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New Thai law to pave way for same-sex partnerships


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6 minutes ago, chainarong said:

I'm lead to believe by watching OZ SBS and ABC that even though Australia now has same sex M the stigma still remains, the attitudes are the same nothing has changed ....................................:coffee1:

From what I observe (both here in Thailand and in the West), it tends to be a generational thing: the older generations are much more conditioned against gayness (they think it is 'unnatural' - even though it abounds in nature!), whereas the younger generations tend to be (not always, of course) much more open-minded, informed and tolerant. 


It's the same with certain forms of secular religion in Thailand (I need not be more specific): as the dinosaurs gradually die off, those cults of the Personality will begin to lose their hold and their appeal and a more rational, egalitarian and open-minded vision of this land and the world will begin to supplant them.


May that day hasten on!




Edited by Eligius
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1 minute ago, Eligius said:

It's the same with certain forms of secular religion in Thailand (I need not be more specific): as the dinosaurs gradually die off, those cults of the Personality will begin to lose their hold and their appeal and a more rational, egalitarian and open-minded vision of this land and the world will begin to supplant them.


I hope you are right.

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36 minutes ago, chainarong said:

Australia 2017

Governments dont care about your rights its all about getting more votes. And why should they pressure thailand into this? You spoke of it yourself as a "privilage" there for not an obligation.


I personally am against same sex marriage. They can do what them want but i dont think homosexuality should be promoted. For example this "Gay pride" crap that goes on in more and more cities i find it disgusting and take it as provocation.

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1 minute ago, Voodoochile said:

Allowing anything and everything to people under the pretext of "open mindedness" is pure MADNESS!

Our House and Driving in My Car, Baggy Trousers and House of Fun were the best for me.

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2 hours ago, chainarong said:

I'm lead to believe by watching OZ SBS and ABC that even though Australia now has same sex M the stigma still remains, the attitudes are the same nothing has changed ....................................:coffee1:

Was it voted  for?

Maybe because  it was the politicians who wanted it not the people.

though i see it as a good thing That attitudes havent changed.

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10 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Hmmmm, not sure why you would say that.  Loving two-parent households are best for a child, regardless of sexual orientation.  Better than a child with a single parent.  Better than a child who has an abusive straight father.  Or an alcoholic straight mother.  Or do you think having gay parents will result in gay children?  I'm pretty sure most gays have straight parents.  Just saying....

There have been significant studies of children raised by single parents, drug addicted parents, alcoholic parents. In general most go on to emulate their parents and have extremely difficult lives. There have been few, if any, studies on the children that have grown to adulthood raised by the gay community. Mostly because gay people would scream discrimination if serious studies were implemented. But if the other fringe of societies families are anything to go by. The child most likely will emulate the parents and go on to have a difficult life on the fringes of society. 

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15 hours ago, Eligius said:

Right! Why should gay people have to run away and hide in a corner and get married to the opposite sex and pretend they are straight - or act all butch and macho (if they don't naturally feel that way)? It amazes me that people cannot simply live and let live. We are not all the same. Some men are more feminine; some women are more butch; other people are somewhere in the middle along the continuum. What does it matter - as long as goodwill is present? We are all in this world together, trying to fight against injustice and cruelty - so let's respect our differences. 


The only crime in my book is cruelty, injustice and inhumanity - and we get enough of that from certain exalted and less exalted leaders here ...


My gripe about the whole business is the effect on the innocent children who's lives will be affected by this.

Let people get on with their lives doing what they want as long as it does not affect anyone else.

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16 hours ago, Eligius said:

I totally understand your feelings and you have every right to block from your sight any poster on Thaivisa whose views are obnoxious to you. I have done the same myself with some people.




I fully defend Possum's right to express his viewpoints (distasteful though they be to me and many others). We may choose to read his views or not. But he has every right to express his opinion. Fascism comes in many forms - and as soon as we try to stop up the mouth of people whose opinions we don't like, we become fascists. I will have no part of it (I'm not saying D2b2, by the way, that you are behaving in a fascist manner - you are not - please don't misunderstand me: I actually share your sentiments).


The answer is to argue against views we dislike and show why their vision is extremely narrow and unfair.


Anyway, that's my take on the matter. Maybe some people will agree with me - others not. That is our great freedom in a democracy of ideas (which we try to preserve here on Thaivisa!).



I am not suggesting he be blocked from posting. I just wish there was a button I could choose to no longer have his posts included in my feeds. I don’t have interest in seeing the ranting of bigot. 

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4 hours ago, Voodoochile said:

Dont know about "correct" but i Would exchange it with the west's policy in a heart beat.


I Would rather we repress homosexuality than promote it.

Perhaps we should follow your suggestion and resume stoning people to death as well? Who needs human rights? 

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6 hours ago, greenchair said:

There have been significant studies of children raised by single parents, drug addicted parents, alcoholic parents. In general most go on to emulate their parents and have extremely difficult lives. There have been few, if any, studies on the children that have grown to adulthood raised by the gay community. Mostly because gay people would scream discrimination if serious studies were implemented. But if the other fringe of societies families are anything to go by. The child most likely will emulate the parents and go on to have a difficult life on the fringes of society. 

The only thing worse than being misinformed, is being misinformed and spreading that misinformation 


Edited by d2b2
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13 minutes ago, d2b2 said:

I am not suggesting he be blocked from posting. I just wish there was a button I could choose to no longer have his posts included in my feeds. I don’t have interest in seeing the ranting of bigot. 

If you go to your User Name in the top right-hand corner of the screen and click on that, you will see a drop-down list of items appear: near the bottom you will find 'Ignored Users'. If you click on that, you can add the name of any poster whose posts you no longer wish to see, and those posts will not appear for you (but other people can still see them and read them).

Hope that helps!

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15 minutes ago, Eligius said:



So: growing up in a 'straight' family does not make a child straight. Growing up in a gay family (such as the famous actor, Patrick MacNee of 'The Avengers' fame - raised by lesbians) does not make a child gay!


Patrick MacNee is a lesbian for sure. ?

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5 hours ago, Voodoochile said:

Dont know about "correct" but i Would exchange it with the west's policy in a heart beat.


I Would rather we repress homosexuality than promote it.

Why do either? It is what it is.

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