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Where Have All The Yankees Gone?


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I think things won't change until GWB is out of the Whitehouse. I believe the decline of the dollar is directly proportional to the polices of the current U.S. president. As soon as America elects either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama then things will get back to normal as they will follow policies that will benefit America and not sink us further into debt. (I hope) :o

The dollar moves for economic reason's not the political infighting of it moronic leadership.

This is way off topic so mods feel free to kill this. The reason Georgy got reelected was not because most of the US did not realize he was a moron. It was because his opponents ran another moron against him.

I personally don't care for Georgy's politics OR Billary Clinton's. If that is the best the US can field than we are in for a world of hurt.

There is nowhere in the constitution that says you have to have two parties. That’s what's broken in the US system. Until diversity is recognized and more than two lousy opinions can survive in our political process we are going to suffer as a country.

One thing about parliamentary systems is that all opinions see the light of day. That was the basis from which the US founding fathers worked from. Most diverse opinions are killed in committee. The system is not functioning as designed.

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Personally I'd credit large sections of the american people with the ability to overeat, make incredibly ill-advised voting decisions and thereby stir-up anti-american sentiment worldwide. Beyond that, given what Jingthing has indicated about the average american's world view, perhaps you are right - they have no power to do anything. This isn't an attack against all american's, I appreciate that some are fantastic, friendly, educated, worldly individuals, its more of a despair against the majority who have brought about such a terrible situation in world politics at present. There have been a number of posters moaning about the falling dollar and how it means they won't be able to live in LOS anymore - you reap what you sow and not everyone will be sheading lots of tears if there are few Yankees in LOS. I also remind myself that a number of the worst parts of thailand in terms of sleaze are a direct result of good old American influence during R&R breaks during yet another great american war - the Vietnam conflict.

Americans have brought about a terrible situation in world politics? Regular, normal, everyday American citizens are responsible for whats going on the world? Are you serious? Don't tell me they are responsible because of who they voted for either because that just doesn't hold water. Our votes are meaningless sir.

Your anti-American sentiment is shining through bright and clear. Now we are responsible for bringing sleaze to Thailand too eh? You mean to tell me that if it were any other country fighting in Vietnam besides America that the soldiers wouldn't have come to BKK for their R&R and looked for prostitutes? :o

Of course I'm serious - that's the basic premise of a democracy. The US's behaviour is unfortunately becoming one of the best arguments against pro-democracy movements. I'm not anti all american citizens, some are great people. I am very much anti the pathetic foreign policies of the Bush regime and the unbelievably ignorant individuals who re-elected him. Try travelling around the world a bit this year and see how many other of the world's citizens share similar views - unfortunately the US has demonstrated that it doesn't give a monkey's about them. As for the Vietnam war fortunately other countries weren't as stupid to get involved. Unfortunately the US don't appear to have learned the lessons of the Vietnam war as their actions in Iraq demonstrate. Nor do they appear to have learnt the lessons of Afghan history (both Russian and British failed attempts to subdue the Afghans). I'm very much anti all this because 100s of thousands of innocent people are suffering terribly in these countries. Trying to defend this type of activity is fairly shocking, and the 'it wasn't my fault' brigade are hardly blame free - those who aren't part of the solution are part of the problem and there don't seem to be many people in the US solving these problems, nor wider transnational problems such as the disastrous degredation of the global climate. Instead we have these wonderful citizens bleating about the falling value of the dollar - boo hoo.

You must be from Tibet. Great Place. One of the few that never really meddled in other countries affairs. It must be because your country never subjugated others that you have such tolerance. You are a lucky man. If you are from anywhere else then maybe you should read some history.

FYI George Bush was not elected by the majority of Americans. He was elected by the majority of voters who had two lousy choices. Sorry to confuse the issue for you.

From an economic standpoint when the dollar buys less research in solar, wind, tidal and hydrogen research it does effect the equation "bleating about the falling value of the dollar". To say it doesn't shows a profound lack of economic savvy.

Maybe we could replace the power supplies we use with more environmentally friendly solutions such as Europe uses like Nuclear which is only toxic for 24,000 years for Plutonium. Or we could use Uranium. The protective steel arch designed for Chernobyl is still on the drawing board. Cancer rates off the charts for each incident are an acceptable risk for power I guess. How long was it we could safely store the stuff for before it leaks out again? 100 years?


Think it can't happen in your Tibet? See history and Google a bit. You may get a surprise. No global warming, just high cancer rates. I see many more people on bicycles in China than Europe or the US.

