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Trump lawyer Cohen's business partner cooperating with prosecutors - NY Times


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3 minutes ago, Becker said:

If they let the man-child be removed they will certainly face a backlash from his rabid base. Their only concern is their pathetic dream of MAWA and if he raped a 12 year old girl on Times Square in broad daylight they wouldn't bat an eyelid.

And without these angry old white men the GOP will never win an election again.

I’m not at all convinced Trump’s base is as big as is claimed.


There’s a small number who make an awful lot of noise, but look back at his inauguration, billed as an uprising of his base it was poorly attended.



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23 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

To use a familiar phrase from another era -- ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN out there selling their services to various foreign governments, trying to leverage their connections with Trump in doing so, and then turning around and trying to influence U.S. foreign policy on behalf of mostly shady foreign governments and foreign power figures. Cohen, Broidy, Nader, Flynn, Manafort, Kushner, etc etc etc.


One would hope the President and his men would be working on behalf of the American people, not a variety of corrupt, shady, dark foreign interests. But sadly in the current administration, that's simply not the case. The American people and U.S. national interests are mere bystanders, and the real focus is how much money/benefits/deals these guys can gain working on behalf of whomever brings the biggest payday.


The U.S. federal government and foreign policy under Trump up for sale to the highest bidders. Shameful.






While such things existed in the past (and will exist in the future), both the scope and the proximity to the President are alarming. Can't figure out if the new batch of middlemen just isn't clued about covering their tracks or simply don't give a toss. That the President ignores or deflects related issues speaks volumes.

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20 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Meanwhile, in the latest headlines out of The Swamp, aka Trump's Washington D.C.:


A pair of sinkholes have opened up on the White House lawn.




[Evangelicals fear the sink holes mean the end of times is coming for the Trump Admin...]


[The first part is real. Just kidding about the last part...]



Melania's escape - foiled.

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3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I’m not at all convinced Trump’s base is as big as is claimed.


There’s a small number who make an awful lot of noise, but look back at his inauguration, billed as an uprising of his base it was poorly attended.




Don't know what's counted as "big" or which claims are referenced. Polls tend to show a firm 25% (perhaps more, on some issues) supporting Trump's policies regardless of...well, pretty much anything. Now, some of these polls are of people who did vote, some don't specify. So let's say it's overall smaller. But how small? A good question. I'll just say that polling certain populations and political positions is often inaccurate and troublesome.


One point about "base" is the level of political commitment and involvement. I think that when it comes to that, Trump can still generate greater support than some imagine. Not, perhaps as much as he did as a candidate, though. Don't know that inauguration ceremony attendance is necessarily indicative of his base's size or commitment. Attendance at those rallies of his perhaps a better way to gauge support.

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12 minutes ago, Morch said:


While such things existed in the past (and will exist in the future), both the scope and the proximity to the President are alarming. Can't figure out if the new batch of middlemen just isn't clued about covering their tracks or simply don't give a toss. That the President ignores or deflects related issues speaks volumes.


The other possibility, of course, is that he's fully aware of what his henchmen are doing, approves of it, and perhaps in some cases is getting cut in on the perks in some way or another, either personally or via his company, which has very little public disclosure.


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On 5/23/2018 at 4:23 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Another Russian type criminal in Trump's orbit. Shocking!!! Who would have thunk it.... :sleep:

Another Russian type criminal in Trump's orbit. Shocking!!! Who would have thunk it.... :sleep:


I do not think the fact he is a Russian makes that much difference, Donny will have crocks of many nationalities in his pocket, but I would predict many will be home grown Americans...  

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11 hours ago, Basil B said:

Another Russian type criminal in Trump's orbit. Shocking!!! Who would have thunk it.... :sleep:


I do not think the fact he is a Russian makes that much difference, Donny will have crocks of many nationalities in his pocket, but I would predict many will be home grown Americans...  


A lot of the questionable dealings by Trump's associates that have been in the news in recent months have involved Russian and Ukrainian connections... I'm not sure how much of that is because that's where the special counsel's investigation is focused vs. how much business/scheming focus Trump's people seem to have in that region.


Now lately we have Cohen and the UAE / Saudi Arabia / Qatar connections.


I guess my point was, we haven't heard about Trump's henchmen trying to pull influence deals in places like Britain, France, Germany, the Nordic countries, etc etc...  It always seems to be places where most Americans wouldn't want to go and aren't particularly shining lights of democratic institutions. I'm guessing, that's more than just a coincidence.


In other words, scumbags tend to attract other scumbags. And usually it's scumbags who end up working for other scumbags.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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