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Singaporean investor says he was conned by Thai ex army Lieutenant General


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2 hours ago, gandalf12 said:

No it isnt I sold that yesterday and threw in Buckingham Palace as a sweetener

Bugger, does that mean my sale today is dodgy, oh well never mind, I gave the buyer a false phone number. 

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11 hours ago, Sir Dude said:

Sorry, but anyone who wants to invest that kind of money and is listening to a Thai general...is either stupid or greedy. In either case, he has got what he deserved. Why did he think he was special and that it wouldn't happen to him...not as if there aren't enough cautionary tales around. The old adage "Don't spend anything here that you can't afford to throw up into the air and walk away from..." still holds true as there are no laws that can be relied on due to the corrupt/influential and rich being able to do as they want.  Thailand is a plutocracy.....away has been, is now...and will be for a long time.

THERE are many things they dont tell you here. nobody comes and invest a million dollar just like that.

it might be that the thai senior has family ties to the singaporeans. 

many chinese families who rule SE asia are connected accross the region.

maybe that is why he was introduced to that thai

and from there the road to take his money was easier.

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7 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

bargirls? no idiot, she was not a bar girl. maybe your mama is.

Probably u was unaware that the chick u been dating and who borrowed ur money then never gave it back to u was some kind of a bar girl.

Sorry to tell u this devastating news.?

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8 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:

Most unusual story..


Thais, all being good buddhists, are normally straight as an arrow.  :cheesy:


Sorry. Not to be unsympathetic, but this is a very common scenario - as you probably now know.


But be of good cheer. 3 tonnes of manure dumped in the driveway is often a good signal that you're not impressed.

Silly revenge. They'd be bagging and selling it the day it arrived. Better think of something more devious.

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19 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

What can one even say? Wonder how much due diligence Jimmy did before handing over 24 million baht? That is alot of money. And of all the partners he could pick, an ex Thai army general? You might as well go into business with an ex Thai policeman, or a local mafia member. More or less the same thing, right? One can only hope he calls out this guy by his name. 

Due to Thailand's draconian anti-defamation laws - 'Jimmy' could find himself in prison for exposing these scum. But then, that's why Thailand is Utopia for criminals. Not only will the Thai's help you commit crime, they will then protect you through their utterly corrupt legal system. 

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I'm spoilt for choice with all the tempting offers on display here. Send me a USD 1000 processing fee, and I'll put in a tender for the bridge/palace/gold mine you are offering for sale.

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On 6/9/2018 at 12:29 PM, Destiny1990 said:

Probably u was unaware that the chick u been dating and who borrowed ur money then never gave it back to u was some kind of a bar girl.

Sorry to tell u this devastating news.?

are you sure about it? do you know her?

sorry to tell you, but not all thai woman are bar girls.

acctually, the vast majoroty of thai woman are not bar girls,

and you propably can't realise it 

cause the only woman who even look at you are bar girls. 

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On 6/9/2018 at 10:44 AM, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

ha ha, reminds me of my ex girlfriend.

she was very kind and supportive, and never asked for money.

well, not too much money, anyway.

i asked her if we can get more serious, and even talked about marriage.

to prove my intentions,  i gave her a loan, which she promised to return

within few months, when i will come back to thailand.

i called her every few days, she called me "darling" every second sentence.

and few months later, when i came back to thailand she said she can't return the loan.

she was not so desperate, had money of her own, but just did not feel like paying me back.

i said i still wants my money, but anyway come to see me.

she stopped answering my calls.


It sounds like you are performing a crocodile show. You put your hand in the open mouth of the crocodile the crocodile just wouldn't bite. And what you did? You hit him on the top of his head. So the crocodile bit you. Then you came and told us this funny story.  Many people would find it funny that you should offer a loan when it wasn't asked for or even desire.

If a bank ask me to take a loan without collateral, the first question I would ask the bank would be "how much loan could I take, US$50 million possible?" 

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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 10:59 PM, spidermike007 said:

What can one even say? Wonder how much due diligence Jimmy did before handing over 24 million baht? That is alot of money. And of all the partners he could pick, an ex Thai army general? You might as well go into business with an ex Thai policeman, or a local mafia member. More or less the same thing, right? One can only hope he calls out this guy by his name. 

Yeah, greed or stupidity or coercion or whatever, it still boggles the mind. Tanzania?  Thailand?  Well, they both begin with T so they obviously must be connected.  Amazing

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21 hours ago, madusa said:

It sounds like you are performing a crocodile show. You put your hand in the open mouth of the crocodile the crocodile just wouldn't bite. And what you did? You hit him on the top of his head. So the crocodile bit you. Then you came and told us this funny story.  Many people would find it funny that you should offer a loan when it wasn't asked for or even desire.

If a bank ask me to take a loan without collateral, the first question I would ask the bank would be "how much loan could I take, US$50 million possible?" 

you are right business wise. but that was not just business, but also romance.

i wanted to see if i can trust that woman.

i was not sure what she wants, if she is after me or my money or what.

i even explained to her that i give her this amount to see if i can trust her,

and if she will return it to me as we aggree, i can trust her more hence give her more.


yet she chose to disapear after i made it clear to her that she must pay back the amount aggreed.

and as i mentioned, it is not that she is desperate, she has money and property and even

family in the UK that send her money every month.


still, i don't understand why she did it. why did she stay in contact if it's not for the money,

and if for the money than she lost even more, cause she could cheat me out of more.


i guess it is, as someone mentioned here, all about pride and superiority.

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3 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

you are right business wise. but that was not just business, but also romance.

i wanted to see if i can trust that woman.

i was not sure what she wants, if she is after me or my money or what.

i even explained to her that i give her this amount to see if i can trust her,

and if she will return it to me as we aggree, i can trust her more hence give her more.


yet she chose to disapear after i made it clear to her that she must pay back the amount aggreed.

and as i mentioned, it is not that she is desperate, she has money and property and even

family in the UK that send her money every month.


still, i don't understand why she did it. why did she stay in contact if it's not for the money,

and if for the money than she lost even more, cause she could cheat me out of more.


i guess it is, as someone mentioned here, all about pride and superiority.

Nothing as deep as pride and superiority, she has none of the first and the second has too many letters for her to understand. I think it was more like she knew she had a little fish and she wanted to get you to the boat quick so she could cast back out to catch a bigger fish while they were still biting. That was quite a plan you came up with to test her trust worthiness. If only you had shared the plan with your girl I am sure she would have stayed with you longer, like up until you were broke. Stick with one bar fine and six Leos' a week and you will be just fine. Don't worry be happy. And please continue to provide us with these entertaining real-life stories!

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