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Thai GF Planning to Get a Job in the Army - Bad Idea?


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I have a Thai 'girlfriend' / friend in her mid 20s who is trying to make a difficult life decision. She has been offered a job in the Thai army as some kind of an international liaison officer and she is debating whether to take on this offer or not. The job involves dealing with international affairs and reporting directly to high-raking army generals. The job would pay her 3 x her current salary (around 100k/month) which is the main reason the job is attractive. She actually hates the army, but at the same time it sounds like an offer to not miss. Her current job with a 6-day week is very hard and draining the life out of her. The girl is from a wealthy family, but very ambitious to be successful and make money on her own, which I find very respectable. 


However, she is very worried about working in the army due to the level of corruption, all scandals in the news etc. and working with many men in high power. She is not 100% Thai and is very attractive by Thai standards (tall, white skin, large natural breasts) and worried of risks being sexually harrassed etc. This is probably one main reason why they are so keen on hiring her for this position (typical to Thailand) as well as her high-level of English. 


Her family has advised her to not take the job as they don't have much respect for the army here and are worried about her safety.


What do you think, would it be a bad idea? Do you know any Thai females working in the army and how has been their experience? 



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I'd be real skeptical, too. 


But unless she has other options that offer that kind of dosh, international travel, and contact with well connected people that could set her up for life, why not give it a try? 


She can always quit if the suspicions are correct.  If they're not, she's probably passing up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity without ever knowing.


Of course, I'm assuming that it's a civilian position and not a recruitment with a long and sticky enlistment commitment.

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I don't know about the stated salary... that sounds a bit suspicious for a new hire.


But I can offer a few things others here mostly cannot.


A good friend of my wife's is from a career Army officers family. My wife's friend, who speaks very good English, graduated university and worked in the private sector for some years, before eventually deciding to leave that and take up an officer's job in the Army here in BKK.


My impression is that the main reason she was able to get an officer's job from the outside is because one of her parents is a longtime senior officer. And I'm pretty sure I heard along the way that her family had to pay some sizable sum in order for her to obtain that position -- just like routinely occurs with the police and elsewhere.


That said, she's been working as an officer stationed here in BKK for some years now, and I've never heard any whiff of her getting any sexual harassment, etc. etc. Instead, she ended up meeting and dating another officer over the past few years, and they recently got married together. My wife's friend is a very nice young and modestly attractive woman.


So while it's certainly justified for folks here to have their feelings about the Army and the police, etc., for a Thai citizen, it's not necessarily a bad gig. Especially if the person is coming from a family that has some social status / standing / influence that would likely be a buffer against some forms of abuse / mistreatment at the hands of others.


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She should take the job, if she is a career person. The opportunities it offers are very good, Senior staff need these people who can interact in English and Thai well, they are the buffers against misunderstandings. The prepare the path for discussion, Translate difficult advice and will mix in circles they would never get in, They travel and stay in luxury. and become a very important aide. I know a lady who started at an international hospital, moved into the same career when offered and finally ended working for the USA diplomatic corp, she now lives in Honolulu, and is doing very nicely. I wish I could sort that out for daughter, The best I can offer is apprentice training with the British forces, so I know she will be OK

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5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I don't know about the stated salary... that sounds a bit suspicious for a new hire.


But I can offer a few things others here mostly cannot.


A good friend of my wife's is from a career Army officers family. My wife's friend, who speaks very good English, graduated university and worked in the private sector for some years, before eventually deciding to leave that and take up an officer's job in the Army here in BKK.


My impression is that the main reason she was able to get an officer's job from the outside is because one of her parents is a longtime senior officer. And I'm pretty sure I heard along the way that her family had to pay some sizable sum in order for her to obtain that position -- just like routinely occurs with the police and elsewhere.


That said, she's been working as an officer stationed here in BKK for some years now, and I've never heard any whiff of her getting any sexual harassment, etc. etc. Instead, she ended up meeting and dating another officer over the past few years, and they recently got married together. My wife's friend is a very nice young and modestly attractive woman.


So while it's certainly justified for folks here to have their feelings about the Army and the police, etc., for a Thai citizen, it's not necessarily a bad gig. Especially if the person is coming from a family that has some social status / standing / influence that would likely be a buffer against some forms of abuse / mistreatment at the hands of others.


I agree. The army does in fact pay well for international liaison work. It's good money for easy work, she should take it.  

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25 minutes ago, Puwa said:

I agree. The army does in fact pay well for international liaison work. It's good money for easy work, she should take it.  


Especially if, as the OP noted, she's got a bangin' body -- "(tall, white skin, large natural breasts)"  :sleepy:


Here's a good example of the kind of government gigs that exist here for attractive Thai women with good English skills. "Captain BB" started out wanting to be a flight attendant, and look where she's ended up...



