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British man found dead in Pattaya was ‘stressed about divorce from Thai wife’


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On 02/05/2018 at 6:39 PM, MadMuhammad said:

And this is another reason my assets are protected behind a veil of trust funds and limited companies. Good luck to any wench unravelling thst when I pass (unless they prove themselves of course)

So who will your vast fortune be inherited by? It’s not going to do you any good on the so hoped for afterlife? 

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6 hours ago, Tongjaw said:

So who will your vast fortune be inherited by? It’s not going to do you any good on the so hoped for afterlife? 

One of life’s great conundrums isn’t it? Who will I bequeath my kingdom too lol


I have a very detailed will that includes my direct blood relatives should I meet an untimely end. 


In saying that, I’m neither married nor have any children so I plan on leaving this world very close to being on the bones of my arse having lived life to the full. I still have a very long way to go. 

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16 hours ago, balo said:

According to his Linkedin page , he worked as an English teacher since 2012 , up in the north of Isaan .   Before that Mr. Johnn Edward Charles Toms worked as an engineer back in Wales, his home country . A well paid job you would think and probably saved up for retirement in Thailand.  He moved here in 2009. 


Not so long time ago we lost an Italian in Bangkok , nice guy and also with nice jobs behind him . But he also choose suicide when the shit hits the fan .  


I blame it on mental issues , even if really broke or desperate I would never take my own life, there is always a way out and Thailand is not the right place to stay in for many people.  They need professional help.







What is wrong with make your own decision about when it is time to go?

That's my plan anyhow. 

Hope I still have the ball to do it 10-15 years in the future.


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On 5/3/2018 at 7:07 AM, Hummin said:

Pattaya the last pit stop before final destination. 


I guess for many, they give life a last chance when arriving Thailand, and give all for nothing. Seems likely to me

It's a starting point for MGTOW and freedom from Matriarch and Misandry and the dread gloom of PC west. It gives a man a chance to be desired and objectified.  In the west a women shows her legs and chooses the man she want to have sex with. In Asia a man shows his wallet and chooses the women he wants. Pattaya is for winners. We took the red pill.

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5 hours ago, The manic said:

It's a starting point for MGTOW and freedom from Matriarch and Misandry and the dread gloom of PC west. It gives a man a chance to be desired and objectified.  In the west a women shows her legs and chooses the man she want to have sex with. In Asia a man shows his wallet and chooses the women he wants. Pattaya is for winners. We took the red pill.

well, there is reasons I do not live in Pattaya. I do not believe in Illusions is healthy over longer time. Pattaya is good for many reasons, except that one. You are not a rock start after you passed 45 for 20 year old girls, you are not rich, and buing land i Thailand is not an investment, or a house in thai name. Many more things to mention, but it doesnt matter, the jurk will jump on the train as everyone else does, if they do not see it for themselves, and realize in time. 

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5 hours ago, The manic said:

It's a starting point for MGTOW and freedom from Matriarch and Misandry and the dread gloom of PC west. It gives a man a chance to be desired and objectified.  In the west a women shows her legs and chooses the man she want to have sex with. In Asia a man shows his wallet and chooses the women he wants. Pattaya is for winners. We took the red pill.


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1 minute ago, MaeJoMTB said:

The love of any woman is an illusion.

Chemicals, call it whatever you want, some call it love, I like chemicals running in my veenes, and the natural ones, is the best. 


However, after 10 years more or less, and you still together, happy, cooperate in daily life, and take care of each other, you can call it love, but what most think is love, is gone the day you start realizing the illusions you built in first place. 

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I consider this woman to be extremely lucky to be alive,that guy if he had anything about him would have woken up and smelled the coffee years before.  Hopefully the Norwegian guy will wake up to her everlasting needs and get shut,strangulation not excluded

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On 5/4/2018 at 5:12 AM, balo said:

According to his Linkedin page , he worked as an English teacher since 2012 , up in the north of Isaan .   Before that Mr. Johnn Edward Charles Toms worked as an engineer back in Wales, his home country . A well paid job you would think and probably saved up for retirement in Thailand.  He moved here in 2009. 


Not so long time ago we lost an Italian in Bangkok , nice guy and also with nice jobs behind him . But he also choose suicide when the shit hits the fan .  


I blame it on mental issues , even if really broke or desperate I would never take my own life, there is always a way out and Thailand is not the right place to stay in for many people.  They need professional help.


he was 68, broke, and had 2million debt, he did the rational thing

and spared himself the embarrassment of being found dead while taking a dump ! the mental issue came long before that, when he spent more than he was generating

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On 5/2/2018 at 3:54 PM, Expatthailover said:

as she is more happy getting some money rather than looking for happiness together.

Happiness is an individual feeling in one's mind, so not sure how it could be found "together".  It could be felt separately by both through shared experiences.

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On 5/4/2018 at 5:12 AM, balo said:

he worked as an English teacher since 2012 , up in the north of Isaan .   Before that Mr. Johnn Edward Charles Toms worked as an engineer back in Wales, his home country .

Imagine an entire village in Issan speaking with Welsh accents. The Welsh are great singers.  I wonder if he also provided karaoke lessons.

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1 hour ago, poanoi said:

and had 2million debt,

In pound or baht ?  If it was in baht , it's not really a fortune is it?  If he could afford a flight ticket back to Cardiff I am sure he could get some professional help through the UK welfare system . 


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On 5/2/2018 at 2:32 PM, sammieuk1 said:

Brits need to stick to bungalows we are falling faster than the pound RIP.

Why Brits in particular? The pound has ceased falling since the Brexit decline. A rather callous and unamusing comment.

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20 hours ago, The manic said:

Why Brits in particular? The pound has ceased falling since the Brexit decline. A rather callous and unamusing comment.

It was a Brit that fell, old thread, pound still abysmal, wrong country for sensitive souls humour subjective haha.

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18 hours ago, Andycoops said:

It's a disease suffered by many with Isaan wives or he's.

More to do with bargirls. Why these guys marry low class bargirls I don't know. Marry a stripper/hooker from any country and most of the time it wont work. These old farangs seem to think bargirls are not hookers.

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On 5/2/2018 at 2:59 PM, jenny2017 said:

A new girlfriend who only stayed with him for money? 

why not?

marriage is bad deal at certain age anyway.

keep a stunner or two on "cash on delivery" bases , this way she won't push you off to your maiden flight

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On 7/1/2018 at 3:24 PM, The manic said:

Why Brits in particular? The pound has ceased falling since the Brexit decline. A rather callous and unamusing comment.

Lots of Brits in Thailand. After the Chinese the Brits are the big group of imports. I know an ex Brit who hates being called a Brit or pom. He left 30 yrs ago and doesnt want anything to do with the UK.

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Just now, pattayadude said:

why not?

marriage is bad deal at certain age anyway.

keep a stunner or two on "cash on delivery" bases , this way she won't push you off to your maiden flight

Over the age of 60yo marriage doesnt make sense imo.

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1 minute ago, pattayadude said:

some would argue it's bad deal for any age and that wouldn't be wrong but I will cut some slack and limit it to 50 max

Life rules

1 dont marry a b....

2 eat and drink well

3 dont hang out with f.......



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