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Trump cancels summit with North Korea's Kim, warns that military ready


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2 hours ago, atyclb said:




although not clever enough to be a tv forum member, here is what democrat harvard law professor alan dershowitz had to say;


ALAN DERSHOWITZ (HARVARD LAW PROFESSOR): This is playing into Donald Trump's strong suite (sic). He knows how to make a deal. He knows how to walk away from the table, he knows how to offer to come back to the table. I'm certainly not going to second guess our president when it comes to negotiating with North Korea. I don't think he had any choice. Once he heard what -- I think once he heard what the leader of North Korea said about the United States, said about our vice president, he had no choice but to walk away. But he's walked away in a conditional sense. And he said I welcome you to come back, but on my terms. And remember, we have most of the cards in this negotiation. And I think the president is playing them well. 

Dershowitz has more faith in Trump than I do.  I think there is a good chance that Trump will sell out our east Asia allies in pursuit of a deal so he can argue that he should get a Nobel prize.  Once sanctions are relaxed or lifted and our allies betrayed, North Korea will renege on the deal, as they have on all past deals.

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12 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Dershowitz has more faith in Trump than I do.  I think there is a good chance that Trump will sell out our east Asia allies in pursuit of a deal so he can argue that he should get a Nobel prize.  Once sanctions are relaxed or lifted and our allies betrayed, North Korea will renege on the deal, as they have on all past deals.


can you please share a link to your magic ball make and model number and/or fortune teller

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Dershowitz has more faith in Trump than I do.  I think there is a good chance that Trump will sell out our east Asia allies in pursuit of a deal so he can argue that he should get a Nobel prize.  Once sanctions are relaxed or lifted and our allies betrayed, North Korea will renege on the deal, as they have on all past deals.



I don't follow the news that much. Has Trump been spending a lot of time talking about the Nobel Prize and arguing that he deserves it? All I've heard so far is "we'll see what happens".

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:



I don't follow the news that much. Has Trump been spending a lot of time talking about the Nobel Prize and arguing that he deserves it? All I've heard so far is "we'll see what happens".


No he hasn’t. It’s been everyone else from both sides talking about it. 

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:



I don't follow the news that much. Has Trump been spending a lot of time talking about the Nobel Prize and arguing that he deserves it? All I've heard so far is "we'll see what happens".


29 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


No he hasn’t. It’s been everyone else from both sides talking about it. 


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16 minutes ago, heybruce said:


My favorite part of that link is where he says that everyone else says he should get the Nobel Prize, which is what I just typed. Thanks:


President Trump told reporters that while "everyone thinks" he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his involvement in the warming of relations with North Korea, the only prize he wants is a victory for the world.

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55 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


No he hasn’t. It’s been everyone else from both sides talking about it. 


4 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


My favorite part of that link is where he says that everyone else says he should get the Nobel Prize, which is what I just typed. Thanks:


President Trump told reporters that while "everyone thinks" he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his involvement in the warming of relations with North Korea, the only prize he wants is a victory for the world.

"Everyone says" is the preface Trump uses when he wants to present a lie as accepted truth.  Similar to "Everyone is calling it spygate", and obvious lie that he trusts his base will believe.


"talking about" Trump getting the Nobel Prize is not the same as saying he should get it.  Fox News talked a lot about Obama getting the Nobel Prize, do you think that means they approved of it?

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:


"Everyone says" is the preface Trump uses when he wants to present a lie as accepted truth.  Similar to "Everyone is calling it spygate", and obvious lie that he trusts his base will believe.


"talking about" Trump getting the Nobel Prize is not the same as saying he should get it.  Fox News talked a lot about Obama getting the Nobel Prize, do you think that means they approved of it?


It's kind of a dumb conversation to have frankly, as the cutoff for submissions for the NPP in any given year is February 1st. Maybe start it up again at the end of the year when more is known about what happened.

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Obviously Trump didnt write that letter, in fact i doubt if he could even comprehend it.

If Trump penned a letter it would go....very very good or very very very  bad or very very wonderful person.


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I'm sure someone can find fault in the corrections and even then corrections of corrections.  The point was put across in the letter.  I found it orbnockshous to attempt to smear Vegemite on it. Go Trump!

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6 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


My favorite part of that link is where he says that everyone else says he should get the Nobel Prize, which is what I just typed. Thanks:


President Trump told reporters that while "everyone thinks" he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his involvement in the warming of relations with North Korea, the only prize he wants is a victory for the world.

