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Screens to kill off paper ID copies at govt offices


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3 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

It's all good, I suppose.  Thais first, no problem.  Hopefully progress will roll downhill to us long-sah-tay folks, eventually. 


Cynically though, my Immi office had a new electronic queuing system installed.  It was broken inside of 6 months, never worked again.  We went back to laminated number cards held in a bamboo cup by the front door.



Why cynically? Our immigration office had the same queueing system about four years ago. That too broke in less than a year. Now there's two spikes with numbered cards. One for visa enquires, the other for 90 day reporting.

Instead of removing the machine, it's still near the door, with a sheet of A4 paper taped on it saying Not Working.


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8 hours ago, Number 6 said:

The fact that one even needs to show a house book is ridiculous. Half the nation does not live at the addresses.


The entire nation is getting set up for data theft. They can't even get the online 90 day reporting system sorted after how many years?


They don't have to show their ID cards which by law they need to have on their person anyway. So genius.


Try visiting a random ministry website: If you're using Chrome there's a good chance you be given the red screen of "turn back now" - their websites are about as safe as condom stapled to its cover.

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12 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Already available at your local Amphur.

Search "Pink ID cards".

I have one and use it for hotels, government offices etc.


Not available at all Ampurs. I tried at mine. They just said "No". Consider yourself lucky if you live in a district where it is possible.


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5 hours ago, Monomial said:


Not available at all Ampurs. I tried at mine. They just said "No". Consider yourself lucky if you live in a district where it is possible.


It's not always straightforward, some offices don't know what to do, others too lazy. It is available at all amphurs - by law. Legally, they cannot refuse to issue it, as long as you are eligible.

It might need the help of the Thai ombudsman, or try the 1111 helpline for complaints about government services.

When I applied for a yellow housebook, the clerk just said "No", too. Complained to the head of house registration at the amphur, and eventually got it done.


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5 hours ago, Monomial said:


Not available at all Ampurs. I tried at mine. They just said "No". Consider yourself lucky if you live in a district where it is possible.


Driving license seems to suffice for everything. What's more it avoids the need to disturb the comfortable torpor of officialdom at your local Amphur!

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10 hours ago, timber said:

When I use the Pink ID card they have accepted it, but haven't tried it on everything.

Kasikorn bank refuse Pink card to open account, they say must have Passport, other than that so far so good

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When I did last 90 day reporting I asked officer at front counter in Jomtien if I had Yellow book and Pink card did I still have to do report the answer was yes. Now I ask what is the use of book and card as they tell where I'm living and if I move I have to inform Local Amphur to obtain new card and new book, talk about the Left hand not telling the Right hand what's going on, maybe hope with new system!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sigh.  It used to be easy to scratch out a date on a paper document like a Tabien Baan, get a certified copy with a little red ribbon and then reverse the process. Don't think they had birth certificates back then. 


When I was about 16 and the drinking age in Washington, DC was 18, a liquor store employee complimented me on the clever way I altered the birth date on my plastic driver's license, as he sold me the stuff. 

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30 minutes ago, a977 said:

Kasikorn bank refuse Pink card to open account, they say must have Passport, other than that so far so good

What many dont understand, pink ID id your name in THAI, you can open an account but the account name will be in Thai (as per the ID) and you will need to present Thai ID to operate the account, immigration may have problems if you present a "Thai name" account showing 800k etc.

Its not that you cant open an account, they are probably recommending an English name account.

Same as an airline booking, unless you make the booking in Thai script, the pink ID in Thai script is not always accepted.

Edited by Peterw42
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41 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

What many dont understand, pink ID id your name in THAI, you can open an account but the account name will be in Thai (as per the ID) and you will need to present Thai ID to operate the account, immigration may have problems if you present a "Thai name" account showing 800k etc.

Its not that you cant open an account, they are probably recommending an English name account.

Same as an airline booking, unless you make the booking in Thai script, the pink ID in Thai script is not always accepted.

So really rather pointless then?


And rather bizarre, having your name in Thai script, when the national ID card for Thais has the name in English!


Thailand 4.0

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4 minutes ago, JAG said:

So really rather pointless then?


And rather bizarre, having your name in Thai script, when the national ID card for Thais has the name in English!


Thailand 4.0

I'd agree with that 100%.

How the mind of a bureaucrat works is beyond the understanding of most people.

Perhaps as the card was more often used for migrant workers before, it hasn't got to the stage where it has been considered as a generally useful document. Perhaps give it another twenty years.


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1 hour ago, a977 said:

Kasikorn bank refuse Pink card to open account, they say must have Passport, other than that so far so good

Twenty years ago I opened an account at TMB with my passport for ID. They insisted on translating the account name in my passbook into Thai!


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1 hour ago, JAG said:

So really rather pointless then?


And rather bizarre, having your name in Thai script, when the national ID card for Thais has the name in English!


Thailand 4.0

Thai ID is in both Thai and English, for anything they are doing, drivers license, bank accounts etc, its the Thai script being used.

Thais have drivers license, bank accounts with their name written in Thai, from their Thai ID.

Foreigners present their passport for drivers license, bank accounts, therefore their drivers license and bank accounts are in English as per their passport (ID).

If you exclusively use a pink ID, you get license, bank accounts etc, in Thai, as per the ID.


At that point you exist in Thai script and (in theory) cannot present an ID with your name in English (passport etc) for banking, airline bookings (made in Thai name) etc.


People say the Pink ID is useless, and I suppose it is as an ID for anything were an English ID was previously used.


It makes sense once you get your head around the fact that pink ID is in Thai only and used to identify you for anything setup or done in Thai. Its Thailand so it makes sense that the language is Thai, Can you imagine trying to setup a bank account in the west in Thai name written in Thai script.



Edited by Peterw42
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18 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

No they won`t as immigration will be able to connect into online databases to check that the paperwork matches up to their online records. Now for the first time, International government and national government departments are starting to communicate. It`s going to become much more difficult to stay in Thailand for those that don`t meet the requirements or paperwork that is not in order. It will become a much more paperless system.

You must live in a Thailand in an alternate universe than the rest of us.  ?

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18 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

No they won`t as immigration will be able to connect into online databases to check that the paperwork matches up to their online records. Now for the first time, International government and national government departments are starting to communicate. It`s going to become much more difficult to stay in Thailand for those that don`t meet the requirements or paperwork that is not in order. It will become a much more paperless system.

You must live in a Thailand in an alternate universe than the rest of us.  ?

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On 5/26/2018 at 12:26 PM, BigBadGeordie said:

Already available at your local Amphur.

Search "Pink ID cards".

I have one and use it for hotels, government offices etc.

It is only valid in the province in which it is issued.


Previously never had a problem using it out of province, but NOK AIR refused to accept it as ID for a flight emanating from my home province. Girl said because I was flying out of province, but she refused to accept it was just for ID purposes.

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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 12:14 PM, JAG said:

What's the betting (if it were permitted of course) that you will have to go to the little bamboo hut outside, pay the chap with the antique photocopier inside to photocopy the ID card (back and front), sign and date the copy, and then hand the cipy to an official who will scan it into his computer, and then view it on his screen?

You would loose as an app like that works completely different.

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