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Thai teacher who confiscated teen girls' underwear as punishment apologizes to parents


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6 minutes ago, Ks45672 said:

Why would it ever be OK for a teacher to ask for a schoolgirls bra?? ?


I think you've been in thailand abit too long friend


I'm absolutely not suggesting it was OK,  perhaps you should read what I was commenting on.


Actually I am outraged, I have a 13 soon 14 yo Thai granddaughter and I pray she never gets touched, harasssed etc. Her father, my Thai son, also teaches, because of the comments he hears in teachers' rooms he watches his daughters like a hawk. 





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There are many stories like this, and not necessarily of a deviant nature.  One friend whose son had never had his hair cut since birth (it looked good actually) was sent home, and 2nd appearance had his hair forced to be cut so all could see a message had been sent.  There are some much more obscure than that example, but it appears to me to be usually to humiliate them.

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:

Bizarre punishment unless the teacher is into young girls undies sniffing or other fetish that will render him unfit to be a teacher, of old people maybe but not of young one…

Hoe said it was a he /him   blowing the story apart as usual 

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2 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

It's just the way Thailand is

I think I'm more shocked by people's reaction than the details of the story. I don't understand how people that live in Thailand don't realise that it's still a very backward (or "different" if you prefer) country, especially outside the urban areas. To suddenly expect Western thought and action at random because they don't agree with something seems fairly naive.


The teacher could have genuinely thought the "punishment" was appropriate. Since the point of the vests is to cover up their bras to stop them being seen. Thais are not known for their critical thinking skills.

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8 hours ago, 2008bangkok said:

Another example of thainess, the parents shouldn't have accepted an apology and the person should of been fired on the spot and never to work in a school again.

What the military gotta be there for anyway.

Presume you are assuming the teacher was male...


But this is not the first time such an incident has been mentioned on TV, the incident I recall is from a few years back.


Remember also an ex saying her daughter hair too long, teacher cut it, no good... me thinking in a civilised country that would be assault and the teacher would be up in court.

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the only thing this person does is teach humiliation, definately not the sort to be in a position where he/she can influence the young

what other 4.0 country would accept their teachers telling young girls to take off their underwear - or even thinking of it

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8 hours ago, colinneil said:

The parents accepted the apology... WHAT !!

What kind of parents are they.

Had 1 of them been my daughter i would have given the teacher a damn good hiding.

See you in gale then?

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Just another report about some sad old pervert using his job position to abuse young girls.


If one of his (and the odds are it`s a he) students would had been my daughter, I would have not rested until that teacher was sacked and blacklisted from the profession, even if it took me the rest of my life to accomplish it.


What parents in their right minds would feel comfortable having their young daughters left all day with a pedo pervert. If this happened in America or the UK, the guy would have been serving time now.

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

What does it matter, the sex of the teacher?

It was a disgusting thing to do male or female that is irrelevant.

Of course was  a disgusting act!

Simply commenting people have assumed was a male; it may not be! 


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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Yesterday local education officials, the military, the government's watchdog group Damrongtham and the parents and children involved all attended a meeting.

Now I understand why general elections have been - and will be - postponed so often since the military government seized power. They are so busy doing their core business, which in Thailand instead of military national defence seems to consist of 

- making small-time street food vendors apologize publicly for breaking the rules 

- banning smoking cigarettes on beaches 

- overseeing and conducting teenage schoolgirl underwear drama

- ...

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