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44 foreigners arrested in ongoing tourist police crackdowns


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11 minutes ago, anfh said:

I get well pxxxxx off when people shout about racism in these cases. 


The majority of the arrests are black, Indian or Pakistani.


if these are the people braking the laws, then arrest them, its irrelevant what nationality they are, they are in the wrong.


its a pity other countries DONT arrest people through fear of being dubbed racist, the West would be a better place. The racism card is used far too much to protect or excuse illegality in many western countries. 

No, but given the number of illegal westerners (there is a considerable number), the fact that the arrests are not matching statistically - distributed across all races and nationalities... is telling.  I am not saying don't arrest illegal alien black, Indian and Pakistani -- I am saying make the same effort to arrest those that are illegal aliens who are western European heritage. 

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Just now, happy chappie said:

The fact is they are not just targeting Africans but your comments are suggesting that it's  racially motivated.how do the police know what nationality the teachers are going to be when they raid a school.so please stop using the racial card,your in Thailand and political correctness don't wash out here.

The RTP have stated that they are targeting Africans .(the name "operation Black Eagle , wasnt a coincidence)

I did also state that the targeting of Africans is part of the general clampdown on criminals , along with visa overstayers and illegal workers .

   Please do not accuse me of "playing the race card" or "political correctness" , I am in favour of Africans being targeted , as many are up to no good

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1 hour ago, Get Real said:

The lowest in the food chain. Wow! 

So three nigerians that are staying without entry stamp in Thailand, and engage in romance scams which makes millions of baht before they get caught. Yeah, I forgot they are the lowest in the food chain, never mind them.

We also know that black people are the most frequent ones as all from drug dealers to pimps out of all foreigners in Thailand. They also make millions illegally, but they are som low so don´t mind them.

Do you see where I am going? There is a reason why they concentrate on this. The reason is not to distract.


Have no idea where you are going?

Some crazy statements there. So the 'non black' pimps with entry stamps running beer bars, gogo bars etc are ok? They don't count as the "most frequent"? 

Nigerians are the only ones involved in 'Romance Scams'? I imagine Thailand was a hotpot of that kind of thing long before the Nigerians arrived. 

Drugs? They have also been rife, ever since my very first visit to Thailand. That the fault of the Africans too?

Why are racist people so stupid?


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31 minutes ago, anfh said:

I get well pxxxxx off when people shout about racism in these cases. 


The majority of the arrests are black, Indian or Pakistani.


if these are the people braking the laws, then arrest them, its irrelevant what nationality they are, they are in the wrong.


its a pity other countries DONT arrest people through fear of being dubbed racist, the West would be a better place. The racism card is used far too much to protect or excuse illegality in many western countries. 

In the US blacks and Hispanics are far more likely to be in prison.

In Canada, Native Canadians are jailed  far more disproportionately than whites.

And a little googling shows the UK disproportionately jailing blacks.

I don't think the authority's fear of being dubbed racist keeps them from jailing minorities at all.

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22 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

  I am not saying don't arrest illegal alien black, Indian and Pakistani -- I am saying make the same effort to arrest those that are illegal aliens who are western European heritage. 

But then again, you dont get gangs of Caucasians hanging around the streets selling drugs or selling themselves as prostitutes .

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2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

They've admitted to targeting blacks and racial profiling.


Picking the lowest hanging fruit, and those lowest in the food chain that cannot defend themselves.


Just a sideshow to distract the simple minded away from the real criminality rife in this country. 

I agree with and appreciate what you are saying, but something is better than nothing and with any luck they will start to prune the trees more thoroughly in  the future.

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2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

They've admitted to targeting blacks and racial profiling.


Picking the lowest hanging fruit, and those lowest in the food chain that cannot defend themselves.


Just a sideshow to distract the simple minded away from the real criminality rife in this country. 

One honest cop cannot do it all... at least he's doing something!!

And when all the "lowest hanging fruit" has been picked he will go higher up the tree..

Would like to know what happens to the schools in question for hiring illegals.. tackle the issue from both ends!

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5 hours ago, sanemax said:

They are targeting Africans 

Is that a problem? 

The concept of racial profiling has gone down the PC toilet , sadly in many places it is blacks killing blacks over drug related turfs 

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Just now, peterb17 said:

Is that a problem? 

The concept of racial profiling has gone down the PC toilet , sadly in many places it is blacks killing blacks over drug related turfs 

Where did I suggest that its problem .

Why is it that as soon as I mention facts involving Blacks , I either get accused of either being racist or Politically correct ?

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LOL. All the cheering from the bleachers about Thailand rounding up and deporting non-whites. You think the powers that be look any more favorably on the decrepit white pensioner demographic? Pray tell, please tell me you're not so delusional as to imagine your skin color automatically confers 'quality tourist' standing? Certainly not if you're one of the shoestring budget, heavy drinking, rude, unfriendly, easily irritated, poorly educated, obese, government hospital burdening, bar haunting Caucasian layabouts I have the misfortune to cross paths with from time to time.