At his rally when the audience chants "Nobel, Nobel" at 0:36 he says, "That's very nice. Nobel."


Sounds like an acceptance to me.

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18 minutes ago, stud858 said:

I'm sure someone can find fault in the corrections and even then corrections of corrections.  The point was put across in the letter.  I found it orbnockshous to attempt to smear Vegemite on it. Go Trump!

Well according to himself (and ONLY himself) he is a stable genius so should have a better grasp of grammar and spelling than the slightly retarded 8 year old level he seems to be on (both intellectually and emotionally).


PS. You found it what??

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9 hours ago, heybruce said:

Share a link to a logical analysis of Trump's words and actions?  No, you're on your own.



alan dershowitz seems fairly logical and i already posted the quote.  imo its best not to lose sleep over trying to guess, predict or forecast what any politician will do.   fitness center, pool, and catching some waves much better.


furthermore it seems applying logic on these forums is not infrequently futile.

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6 hours ago, atyclb said:



alan dershowitz seems fairly logical and i already posted the quote.  imo its best not to lose sleep over trying to guess, predict or forecast what any politician will do.   fitness center, pool, and catching some waves much better.


furthermore it seems applying logic on these forums is not infrequently futile.

Alan Dershowitz is a Trump defender who made these comments on Fox News.  https://www.mediamatters.org/video/2018/05/24/after-trump-cancels-north-korea-summit-alan-dershowitz-wont-second-guess-our-president-when-it-comes/220300


He also ignored Trump's history of attacking allies, his noncommittal attitude (ignorance) towards nuclear non-proliferation, and his tendency to say and do anything that gets good headlines and plays to his base, as his "Many fine people on both sides" comment demonstrates. 


Trump is not driven by logic, his is driven by immediate gratification.  Sending him into nuclear negotiations with on opponent who takes the long view is dangerous.

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Alan Dershowitz is a Trump defender who made these comments on Fox News.  https://www.mediamatters.org/video/2018/05/24/after-trump-cancels-north-korea-summit-alan-dershowitz-wont-second-guess-our-president-when-it-comes/220300


He also ignored Trump's history of attacking allies, his noncommittal attitude (ignorance) towards nuclear non-proliferation, and his tendency to say and do anything that gets good headlines and plays to his base, as his "Many fine people on both sides" comment demonstrates. 


Trump is not driven by logic, his is driven by immediate gratification.  Sending him into nuclear negotiations with on opponent who takes the long view is dangerous.

even if a staunch democrat non trump supporter renowned law professor speaks candidly and supports and or defends trump on select issues (far from all issues) that person is becomes labeled a "trump defender"  especially since that was a fox news interview. dershowits has countered cnn narrative also on cnn or other msn.


perhaps if ben carsons separation of siamese twins was reported by fox news it would not have been valid.



if i had the inkling to use your reasoning i could say that the trump grammar 6th grade level stuff was reported on the washington post, owned by trump enemy jeff bezos therefore not valid.

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2 hours ago, atyclb said:

even if a staunch democrat non trump supporter renowned law professor speaks candidly and supports and or defends trump on select issues (far from all issues) that person is becomes labeled a "trump defender"  especially since that was a fox news interview. dershowits has countered cnn narrative also on cnn or other msn.


perhaps if ben carsons separation of siamese twins was reported by fox news it would not have been valid.



if i had the inkling to use your reasoning i could say that the trump grammar 6th grade level stuff was reported on the washington post, owned by trump enemy jeff bezos therefore not valid.

Dershowitz himself calls himself a Trump defender:   https://www.yahoo.com/news/dershowitz-friends-family-horrified-trump-defense-160522979.html


Regarding Trump's grammar, review a transcript of one of his speeches when he is not reading from a script:   https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=trump+speech+transcript+john+oliver&view=detail&mid=3C6C30C4A73A12AE296B3C6C30C4A73A12AE296B&FORM=VIRE

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I think we can drop some of the criticism of the grammar.   It is indicative of something, but I think that is out of the scope of this thread.


I worked for a number of years in the Communications Unit of an embassy.   Many of the phrases and answers were in the form of boiler plate wording.  This was reviewed by numerous people to make sure that the grammar, spelling and other aspects of well-written language were all correct.   The people doing the writing and checking were pedantic in the extreme.  


