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Texas teen charged with killing 10 in high school massacre


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6 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Reality is that according to so many American gun toting citizens, they would rather see their children shot and killed than grow up do something about gun ownership.  Therefore these shooting will continue unabated.  Sympathy as ever for the victims and their families but as for the excusers, the blood is on your hands!

Only a disturbed mind would want to see people killed. Guns aren't disturbed. 

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3 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Great to know that weapons don't get disturbed and therefore aren't a problem. So why are is Trump worried about Kim having nuclear weapons? I'm sure they're resting peacefully wherever they are.

Off topic, not talking about PT. Gun's don't need to be programmed or influenced, people do! You can't teach a gun 

Edited by riclag
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7 hours ago, riclag said:

To late to change to many bad guys that have guns, that don't obey the laws.Thousands of crimes are stopped each year by citizens who have guns to protect themselves .The good guys are not going to give up a constitutional right to protect themselves. Plenty of videos on YT  "active self protection" ,showing many videos of the good guys stopping the bad guys.The NRA promotes safety,it has nothing to do with people, who use guns to harm people.America's morality is the problem.Guns don't think people do.

You can have your opinion, but to claim the NRA promotes safety is simply nonsense. NRA promotes weapon sales.

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15 minutes ago, carmine said:

What is disturbing is apparently in the United States guns are more important to its citizens than children lives.


Yet even with the horrendous statistics available for all to see nothing is done about the situation.  Is America really this uncivilized?!!!

"Is America really this uncivilized?                                                                                                                                        "Well..Georges Clemenceau once remarked that America (US) was the only country that he knew of that seemed to have gone from barbarism to decadence without any intervening stages..

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59 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

"Is America really this uncivilized?                                                                                                                                        "Well..Georges Clemenceau once remarked that America (US) was the only country that he knew of that seemed to have gone from barbarism to decadence without any intervening stages..

It really is astonishing the power that the gun lobby has.  Its just insane whats going on yet joe public just appears so indifferent.  I'm starting to think its a country full of whack jobs!!


Roll on the next mass slaughter.......unbelievable.

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14 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Absolutely bizarre...what is up with you Trans?Boys will be boys eh?

Yes indeed, boys will be boys, which has always been the same, but in my day at school and home punishment of some sort was in place to point troublesome kids in the right direction. My point was that has all gone and folk wonder why there is so many problems with youngsters today.

Same with a pup, you train it from the start so it grows into a dog that knows right from wrong, and am sure the same thing happens with most of the planets species...



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12 hours ago, starky said:

Yeah well in a thread that's about kids shooting up schools you would expect when people say countries have similar problems you would assume the poster was talking about the topic of the thread. Sorry I didn't understand what Grrrrr kids meant but coming from someone thats most constructive comments are oversized emojis I'm not surprised by childish references. Didn't realise the OP was about naughty boys.

Glad you like my emijons....:thumbsup:

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This is what you get when society promotes sensitivity over every little thing and becomes driven by knee-jerk outrage. The nutters also have their outrage, and they will take it out with a shotgun. It's the other side of 'me-too'. It's 'My Feelings Matter' and the sense of 'You Must be Punished for Hurting My Precious Feelings.'


As young people are becoming more egocentric and neurotic - seems that they are all on the verge of a nervous breakdown nowadays - we're going to see more and more of this.

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Everything is selfishness. We don't accept this fact as the main mechanism that runs society as we should. 


If a school got shot up that had a bunch of senators' daughters in it we would probably see change. We essentially just live in a giant dysfunctional cesspool of narcissism and nepotism. 

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7 minutes ago, CharlesSwann said:

This is what you get when society promotes sensitivity over every little thing and becomes driven by knee-jerk outrage. The nutters also have their outrage, and they will take it out with a shotgun. It's the other side of 'me-too'. It's 'My Feelings Matter' and the sense of 'You Must be Punished for Hurting My Precious Feelings.'


As young people are becoming more egocentric and neurotic - seems that they are all on the verge of a nervous breakdown nowadays - we're going to see more and more of this.

As young people are becoming more egocentric and neurotic - seems that they are all on the verge of a nervous breakdown nowadays - we're going to see more and more of this in the USA. Because only in the USA we have a problem with the kids, right?

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13 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

How many mass shootings were there when Obama was POTUS?


I dont remember anyone blaming Obama.

Why is this Trump's fault??


George W - 8

Clinton - 8

Bush - 4

Reagan - 3

Johnson - 1







A pity you don't see the differences. Obama tried to change gun laws, but did not manage that. And yes, he was blamed for that.


And anyone who doesn't see the difference in approach, intention and attitude is not looking very well.


Looks like you have some sight and memory issues.

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

A pity you don't see the differences. Obama tried to change gun laws, but did not manage that. And yes, he was blamed for that.


And anyone who doesn't see the difference in approach, intention and attitude is not looking very well.


Looks like you have some sight and memory issues.

He wasn't really blamed for that because he did try but congress wasn't cooperating. Nothing to be blamed for. "trump" isn't even trying. Big difference. 

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50 minutes ago, stevenl said:

A pity you don't see the differences.

TruthStreamMedia.com seriously fudged the numbers by applying different standards for “mass shootings” to the years during which Barack Obama has served as President.

And more.


It is far too soon to know if the Trump administration will surpass the Obama administration's tragic record of 24 mass shootings in two terms, but Trump's presidency has already witnessed the worst mass shooting in American history.


Holding Trump to one term might save lives.

Edited by Srikcir
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The 2nd amendment allows RESTRICTIONS on guns. NRA wants NO restrictions. 


I would like to see new laws in the wake of Santa Fe. It should be a FELONY for parents to not have their guns LOCKED UP at all times. Too bad there aren't laws on the books to send the shooter's PARENTS to jail as well. 

Edited by Jingthing
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13 hours ago, pegman said:

What a crock of bull. There is a core with very low moral character in that country who have been able to hijack this issue. They are successful because of the extremely corrupt political system. In the USA everything is about the $$$!




"Americans of high-school age are 82 times more likely to die from a gun homicide than 15- to 19-year-olds in the rest of the developed world."


 During this decade, children ages 15–19 were eighty-two times more likely to die from gun homicide in the US



So it begs the question what happen since 2010 till now.Behavior  ,social norms or lack of.Guns haven't changed people have.Time to lock and latch the school doors ,security with guns and metal detectors.

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8 hours ago, riclag said:

 During this decade, children ages 15–19 were eighty-two times more likely to die from gun homicide in the US



So it begs the question what happen since 2010 till now.Behavior  ,social norms or lack of.Guns haven't changed people have.Time to lock and latch the school doors ,security with guns and metal detectors.

Ramp up in the sales of these:


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15 hours ago, riclag said:

 During this decade, children ages 15–19 were eighty-two times more likely to die from gun homicide in the US



So it begs the question what happen since 2010 till now.Behavior  ,social norms or lack of.Guns haven't changed people have.Time to lock and latch the school doors ,security with guns and metal detectors.

ANYTHING as long as you can keep your guns.?

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