Thailand seems to be doing everything it can to dismantle the sex industry. Unable to find a young wife in a bar, won't plenty of guys find Thailand less attractive as a retirement haven? Ever think that may be part of the government's plan to get rid of the Cheap Charlie economic refugee retirees and help restore 'Thainess' to boot? So guess what, you might not be part of the government's grand vision for the future either. A few tweaks to the retirement visa program, and you could find yourself on the receiving end of the persona non grata treatment sooner than you imagine. So enjoy the gloating while it lasts. 

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2 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

LOL. All the cheering from the bleachers about Thailand rounding up and deporting non-whites. You think the powers that be look any more favorably on the decrepit white pensioner demographic? Pray tell, please tell me you're not so delusional as to imagine your skin color automatically confers 'quality tourist' standing? Certainly not if you're one of the shoestring budget, heavy drinking, rude, unfriendly, easily irritated, poorly educated, obese, government hospital burdening, bar haunting Caucasian layabouts I have the misfortune to cross paths with from time to time.


Thailand seems to be doing everything it can to dismantle the sex industry. Unable to find a young wife in a bar, won't plenty of guys find Thailand less attractive as a retirement haven? Ever think that may be part of the government's plan to get rid of the Cheap Charlie economic refugee retirees and help restore 'Thainess' to boot? So guess what, you might not be part of the government's grand vision for the future either. A few tweaks to the retirement visa program, and you could find yourself on the receiving end of the persona non grata treatment sooner than you imagine. So enjoy the gloating while it lasts. 

Do try to stay on topic .

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38 minutes ago, sanemax said:

But then again, you dont get gangs of Caucasians hanging around the streets selling drugs or selling themselves as prostitutes .

With prostitution it is just market dynamics - why come to a low wage country.


With selling drugs and other criminal activity - I am sure there are plenty of westerners are involved in buying or selling drugs in Thailand (both actions are illegal).  You have organizations like The Outlaws Motorcycle "club" (which is listed as a criminal organization in my home country) that operate freely in Thailand.  The traffic in drugs through the golden triangle to the US is still a problem.   So yes, they are here -- you just don't see them on the perp walk as much (until they kill someone in Thailand and are on the run).

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2 minutes ago, sambum said:

"if you're one of the shoestring budget, heavy drinking, rude, unfriendly, easily irritated, poorly educated, obese, government hospital burdening, bar haunting Caucasian layabouts I have the misfortune to cross paths with from time to time."


Could you be a bit more specific? ?

Well, he managed at least 10 half decent adjectives. The folks he seems familiar with usually dwell in some of the more notorious areas of LOS.

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1 hour ago, JamJar said:


Have no idea where you are going?

Some crazy statements there. So the 'non black' pimps with entry stamps running beer bars, gogo bars etc are ok? They don't count as the "most frequent"? 

Nigerians are the only ones involved in 'Romance Scams'? I imagine Thailand was a hotpot of that kind of thing long before the Nigerians arrived. 

Drugs? They have also been rife, ever since my very first visit to Thailand. That the fault of the Africans too?

Why are racist people so stupid?


I guess it was not only, the idea of where I was going that was lacking.

Just one example: If you have an entry stamp, you visa and work permit are in order. You own and run a beer bar, where girls work. You want a bar fine because the girls disappear from the bar and can no longer attract customers for you. After that it´s up to the girl what she do, that person is not a pimp, forcing the girl to engage with sexual activities with the one that payed the bar fine.

Compare that to a nigerian or a black person entering Thailand illegally without an entry stamp, or overstaying the length of visa. After that they lure women in to Thailand from thier home country, with the promise of good pay for maid work. Later confiscate their passport, hold them in a locked condo and only drive them to customers for payed sex. 

As it is soo much wrong with your comment, I do niether have time nor power to grant you more than one example. If you do not understand the difference, then I can only feel sorry for you. If you also believe that makes me a stupid racist. Yeah, then be it. I know you are wrong, and will just let it be with that.

Edited by Get Real
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35 minutes ago, mekko said:

To those calling it out as racism - every country participants in racial profiling ...

I think Sweden doesn't do racial profiling. They are extremely politically correct.


But admittedly that country is pretty much lost. 


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The raid netted the following according to The Nation report.

16 -  Southeast Asians (Burma, Laos, Cambodia.)

15 - Indians

 5 - Africans

3 - Uzbeks

2 - Bangladeshis.

With the possible exception of the Uzbeks, most of these in custody have naturally dark/darker skin. 

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25 minutes ago, sambum said:

"if you're one of the shoestring budget, heavy drinking, rude, unfriendly, easily irritated, poorly educated, obese, government hospital burdening, bar haunting Caucasian layabouts I have the misfortune to cross paths with from time to time."


Could you be a bit more specific? ?

Fleshing out a demographic for those who refuse to look in the mirror.

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2 hours ago, anfh said:

I get well pxxxxx off when people shout about racism in these cases. 


The majority of the arrests are black, Indian or Pakistani.


if these are the people braking the laws, then arrest them, its irrelevant what nationality they are, they are in the wrong.


its a pity other countries DONT arrest people through fear of being dubbed racist, the West would be a better place. The racism card is used far too much to protect or excuse illegality in many western countries. 

Yep, plenty of people guilty of being black in the West. 


How dare they flaunt their colour. 

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