same question too... but I would say from what I have seen, the family does a better job of 'looking out' - than the cold arm of any government... from what I see, it can go beyond kids. If anyone in my extended family is in the hospital there can be as many as 20 people nearby to help out. I have seen this too and true for expats as well. 


When my infant niece was in a coma, there were always 2 people at her bedside, 24/7 - - and several others nearby to switch on and off, to watch the ventilator that was keeping her alive, to be there for her. I was the driver, ferrying family members back and forth to the hospital 2 hours away. Each time I would arrive back in the village, there would be a crowd of at least 20 people awaiting my arrival with fresh clothing and food prepared to bring back for the others. 


As to unemployment insurance - when younger sister was laid off in Bkk - she came home to the village. Roll out another mat, food is plentiful and she was there to help with everything at home. Not negative stigma. She was welcomed back and has the security to know that will always be true... unemployment payments run out - her family does not. 

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12 minutes ago, Beats56 said:

And the earth is flat too.?

There is a mass of evidence the earth is not flat there is a mass of evidence there was no moon landing. The point i think is that many Thais don't know there was a pretence of landing on the moon

1 minute ago, kenk24 said:

Agreed - - many ask me the same question too... but I would say from what I have seen, the family does a better job of 'looking out' - than the cold arm of any government... from what I see, it can go beyond kids. If anyone in my extended family is in the hospital there can be as many as 20 people nearby to help out. I have seen this too and true for expats as well. 


When my infant niece was in a coma, there were always 2 people at her bedside, 24/7 - - and several others nearby to switch on and off, to watch the ventilator that was keeping her alive, to be there for her. I was the driver, ferrying family members back and forth to the hospital 2 hours away. Each time I would arrive back in the village, there would be a crowd of at least 20 people awaiting my arrival with fresh clothing and food prepared to bring back for the others. 


As to unemployment insurance - when younger sister was laid off in Bkk - she came home to the village. Roll out another mat, food is plentiful and she was there to help with everything at home. Not negative stigma. She was welcomed back and has the security to know that will always be true... unemployment payments run out - her family does not. 

Yes Goodwill can be found anywhere, thank goodness!  Humanity has the capacity to be cruel and kind. I'm probably a bit too cynical and happy to recognize compassion can be found.   

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1 hour ago, hansnl said:

Hope for China and the Chinese ruling the world?

How mad can you be?

That was me and nothing said about them ruling the world like the US.

What you scare of losing money on arms share deals.:laugh:

3 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Strange how they had the technology 50 years ago and now, with amazing advancement, they never go back.

I hear the food is not so good there, and no improvements in accommodations over the last 50 years either.. it's expensive to get there and not much to do... maybe if someone opened a water park:?

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

Agreed - - many ask me the same question too... but I would say from what I have seen, the family does a better job of 'looking out' - than the cold arm of any government... from what I see, it can go beyond kids. If anyone in my extended family is in the hospital there can be as many as 20 people nearby to help out. I have seen this too and true for expats as well. 


When my infant niece was in a coma, there were always 2 people at her bedside, 24/7 - - and several others nearby to switch on and off, to watch the ventilator that was keeping her alive, to be there for her. I was the driver, ferrying family members back and forth to the hospital 2 hours away. Each time I would arrive back in the village, there would be a crowd of at least 20 people awaiting my arrival with fresh clothing and food prepared to bring back for the others. 


As to unemployment insurance - when younger sister was laid off in Bkk - she came home to the village. Roll out another mat, food is plentiful and she was there to help with everything at home. Not negative stigma. She was welcomed back and has the security to know that will always be true... unemployment payments run out - her family does not. 

Yes interesting but 50 plus years ago the extended family had a similarly important role in the UK. Not all progress or modernsation ? is benefical. If you don't know about alternatives or learn from others though you cannot make an informed option about the best way forward

1 minute ago, Gruff said:

Yes interesting but 50 plus years ago the extended family had a similarly important role in the UK. Not all progress or modernsation ? is benefical. If you don't know about alternatives or learn from others though you cannot make an informed option about the best way forward

That's true and the growth of the social welfare culture over that 50 years, in developed countries, must have had an impact. Probably best is the 'Middle Way' of family/friends love and compassion and the financial, social support (paid for over ones career by deductions).