Maybe Bush did read some History. Maybe he even went to Cambodia and saw what happened when the US pulled out of Vietnam. Maybe he was able to associate what a power vacuum does when you leave are area with no leadership. To bad he didn't do that research before he made a mess but now you have a mess. So the choices now are stay and have people die or leave and have more people die. Both are poor choices. Both will affect the dollar negatively. Not because of the premise that the world is mad at the dollar but because of current account deficits. That’s the cause. Not world anger. Feel free to sit back and do nothing. It works for a lot of people.


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Personally I'd credit large sections of the american people with the ability to overeat, make incredibly ill-advised voting decisions and thereby stir-up anti-american sentiment worldwide. Beyond that, given what Jingthing has indicated about the average american's world view, perhaps you are right - they have no power to do anything. This isn't an attack against all american's, I appreciate that some are fantastic, friendly, educated, worldly individuals, its more of a despair against the majority who have brought about such a terrible situation in world politics at present. There have been a number of posters moaning about the falling dollar and how it means they won't be able to live in LOS anymore - you reap what you sow and not everyone will be sheading lots of tears if there are few Yankees in LOS. I also remind myself that a number of the worst parts of thailand in terms of sleaze are a direct result of good old American influence during R&R breaks during yet another great american war - the Vietnam conflict.

Americans have brought about a terrible situation in world politics? Regular, normal, everyday American citizens are responsible for whats going on the world? Are you serious? Don't tell me they are responsible because of who they voted for either because that just doesn't hold water. Our votes are meaningless sir.

Your anti-American sentiment is shining through bright and clear. Now we are responsible for bringing sleaze to Thailand too eh? You mean to tell me that if it were any other country fighting in Vietnam besides America that the soldiers wouldn't have come to BKK for their R&R and looked for prostitutes? :o

Of course I'm serious - that's the basic premise of a democracy. The US's behaviour is unfortunately becoming one of the best arguments against pro-democracy movements. I'm not anti all american citizens, some are great people. I am very much anti the pathetic foreign policies of the Bush regime and the unbelievably ignorant individuals who re-elected him. Try travelling around the world a bit this year and see how many other of the world's citizens share similar views - unfortunately the US has demonstrated that it doesn't give a monkey's about them. As for the Vietnam war fortunately other countries weren't as stupid to get involved. Unfortunately the US don't appear to have learned the lessons of the Vietnam war as their actions in Iraq demonstrate. Nor do they appear to have learnt the lessons of Afghan history (both Russian and British failed attempts to subdue the Afghans). I'm very much anti all this because 100s of thousands of innocent people are suffering terribly in these countries. Trying to defend this type of activity is fairly shocking, and the 'it wasn't my fault' brigade are hardly blame free - those who aren't part of the solution are part of the problem and there don't seem to be many people in the US solving these problems, nor wider transnational problems such as the disastrous degredation of the global climate. Instead we have these wonderful citizens bleating about the falling value of the dollar - boo hoo.

The mere fact that you're serious leads me to believe you live a very introverted life. The U.S. governments foreign policy is what it is and has nothing to do with normal American citizens. We do not control what the government does and our votes don't mean one thing. Your thinking that it does shows how little you really know. I know how many of the worlds people dislike what the American government is doing and thats fine. The smart ones know it has nothing to do with regular citizens.

As for the Vietnam war and no other countries getting involved, it was France that was there before the U.S. as a matter of fact. Is it only the U.S that gets involved in other countries' business? England has a long history of colonization including parts of Canada, America, certain Caribbean Islands, Australia & New Zealand. There is a reason the U.S. gets itself involved in war after war. MONEY! Wars make rich people richer. You thinking regular citizens can do anything is asinine. The real problem here is people like you asleep at the wheel.

The very reason the dollar is falling and has been stuck in a rut the past 4-5 years is because America is running two huge twin deficits and the trade imbalance between the U.S. and other countries is astronomical. One of the easiest things the U.S. can do to try and pare down the deficits is to try and get USD to depreciate which is why our government secretly supports a weak dollar no matter what they say in public.

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I also remind myself that a number of the worst parts of thailand in terms of sleaze are a direct result of good old American influence during R&R breaks during yet another great american war - the Vietnam conflict.


Thailand had "prostitution" thousands of years before the American Troops set foot in the LOS.

Due to a strategic withdrawal 99.9% of the Americans and Allied Forces left Vietnam in 1974.

The Last R&Rs were in 1974.

