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Prayut warns activists that protests will only delay poll


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10 hours ago, SABloke said:

"The main reason..."

There's another part of the constitution that was conveniently changed (wouldn't have been possible without a coup). Can't say more and remain legal, but let's just say it involves part of that which the leprechaun seeks at the end of the rainbow. 


"...controlled by the military..."

Pretty much a euphemism...fun fact: the Supreme Commander is not in fact the highest position in the armed forces :wink:


I'm sure you're right. Sadly.

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16 hours ago, Eligius said:

Yes (to the above): they are cowards, these junta thugs, all of them. It's so easy to lay down the law and ride on your high horse when you yourself and your mates are judge, jury and executioner. That is the situation in which Prawit and Prayut find themselves.


And why?


Because the Thais (who number nearly 70 million) have essentially ALLOWED this all to happen.

This is true. But as I mentioned on another related thread the roots of westerner types, and I'm assuming that you and others on the forum, have a completely different history. Take the USA for example, they wanted freedom from what they saw as tyrannical rule from England, so they stood against colony rulers and won. The USA civil war was another example the peoples strength fight for their cause. (I'm by not suggesting I'm knowledgeable in such history so if I am wrong I will stand corrected.) I am English and we all know what a mixture that is. Gee whiz, Vikings, Angles, Saxons, Normans, Romans (and probably more) all of which were fighting, marauding, conquerors.  I'm sure there are many more examples. Although the various Thai kingdoms fought the Burmese I don't think the stock that formed the modern Thai is anywhere near those I've mention. In short, Thais are probably more tolerant of intimidation etc. than we are (I'm speaking politically, of course and not of things like road rage etc.). Now if the Monarchy or religious philosophy were threatened I think it might be a different story but I can't see this present junta going that far.

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17 hours ago, Eligius said:

Because the Thais (who number nearly 70 million) have essentially ALLOWED this all to happen.

While this is indeed a fact, essentially it happens because of lack of education that has ALLOWED this to happen. Feudal society and all that means in terms of who is in control and wants to keep it that way (although paying lip service to some future form of 'democracy').  :sad:


The uneducated and poorly educated are just being CONNED!

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2 minutes ago, johng said:

You really have got it all back to front !
Its not the marchers forcing democracy backwards..its the dinosaurs they protest against who forcibly took over the country tore up the constitution,granted themselves total immunity,stifle free speech,intimidate students and their families,refuse an election etc etc

What a brilliant post, Johng! I could not agree with you more. You've spoken volumes of truth in just a few brief sentences!


Yes, the junta are the democracy smashers, the freedom smashers, the human and civil rights smashers, the human dignity smashers, the justice smashers, the truthfulness smashers  - not the demonstrators! 

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You really have got it all back to front !
Its not the marchers forcing democracy backwards..its the dinosaurs they protest against who forcibly took over the country tore up the constitution,granted themselves total immunity,stifle free speech,intimidate students and their families,refuse an election etc etc
Your missing the point
The Thais are not joining in because their lives are not impacted in any way what so ever by the junta.

To suggest that 60 million thais are cowering to scared to speak about politics is totall rubbish and scare mongering by the big no what's best for thailand buanas here on TV

Now, you go on face book and that's another matter but who goes there to stir up political instability? 0000000.1% of the population.

Life is a cruise here in Thailand. Ask one of the 20 million tourists who is the thai PM and you get a shrug of the shoulders.. Wouldn't have a clue,! Don't care!!!
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16 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

There are more subtle ways like the song and dance between the NLA and the constitutional courts in approving the election organic acts. Without the gazetting of the acts, the election will be delayed legally. Those sneaky power grapplers have many ways of delaying election.  

I agree with you, Eric - you are certainly right; but I would say (from what I have observed of the junta so far) that they will use any and all lies and excuses to delay the 'election' - more subtle ones, and blatantly ridiculous ones (such as that a few hundred demonstrators will mean that an election cannot be held). The junta will use literally ANY lie and excuse to maintain their grip on power!


Edited by Eligius
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looking for excuses to postpone the elecions once again, they should have happened three years ago if the little man was to be believed. I don't get it, with the fully appointed senate and the 20 year roadmap, what excactly is the problem in allowing elections, the system is rigged to their advantage anyway. 


I guess the confidence in becomming PM via the ballot box is at an all time low. 

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1 hour ago, dinsdale said:

Surely the right to assemble is one of the core tenants in a peaceful democratic society as are free and fair elections.

But not in feudal Thailand!

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17 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

They wanted to avoid paying taxes charged to them by Britain from the cost of saving your ar*es fighting against the French in Canada. A cost that Britons ended up paying themselves as well as the cost of protecting Canada from your ambitions. 


Most Americans were quite content with British rule until the rabble rousers started up in Boston. 


Since then it has been a litany of lies, deceit and empire building, but that is about to end soon. 

While I can't argue reasons I was merely using the example to illustrate what other nationals are willing to do for a cause...be it right or wrong.

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On 5/5/2018 at 8:15 PM, Eric Loh said:

Meanwhile at the rally this evening “The demonstrators later released "Yutnocchio" balloons to make a point. Images of the prime minister with a long Pinocchio nose have become a main symbol of their campaign”.

How very appropriate. Well done. 



Fully agree, the man in the street will remember the symbolic representation of Prayuth being a bare-faced liar long after they've forgotten the words and slogans that say so.


Someone's got his/her head screwed on right, it's s shrewd tactic.


Edited by KiwiKiwi
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On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 2:17 AM, InMyShadow said:

Another bunch of idiots marching with no support from the 60 million

Every time they fail they are forcing democracy 2 steps back.

Prayut must be grinning ear to ear :coffee1:

Do you actually live here? Full time?

And if you do, can you speak the lingo and inter act with your local THAI, not expat neighbors?

Mmm, thought not.

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