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Thai court issues arrest warrant for human rights activist Andy Hall


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I cannot understand why people are bringing religion into the topic

The whole thing revolves around the fact that people, or in this case Andy Hall, are unable to state their point of view whether it be right or wrong

It's called basic human rights and should be valid all over the world whatever the country.

If you make false and i must emphasis 'false', only then you can you be held accountable

In fact, in the West, it could definitely be said they take it too far

This is a very outdated law/ideal that desperately needs to be changed 

If Thailand is to move forward this is just one of many laws that need to change as large companies, governments,  etc will always be allowed to exploit it to hide the truth.

In the same way i have had to be very careful not to give any examples.


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1 minute ago, rufanuf said:

Well it least this a proper reply to my point.


Unfortunately the west itself CANNOT claim to have the moral high ground in judegment relating such ideals. After all as someone rightly points out..."whose drinking their juice". If "they" are such menace to society?


Whats more funding for NGOs is likely one of the most corrupted areas of government finance on the planet!



Their juice is being drunk because there is nothing else to drink.


This isn't about moral high ground of a democracy but rather about fear of the discerning customer. There is nothing wrong with the Western working peoples solidarity with the oppressed people of the East. Morals and basic decency aren't strongholds of a Christian society but are universal.

Buddha himself said :- "If we can look upon our work, not for self benefit, but as a means to benefit society, we will be practicing appreciation and patience in our daily lives''


He also said :- "In whom there is no sympathy for living beings: know him as an outcast


Fairness, sympathy and compassion are also Buddhist principles.


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3 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

they are making Thailand a laughing stock

For those who love this country it does not make them want to laugh but on the contrary , its saddens them once more.

These judges sadly highlight the country because in a case like this, no one is fooled either in Thailand or abroad!  

The saddest thing is that these judges are not ashamed of anything and they prove it by  trampling on the most basic justice in the eyes of the world :sad:


Judges do not make laws. They work interpreting and implementing the laws laid down by parliament.


And as we've seen, politicians happily use those laws to their advantage. So if those entrusted to make, amend and refine laws aren't interested in changing them, the judges have to apply them as they are.


The UK for one, has beefed up it's anti-Slavery legislation with the requirement now on all companies above a certain size to report on actions it takes to ensure there are no slavery or human rights abuses or issues in it's supply chain. Last I read the government and NGO's were very disappointed with the response from businesses so far. But it is a subject that won't go away. And suppliers who do fall foul or won't cooperate with audits and checks will suffer loss of customers eventually.

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

Has Thailand got its own brand car ?

Has Thailand got its own brand mobile phone ?

Has Thailand got its own brand anything ?

NO...................why ?

Has Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam Philippines, Laos, Cambodia got its own brand car? The Malaysian Proton marque doesn't count BTW.

Has Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam Philippines, Laos, Cambodia got its own brand mobile phone?

Has Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam Philippines, Laos, Cambodia got its own brand anything?


Cars, mobile phones and pretty much any other worthwhile 'brand anything' come from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.


All 3 countries had oppressive military governments and dictatorships until the penny dropped and they each realized that the paths they were following were leading to a dead-end. OK, the Japanese had their <deleted> handed to them before they saw the light. War reparations are also very handy... ask Germany. Taiwan decided the best way to avoid being eaten alive by red China was to make themselves too big for their plight to be ignored by the west. A small island governed by an aging army getting swatted by a bigger army wouldn't get much news inches but a bustling, commercially successful 'Asian tiger' under invasion threat would get all the UN types on their side PDQ. The Korean military just had an epiphany and got their act together albeit accelerated by the Kim dynasty's Communist alliances to the north. But it wasn't an overnight or easy transition and there's still the odd bout of recidivism, corruption and such malarkey that gets publicly aired. But they learn and move on.


Thailand 4.0 is the first step, Thailand 7 should be pretty damn good. None of us will be around to comment on the overwhelming global success that Thailand 10 will most assuredly be... especially those that swear by apple products.

Edited by NanLaew
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My mother and father told me when I was little that to tell the truth would shame the devil and that the truth would always out. The Thai government and the Thai judicial system have proved my good parents liars.
Good is bad and bad is good in Thailand.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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36 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

It is all about trying to protect the country's image...

