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Thousands Dead, Hundreds More Dogs Now Dying Due To Scare: Foundation


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35 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Do you know how China kills dogs prior to their being consumed? They beat them to death to supposedly improve the flavour of the meat. This is a country that sees nothing wrong with keeping bears in tiny cages and using them to extract bile, the same country that has no conscience about killing tigers and rhinos for uses in supposed aphrodisiacs, and their human rights record is equally appalling. Perhaps you need to think about your responses before shooting yourself in the foot.

If I recall correctly, I once read that in China, many are thrown alive into boiling pots of water. Something about making it easier to remove their fur. But maybe considering your point, "they beat them" first thinking that that may improve the flavour. (Excuse me, I must go and give my dog a hug).

China, the next rulers of the world!

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15 hours ago, Samuel Smith said:

"Dalley said the panic prompted an overreacted and poorly considered response.  He said officials convinced people to surrender their pets when normal practice would be to have them kept indoors to first see if any symptoms develop."

Dalley said much in that article. Better give him a gun, and show him how to use it.



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1 minute ago, soistalker said:

Last week, my wife and I were walking down a street in Jomtien near our condo. A moto taxi driver took out a few bones with meat on them and tossed one to a dog who was about 5 meters in front of us. I wanted to throw the guy into traffic. We literally had to walk out into traffic to get around a mangy soi dog who was protective of his bone.

I don't know whether I dislike moto taxi drivers or soi dogs more. Soi dogs are quieter and less dangerous. Probably have fewer diseases,too.

Dogs are protective of their food anywhere. Try to take a bone away from a Rottweiler.

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If the dog is kept within the owner's property and only goes outside when on a leash then there is no way these dogs will have rabies. It is only due to the total lack of enforced dog control by the authorities that a dog problem exists here, totally caused by unowned strays, (soi dogs), which are nothing more than wild animals. These are obviously reinforced by negligent owners, again lack of authorities caring and excersising any control. If someone does not claim these caged animals within 48 hours of capture they should be put down.

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1 minute ago, kannot said:

The  Thais create an even bigger  problem when driving as actually  stopping  for the dogs, the dogs learn this and so just aly in the road and dont move. I bib the horn and if they dont move theyre toast.

Dont worry the "if this was person in the road would you do the same too" brigade  will be along shortly.

I don't even beep the horn 

I prefer to run over the dogs arrogant enough to sleep on the road..... 

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4 hours ago, Artisi said:

Will that be something like "Planet of the Apes"?

I have 2 very healthy cats, sorry not a dog person , I once was told  ( It may of been D. Attenborough ) that if cats had evolved with thumbs they would now be ruling the world.  My cats get fed before I have my first cuppa of the day. They rule this house.

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16 hours ago, johng said:

If they where properly looked after "pets" they would never have ended up in these camps to begin with.


How about reading the article before commenting. If it's not too much trouble. Then you won't look stupid and ignorant. For example: "He said officials convinced people to surrender their pets when normal practice would be to have them kept indoors to first see if any symptoms develop."

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A very pitiful reflection on the people of Thailand that they can do no better than this. Actually quite similar to the carnage and death which is allowed to take place on the highways. There is absolutely no question steps could be taken to bring the lawlessness under control but of course that would eliminate all the tea money. Disgusting !! Very little compassion for dogs or humans here. Getting very close to checking outta here for good.

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22 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Good on the government, now a lot less mangey, diseased useless soi dogs roaming loose. 

Hope they intensify the round up. 


Good on the government, now a lot less mangey, diseased useless perverted expats rooming loose. Hope they intensify the round up and neutering. 

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