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Have Thais got it right, and we've got it wrong?

Bangkok Barry

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5 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

My wife is a school teacher - 40 - good brain. But has never heard of 9/11 !


I think what you are up against is that Thai's think the world revolves around Thailand and nothing will ever effect it. Everything is Farang. Personally I see Thailand as 3rd world most of the time, asking any 3rd world country to get involved in anything outside their borders would be hard - bit like asking a rural family in the Ivory coast what should happen about North Korea.


Besides they are so petrified of being invaded sending any army abroad would worry the Junta

3rd World countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Burma, China, Vietnam,North Korea, Palestine, etc etc all get involved in international affairs or the people have opinions. 

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4 minutes ago, robblok said:

Ok, there is a little more knowledge involved in discussing Syria then in discussing a movie. But it remains the same, we can't influence either. 


Just like here on Thaivisa we are discussing the news, its fun but that is it. Its not like it does anything or influence anything. 


Its good to discuss things to stay sharp, but in the end its just passing time. 

You have a point, but i still believe that searching for the truth is more than "passing time", but then, i also believe in "intelligent design" and "karma" and a lot of other funny little things.

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

I am an atheist.. no intelligent design for me. We could argue all day about that one. 


But is there really a truth to be found in Syria ? I mean just two sides with different agenda's. The USA wants its influence there and so does Russia. Its not about right and wrong its about influence. Sure gas attacks should be punished but had this happened in an African country without oil  and or oil infrastructure nothing would have happened. 


I don't believe in black and white anymore.. most times both sides have a good point. Its not like WW2 when one side was clearly wrong (still with a better treaty after WW1 things might have been different) and started a war. 

Well, you made my point in a way..

If you had been watching tv movies all your life, you'd probably still think in black and white.

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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

A happy middle ground would be the best option.


To care nothing for anything that does not immediately concern oneself is not just selfish.. its dangerous in ignorant.  This is why so few people here stand up to corruption, crime etc.  If people here did not ignore the problems then there is scope for change and improvement in the future for society, not just an individual.


On the other hand, to get overly involved, distressed, stressed and argumentative about issues that don't directly affect us is equally not a good thing.  It is a waste of energy, which would be better spent on doing things to actually improve situations we have some (no matter how small) control over. Lurching from one world disaster, political or social problem to the next, getting into heated arguments, fights and negatively impacting ones life and family, over issues we have realistically not control over is pointless.  


Er....The middle way?

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People usually get involved either through media influence or if they are indirectly or directly impacted. The middle eastern wars are a long way from Thailand.


Western nations seem to have a deeper insight either on the issues of casus beli  west-east, due to the non stop media battering, possible influence on the stock markets,  migration movements, currencies and so on.


IMHO this may explain certain aspects of Thainess on global geo-political issues. And they are much happier this way...until they will get directly impacted.

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4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

chose Syria as it is the Problem Of the Day, but it could apply to a myriad of other situations that we concern ourselves with and the Thais do not. Who is right and who is wrong? Discuss.

It is only on your mind, because your media source give it to you. Do you worry about the hunger crises in the world? 



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3 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

A happy middle ground would be the best option.


To care nothing for anything that does not immediately concern oneself is not just selfish.. its dangerous in ignorant.  This is why so few people here stand up to corruption, crime etc.  If people here did not ignore the problems then there is scope for change and improvement in the future for society, not just an individual.


On the other hand, to get overly involved, distressed, stressed and argumentative about issues that don't directly affect us is equally not a good thing.  It is a waste of energy, which would be better spent on doing things to actually improve situations we have some (no matter how small) control over. Lurching from one world disaster, political or social problem to the next, getting into heated arguments, fights and negatively impacting ones life and family, over issues we have realistically not control over is pointless.  


Absolutely right!

Ignorance is Bliss until that you are ignorant about jumps out and bites you in the ass

3 hours ago, robblok said:

I am an atheist.. no intelligent design for me. We could argue all day about that one. 


But is there really a truth to be found in Syria ? I mean just two sides with different agenda's. The USA wants its influence there and so does Russia. Its not about right and wrong its about influence. Sure gas attacks should be punished but had this happened in an African country without oil  and or oil infrastructure nothing would have happened. 


I don't believe in black and white anymore.. most times both sides have a good point. Its not like WW2 when one side was clearly wrong (still with a better treaty after WW1 things might have been different) and started a war. 

Undue influence is wrong .  

2 hours ago, robblok said:

I get what you mean.. but what does my knowledge about Syria buy me ? The same as my knowledge about the latest lakorn.. not much. Maybe get a bit of respect as people expect you to know things about the world.


I prefer discussing stuff like fitness and diet more as it applies to my personal life and I can apply it directly. 


But I get you too, but I used to get wound up about stuff that happened all over the world.. not that much anymore. 

It buys you the ability to be cognisant so it does not happen to you.

2 hours ago, Sealbash said:

Why concern one’s self over something over which you have no control? The only reason for awareness is too allow anticipation of how the stock markets will be affected.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

So that you can attempt to gain controll

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We should all aim to better ourselves and change for the better if we can and we can only achieve this by learning from other people / other Business / other religious belief / other Nations.. In  my opinion a country such as Thailand should be looking to treasure its strenghts and also take the best from the  West and vica versa. Ignorance is not always bliss.

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My experiences are that the Thais don't like to look over the own 4 walls at all so do not expect that they follow the world news.

Try to wake the interest of the world is for us FARANGS not possible we are stupid and do not deserve any respect.

You like to live in Thailand you must accept it.

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