Due to a Coup in the Government of Thailand in 1975, 99.9% of Americans left the LOS in 1975. In fact most were gone by August 1975.

Who filled the gap since 1975 (32 years) and allowed the prostitution to continue?


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I for one,still plan on retire in thailand. the baht to usd will not scare me off. 20 bht to the dollar, its not going to happen. :o

this misplaced confidence by Americans never ceases to amaze me ! :D many of them are completely oblivious

to the financial mess their country is in ??? :D

I am an American and I am not worried. Not because I have great faith in the value of the dollar, but because it is so easy to diversify into other currencies. Most American mutual fund investors have a good chunk of their net worth in international stock and bond funds that are valued in Euros, Yen, Pounds and other international currencies. No one knows what the future holds. Don't most European investors have some investments in other countries and currencies to stay diversified?

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What a long and sad diatribe of crappola. First of all, there really aren't a lot of Americans in Thailand. Of those that are here, most are working for international companies or on some other business related employment. Not many Americans retiree in Thailand.

The US is a large country with a large number of climatic zones. People can easily retire in sunny Florida (similar to Thailand), hot, dry Arizona or mild California. For those with more exotic taste there are numerous places in the Carribbean and Mexico. This is not to mention Hawaii, Guam and other islands.

The people moaning and complaining about Americans here on TV are of little consequence to most Americans. The reception received by the local people is what is of importance to most people.

The rise and fall of the dollar is cyclical. The falling $ is good for the US, in the US, making local goods more affordable and overseas goods more expensive. That is why countries like China, Japan, Thailand (and Europe) buy and sell $ to keep the value high--otherwise their precious exports won't get sold.

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The US political system stinks. The democrats had a wide open, golden opportunity to elect a democrat president. I for one would have voted democratic for the first time in my life. The candidate they came up with was pathetic to say the least. As pap said, GW didn't get re-elected because people thought he was a good president. If the democrats can't come up with a better candidate than Gore or Kerry, the US democratic party is in HUGE trouble.

That said, the US government is quite happy to have a weak dollar. The national debt is discounted and exports are much more competitive. The only US citizens hurt by the weak dollar are expats like me. The rest of the world better hope the US doesn't elect an isolationist president. The US is one of the few countries that could close up its borders and be self sufficient.

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What a long and sad diatribe of crappola. First of all, there really aren't a lot of Americans in Thailand. Of those that are here, most are working for international companies or on some other business related employment. Not many Americans retiree in Thailand.

The US is a large country with a large number of climatic zones. People can easily retire in sunny Florida (similar to Thailand), hot, dry Arizona or mild California. For those with more exotic taste there are numerous places in the Carribbean and Mexico. This is not to mention Hawaii, Guam and other islands.

The people moaning and complaining about Americans here on TV are of little consequence to most Americans. The reception received by the local people is what is of importance to most people.

The rise and fall of the dollar is cyclical. The falling $ is good for the US, in the US, making local goods more affordable and overseas goods more expensive. That is why countries like China, Japan, Thailand (and Europe) buy and sell $ to keep the value high--otherwise their precious exports won't get sold.

Amen! Most American's could not locate Thailand on a map. Let alone care about the exchange rate.

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What a long and sad diatribe of crappola. First of all, there really aren't a lot of Americans in Thailand. Of those that are here, most are working for international companies or on some other business related employment. Not many Americans retiree in Thailand.

The US is a large country with a large number of climatic zones. People can easily retire in sunny Florida (similar to Thailand), hot, dry Arizona or mild California. For those with more exotic taste there are numerous places in the Carribbean and Mexico. This is not to mention Hawaii, Guam and other islands.

The people moaning and complaining about Americans here on TV are of little consequence to most Americans. The reception received by the local people is what is of importance to most people.

The rise and fall of the dollar is cyclical. The falling $ is good for the US, in the US, making local goods more affordable and overseas goods more expensive. That is why countries like China, Japan, Thailand (and Europe) buy and sell $ to keep the value high--otherwise their precious exports won't get sold.

Amen! Most American's could not locate Thailand on a map. Let alone care about the exchange rate.

Oh I think they can and they do. If all that's posted here is true and America and its folk are a basket case, why is it still in existence and why is it still the number one in the world? With all that's supposedly wrong with it, it should gone under 50 years ago.

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I am pretty sure most Americans couldn't locate Thailand on a map. Foreign languages and geography are not the country's strong points. Why deny the truth? When I used to live in California I would meet natives who thought back east meant Nevada. In the scheme of things, Thailand is not a very important country globally, much as we love it.


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