The individualized remarks were done by people who had a special ability to write well.   People above them reviewed it carefully several times before it was presented to the ambassador, or anyone higher up the command structure.  It needed to be perfect when presented for signature.


An individualized letter may be written by someone up the chain, but it was then re-written, revised and presented for review.   It may go through several re-writes, with the word-smiths job to make sure the prepositions were where they were suppose to be, that the participles weren't dangling, that capitalization was correct and the proper terminology used (I once suffered great agony for using 'fax' instead of 'facsimile').  


The current White House seems to lack some of that....but we are straying quite far of the intent of this thread.   Let's get back on topic and leave that discussion for another time.  



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as an eloquent speaker trump is not high on the list. his style is not polished and comes off rough and tough and it could be construed as the same way mob bosses portrayed in movies talk.


this style and accent is very common for those growing up in new york city. theres no lack of high education professionals that talk this way also in nyc.


a friend of mine from nyc speaks that way and he is a medical doctor but sounds more like a mafia boss. 

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2 minutes ago, atyclb said:

as an eloquent speaker trump is not high on the list. his style is not polished and comes off rough and tough and it could be construed as the same way mob bosses portrayed in movies talk.


this style and accent is very common for those growing up in new york city. theres no lack of high education professionals that talk this way also in nyc.


a friend of mine from nyc speaks that way and he is a medical doctor but sounds more like a mafia boss. 

What I find amusing and disturbing about Trump's speeches when he goes off script is his inability to stay on topic long enough to finish a sentence.  Poor grammar isn't the issue, the man is unable to focus.

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18 minutes ago, heybruce said:

What I find amusing and disturbing about Trump's speeches when he goes off script is his inability to stay on topic long enough to finish a sentence.  Poor grammar isn't the issue, the man is unable to focus.



i can feel your pain

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13 hours ago, heybruce said:

Dershowitz himself calls himself a Trump defender:   https://www.yahoo.com/news/dershowitz-friends-family-horrified-trump-defense-160522979.html


Regarding Trump's grammar, review a transcript of one of his speeches when he is not reading from a script:   https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=trump+speech+transcript+john+oliver&view=detail&mid=3C6C30C4A73A12AE296B3C6C30C4A73A12AE296B&FORM=VIRE


I think his positions can hardly be summed as con/pro Trump.



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1 hour ago, Morch said:

I think his positions can hardly be summed as con/pro Trump.

I think of him more in terms of a "devil's advocate" for Trump in a kind of professorial manner. He especially seems to playfully challenge CNN contributor Jeffrey Toobin. I've never seen him get deadly serious like some adamant Trump supporters. Which of course gets Dershowitz invited back repeatedly to the show.

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6 hours ago, atyclb said:



i can feel your pain

Good for you. Then you have the ability to empathize, something the man-child is completely unable to do. Case in point is the sickeningly self serving tweet by the draft dodger on Memorial Day.


In case you forgot:

""Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!"




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54 minutes ago, Becker said:
6 hours ago, atyclb said:



i can feel your pain

Good for you. Then you have the ability to empathize, something the man-child is completely unable to do. Case in point is the sickeningly self serving tweet by the draft dodger on Memorial Day.


In case you forgot:

""Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!"





looks like he got a medical deferment and an educational deferment. did this mean he was the only one that got such deferments?


i personally could not have served due to asthma that significantly debilitated me but later in life i indeed worked for the us military(non combat) and i feel proud of what they have done and continue to do.  even if i had not worked for the military should i be barred or ridiculed from saying i am proud of the us military?


i too continued university until my mid 20's and would have been given a deferment as such.



posting a pic of someone vomiting is not the most effective way to argue a position.

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1 hour ago, atyclb said:


looks like he got a medical deferment and an educational deferment. did this mean he was the only one that got such deferments?


i personally could not have served due to asthma that significantly debilitated me but later in life i indeed worked for the us military(non combat) and i feel proud of what they have done and continue to do.  even if i had not worked for the military should i be barred or ridiculed from saying i am proud of the us military?


i too continued university until my mid 20's and would have been given a deferment as such.



posting a pic of someone vomiting is not the most effective way to argue a position.

Yeah, Captain Bone Spur got a medical deferment for a condition that miraculously healed. No, he was not the only one that weaseled his way out but anyone ridiculing a decorated war hero that was captured and tortured better have some creds and that's what the man-child is completely lacking.


Posting a pic of someone vomiting describes better than words what I feel like doing every time I see his lying mug somewhere.

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