The only caveat I'd have about all this is these kinds of jobs obviously require certain attributes, would be highly desirable to many Thais, and typically in Thai government fashion would require either knowing someone fairly important and/or paying someone important in order to be chosen. And I haven't heard that the OP's friend has either of those last two attributes.


AFAIK, it's not like they just post those kinds of Army/police/government positions in the classified section of the Bangkok Post and wait to see who applies.



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Take the job for the money but be prepared for the harassment. If it crosses the

line simply quit. Keep all documentation. SMS messages, emails and a diary. 

It will be difficult but you go in eyes wide open, no surprises. See how it goes.

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Doesn't sound like she enjoys her current job so I'd say take it. She can always resign after a couple of months if she doesn't like it for whatever reason. Also, in a liaison role like that, she might make a lot of useful contacts, which could lead onto to other career opportunities. 

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8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Avoid it. The army here is nothing but trouble. The high ranking officers not only are trouble, but they have little in the way of regard for others of lower rank, and they have absolute impunity, are above any and all laws, and are protected at the highest levels. Best to avoid being beholden to men like that. Besides, the salary sounds suspiciously high anyway. 


"The high ranking officers not only are trouble, but they have little in the way of regard for others of lower rank, and they have absolute impunity, are above any and all laws, and are protected at the highest levels. "


I would add many of them have low levels of capability, limited knowledge of the world and at the same time think they are world class.


Her current job may be boring and lots of hard work, but reporting to / working for, and explaining the officers philosophies, their policies and explaining their logic (?) for these policies maybe even harder work. 


There's always other job possibilities, wait a while.




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9 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Avoid it. The army here is nothing but trouble. The high ranking officers not only are trouble, but they have little in the way of regard for others of lower rank, and they have absolute impunity, are above any and all laws, and are protected at the highest levels. Best to avoid being beholden to men like that. Besides, the salary sounds suspiciously high anyway. 

The salary is a lie. THAI army employees are on shit money. 100k is a very well ranked man. Please another story. She would see 25k a month. Next

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1 minute ago, Media1 said:

The salary is a lie. THAI army employees are on shit money. 100k is a very well ranked man. Please another story. She would see 25k a month. Next

25k a month isn't bad here.. plus a few perks.. you can't compare with a developed western country... opportunities like this are few and far between here.. she should go for it! 

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1 minute ago, Laza 45 said:

25k a month isn't bad here.. plus a few perks.. you can't compare with a developed western country... opportunities like this are few and far between here.. she should go for it! 

Without seeing her CV. I would say the offer has come from a admirer with other plans. International liason with no knowledge or army connection..Is highly suspicious.  Army work from within on all plum roles. I have a army friend retired General who has hands in pots all over. Educated in Australia. I doubt this is legit and maybe a story by the young lass

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5 minutes ago, Media1 said:

Without seeing her CV. I would say the offer has come from a admirer with other plans. International liason with no knowledge or army connection..Is highly suspicious.  Army work from within on all plum roles. I have a army friend retired General who has hands in pots all over. Educated in Australia. I doubt this is legit and maybe a story by the young lass

Well.. that could well be the case.. if it seems to be too good to be true .. it probably isn't... 

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11 minutes ago, Media1 said:

 Army work from within on all plum roles.


That's certainly been my impression -- they're looking to friends, adult children, relations, etc etc of their own or those with some influence.


Unless, of course, the offered job description also includes assignments like "mia noi" or "gik" or "sideline girl."


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Many are understandably patriotic. A young lady who I tutor in English occasionally recently failed the Army entrance exam and was very disappointed. (Note: "was") She says she wants to serve the country. So I told her that all is not lost because there are many ways she can serve the country, and in ways where she can have more control over her actions. 

Her eyes widened and she listened as though it was the first day of the World. Well, encouraging the use of initiative is not in the Thai education agenda. 

As most of you are aware, the education system is lacking in many areas, and it certainly fails in teaching the increasingly more important English language. When I pressed her, she said that her 'English teacher' couldn't speak English, and when asked various questions on grammar, the teacher would simply refer my student to Youtube.

(deep sigh)

We talked about all the possible avenues she could pursue, from education to environmental protection, whatever 

I left her house that day, a smiling and alive young woman .. with a tough road ahead of her, but with more promise.

However, she likes the uniform she wore as a cadet .. needless to say ... and she has a 'boyfriend' who's in the army, 

( another sigh)  

I said: "If it's the uniform you like, there are many positions which require you to wear a uniform. Have you ever thought of working for an airline?" ... Now she's thinking. Actually really thinking, but her mother is fond of the 'boyfriend' even though he's more than twice her age, and she gets to see him one every six months. (Maybe she'll get over that one.)



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