If they are worried about the country's image they would sort out natural fruit. This is about protecting natural fruit from bad publicity as well as deterring any similar investigations in the future. 

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3 minutes ago, spermwhale said:

How? I think he made his career even better. You think everyone wants to spend their lives in Thailand? You think he can only work in Thailand. I don't think you have any idea of the history of this case. He bravely highlighted a serious human rights travesty here in Thailand. 

He can continue to do this great work, just not in Thailand. Thailand is no place for serious journalists and people that want to uncover the truth. 

He achieved nothing and is now running.

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So Andy Hall is a well proven and accepted human rights activist?

He genuinely acts on behalf of the down trodden humans?

Who really 'rated' him? What has he done up to now?

After all we know how these modern 'Human Rights' organizations and individuals work, isn't it?


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5 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

More of yours to immediately question his motives and contribution without going away and doing any research yourself.


As I said, typical third-World mentality and attitude. 

Blind faith on your self - you are entitled to it.



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21 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

More of yours to immediately question his motives and contribution without going away and doing any research yourself.


As I said, typical third-World mentality and attitude. 

So, UK, USA, Australia and all of Europe are 3rd world countries that have 3rd world mentality and attitudes as well.

This post has nothing to do with what he has done it is about what he has not done, that is to appear in court on the set hearing date. That is the facts. You do the same in UK or any other country and the courts will issue an arrest warrant against you, so Thailand is no different to any other country in that case. So stick to the facts about what he failed to do. He has broken the law by not appearing at court on the set date. End of story.

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36 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

Words escape me. The law he broke should be abandoned as soon as possible, together with the computer crimes act and the law we are not allowed to discus. Seriously holding this country back..

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk

What, the law that states that you must attend court on the set hearing date or an arrest warrant will be issued for your arrest. That law is in every country in the world and it takes a guilty gutless person to run away and hide instead of facing the courts and it means the courts in any country not just Thailand. You break the law you pay the cost.

Let us do away with all the laws and then we can become a proper lawless society which it appears that is what you want, because these particular laws do not suit you but they do suit the country

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1 hour ago, ravip said:

So Andy Hall is a well proven and accepted human rights activist?

He genuinely acts on behalf of the down trodden humans?

Who really 'rated' him? What has he done up to now?

After all we know how these modern 'Human Rights' organizations and individuals work, isn't it?


You're Welsh isn't it? Yes he has achieved something, he has made the fruit company's practices public and has them running scared, and Thai defamation laws aren't shining too bright either, I'm hoping America is looking at T3 again in the light of this.

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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Thailand 4.0 is the first step, Thailand 7 should be pretty damn good. None of us will be around to comment on the overwhelming global success that Thailand 10 will most assuredly be... especially those that swear by apple products.

When did Thailand 4.0 happen (except in someone's dream)? :shock1:

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I hate nosy, do gooder so-called human rights activists. He can shove his nose in where it`s not wanted in his own country and let the Thais sort out their own business. A self appointed warrior of justice. So he`s found guilty and gets 150 years free board and lodging in a Thai prison, who cares.


Who knows, maybe one day they`ll pin a medal on him.

Edited by cyberfarang
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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

He only drove under the influence of drugs and killed a policeman, Hall insulted a firm's reputation by speaking the truth, get your priorities right. Boss also has a big brown envelope.

Correct, it all hinges on brown envelopes / and lunch boxes. 

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1 hour ago, connda said:

Interesting!  They can try and convict Hall in-absentia, but they can't do the same for Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya?

That speaks volumes.....

Priorities please..... 

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13 minutes ago, pornprong said:

You're right, how dare he expose human trafficking and slavery.

The world would be a much better place with more people like you and less people like him.

It`s a case of a big righteous white guy defending the rights of those from the primitive regions of the world that need educating and taught how to run their affairs. No different to those self righteous, holier than thou missionaries that try to teach the natives how to become civilised using western values and virtues as their guide.


Let Thailand run it`s own country without the self righteous trying to show Thais the errors of their ways. Not needed here.

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