This is funny. We're here discussing Thai people who can't find Thailand on the map when in our home countries we have people saying the earth is flat, global warming is a hoax, 9/11 was an inside job, man never landed on the moon, and the English Royal Family are lizard people ruled by the Illuminati.

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, dickjones2018 said:

ignorance is bless


no syrian refugee invading their home country


case closed

They're human beings fleeing violence and war.


Your attitude is the same as US and Canada refusing Jewish refugees during the 2nd world war.


Ignorance is bliss indeed. You can't even spell "bliss" ferchrissake.

14 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

This is funny. We're here discussing Thai people who can't find Thailand on the map when in our home countries we have people saying the earth is flat, global warming is a hoax, 9/11 was an inside job, man never landed on the moon, and the English Royal Family are lizard people ruled by the Illuminati.

But the point is we are contemplating all these things !

1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

Very good point. Most have no idea that Thailand was part of the Axis Nazi powers all they care about is the 'we've never been colonized' propaganda spin. Yet Japan has free reign through Thailand and, basically, occupied. 

The bigger point is that this lack of education has been 'designed' that way as part of the elites 'command and control' which is why no uprising to the Junta etc. And so the selfishness 'we are Thai' nationalism has been inculcated from birth. Luckily this is not the world view and as the world grows smaller and information speedily informs us of everything Thailand must grow... eventually, out of this 'I'm alright Jack' mentality.

Disagree, my take is people like you miss the culture point that's the mentality difference. The miss-understanding and ignorants of cultures is always the problem IMO. 


Quote:- Yet Japan has free reign through Thailand. Unquote.

Not actually so.

"we've never been colonized" 

Is true in the circumstances.


" In WW2 the Thai government had split into two factions, the Phibun regime and a well organised pro-Allied resistance movement that eventually numbered around 90,000 Thai guerrillas, supported by government officials allied to the regent Pridi Banomyong. The movement was active from 1942, resisting the Phibun regime and the Japanese. The partisans provided espionage services to the Allies, performed some sabotage activities, and helped engineer Phibun's downfall in 1944. After the war, Thailand received little punishment for its wartime role under Phibun ".


My Thai friend whose a teacher knows of this.


No matter the reasons, right or wrong , My Thai wifey is NEVER wrong, She breaks a glass, it is my fault! Dent on her car ...my fault for not driving her in my car! Tell her about my day at work, I'll get the sack, should keep my mouth shut. The fact I was talking about replacing my office chair, as it had broken! Couldn't care less about the world and whats happening. Her bubble is a radius of about 10kms that moves only with her! perhaps its wise to be like that. Her bubble is her happiness zone, and she can allow in or push out whoever or whatever takes her fancy at any given moment in time.  Perhaps thats the same with all Thai's? and why it can be so easy to get laid and then forgotten?

  • Thanks 1
5 minutes ago, phetpeter said:

No matter the reasons, right or wrong , My Thai wifey is NEVER wrong, She breaks a glass, it is my fault! Dent on her car ...my fault for not driving her in my car! Tell her about my day at work, I'll get the sack, should keep my mouth shut. The fact I was talking about replacing my office chair, as it had broken! Couldn't care less about the world and whats happening. Her bubble is a radius of about 10kms that moves only with her! perhaps its wise to be like that. Her bubble is her happiness zone, and she can allow in or push out whoever or whatever takes her fancy at any given moment in time.  Perhaps thats the same with all Thai's? and why it can be so easy to get laid and then forgotten?

Still, there must be some reason why you're married with her :whistling:

3 minutes ago, ToddinChonburi said:

It seems most Thai stop mentally growing at about 16.

... by the time they've reached that age;

they've been coached enough to keep out of anything -  "not your business - or you get shot"

Just now, mauGR1 said:

Still, there must be some reason why you're married with her :whistling:


heh heh!.. get in line!   I'm obviously married to the same one!! in a parallel universe

Just now, mauGR1 said:

Still, there must be some reason why you're married with her :whistling:

YES! No matter, the moaning and complaining, she has in her Thai ways, taken care of me, and has been there for nearly 20years, I have learn to except that it is the Thai way, and a quick 'shut the <deleted> up' and move on to another subject. puts it out of mind. Like an Elephant she never forgets, brings it up when is is losing an argument. But, in her overall game plan, its doesn't seem to be a plot for bringing our relationship to an end. Perhaps it really is 'Till (natural) death pulls us apart!'   I hope!

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