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Will the world as we know it survive ?

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39 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Tell that to members of a certain race ,that believe that we are all inferior to them .

Ignorance has a way of causing good people to think that way, an other reason why the information era will bring that to and end

when you have time watch the documentary I posted, I promise you you will not be disappointed.

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28 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Ignorance has a way of causing good people to think that way, an other reason why the information era will bring that to and end


when you have time watch the documentary I posted, I promise you you will not be disappointed.

I did not post the quote about the death counter that you say i did in your last post ,please check.

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Science will be our saviour. As we speak, systems have been developed which extract potable water from desert air. Power companies are under siege as the combination of renewable energy and power storage renders fossil fuels obsolete. Carbon has had its day, and thanks.

The only obstacle I see to survival is religion, which IMHO is a mental cancer.


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Just now, bert bloggs said:

I did not post the quote about the death counter that you say i did in your last post ,please check.

Only replying to you post concerning ignorance, did not meant to imply anything about the death counter. 

The death counter was included in a vw interesting link posted by someone else which included a birth counter and other interesting statistics.  

I made a comment concerning the death counter in a poor attempt at humor. 

Again, when you have time watch the documentary I posted concerning world population, and tell me what you think. Asides from being very informative, it is also very entertaining.

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Today I read this interesting article:


Bill Gates gives a book to every US student graduating in 2018


He gives away this book: Factfulness - Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think


Personally until now I also think the word is currently not so good and is definitely not developing in a good direction. But I will read that book and maybe it will change my mind. Let's see.


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Only replying to you post concerning ignorance, did not meant to imply anything about the death counter. 

The death counter was included in a vw interesting link posted by someone else which included a birth counter and other interesting statistics.  

I made a comment concerning the death counter in a poor attempt at humor. 

Again, when you have time watch the documentary I posted concerning world population, and tell me what you think. Asides from being very schedual[emoji16]


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50 minutes ago, worgeordie said:
1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

Too much instability and polarization in the world, Lots of war weapons that need to be tested, lots of hubris among the leaders too.

The coming world war will change everything. 

I think it will be pestilence,that thins the population out,

mother nature will take control.

regards worgeordie


Nope.  It'll be the masses with pitchforks (metaphoric pitchforks, it'll really be AK47's, AR15s and RPG's).  The 1% will lose the battle just on sheer numbers, and redistributing their wealth will feed the entire population for 200 years, or until they're able to re-concentrate the wealth. 


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13 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Today I read this interesting article:


Bill Gates gives a book to every US student graduating in 2018


He gives away this book: Factfulness - Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think


Personally until now I also think the word is currently not so good and is definitely not developing in a good direction. But I will read that book and maybe it will change my mind. Let's see.


Ah..Bill Gates,,


It is an amazing fact that he has only (currently) 867  baht in the bank (plus or minus a few satang) and therefore the internet lumpenproliteriat should follow him with breathless ardour.


Bill cares for you-therefore you should care for Bill.


We will be hearing (via another world) from Steve Jobs soon.

Edited by Odysseus123
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19 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Today I read this interesting article:


Bill Gates gives a book to every US student graduating in 2018


He gives away this book: Factfulness - Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think


Personally until now I also think the word is currently not so good and is definitely not developing in a good direction. But I will read that book and maybe it will change my mind. Let's see.


I imagine it's a lot easier to be optimistic if you have more money than you can spend in 100 lifetimes.  And more money than you would need to live for 5000 lifetimes, quite comfortably. 


Oh, and quite willing to pay a lot of money to convince people it's all good, and we need to maintain the status quo...


Money may not buy happiness, but being short when the rent is due, the kids are hungry, and you need some medicine, can sure make it miserable.


Edited by impulse
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25 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:
41 minutes ago, sirineou said:
Only replying to you post concerning ignorance, did not meant to imply anything about the death counter. 

The death counter was included in a vw interesting link posted by someone else which included a birth counter and other interesting statistics.  

I made a comment concerning the death counter in a poor attempt at humor. 

Again, when you have time watch the documentary I posted concerning world population, and tell me what you think. Asides from being very schedualemoji16.png


Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




I don't understand this reply,

My post to which you have quoted has being edited against forum rules. I never "very schedual emoji16.png"in the last sentence  nor do i know what it means.

Some times quoted posts are edited to isolate a portion you are answering too, but a notation should be posted to indicate the editing, otherwise someone who has not read the original post might think that was the entirety of my post

I am sure you did not do this on purpose as I can see you are new to this forum.

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2 hours ago, gandalf12 said:

The world will exist perfectly well until it doesnt

and we aren't as important as we think, nature has a way of balancing things out so I hope she gets to work soon before we ruin what is left of this beautiful creation/manifestation, various plagues and wars have reduced the numbers somewhat but we keep coming back stronger than ever and wanting more and more, it will end in tears for mankind and to the joy of mother earth.

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22 minutes ago, impulse said:


That documentary looks pretty optimistic on the absolute numbers.  But it doesn't address the increasing concentration of wealth at the top, driving increasing despair at the bottom.  We can feed the entire world quite nicely today.  But we don't.  And it's only getting worse at the bottom as demand increases in the developed and developing economies, driving up the global prices where the undeveloped populations can't afford to eat.  

You are correct in that the distribution of wealth to the top is unbalanced.

But the statistics in the documentary are indisputable, People are living longer an are More health ( we can all agree that is a good thing)

Infant mortality has decreased, families are having less children and do not have to deal with the heartbreak having some die .

 Wealth will continue to be concentrated and become even more concentrated at the top because the investment class wealth increases at a average of 6% (don't quote me on the numbers) where working class incomes and wealth remains stagnant or grows a much smaller percentage. these two factors in addition to other things create a wealth divergence.

But one thing is true, a rising tide lifts all boats.

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4 hours ago, sirineou said:

How about six legged chickens? I love chicken legs.

But I guess we will need six legged dogs, 'cause who can catch a six legged chicken to cook.  

If by philosophers you mean those who like to think...............


oh, now i get it .  

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7 minutes ago, kannot said:

The only fact that your link offers is that the life expectancy of 65 year olds has increased by three years.  That sounds like living longer, to me.

Your link does not comment on whether more people as a proportion reach 65 , but I suspect that they do, and then they also go on to live three years longer.  Your quoted reference is in fact lying, and the only data that they quote shows that they are lying.


I had one grandparent that reached their eighties, but two parents in their eighties.  Try telling me again that people are not living longer.  

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2 hours ago, kannot said:

regardless if one removes infant mortality from the equation or not, unless one believes that advances in medicine, diet  , and safety have not affected the mortality rate ,  IMO life expectancy and quality of life  has improve.


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35 minutes ago, sirineou said:

regardless if one removes infant mortality from the equation or not, unless one believes that advances in medicine, diet  , and safety have not affected the mortality rate ,  IMO life expectancy and quality of life  has improve.


Life expectancy has improved for some, but for others it has significantly regressed.

I draw your attention to many geographical  regions such as rural Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, large parts of Africa where life expectancy has really reduced. It is certainly improving for Western and Northern Asian regions, but there is more to the world than those regions. I suppose if darker skinned people do not matter, then yes one can say life expectancy has improved.

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21 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Life expectancy has improved for some, but for others it has significantly regressed.

I draw your attention to many geographical  regions such as rural Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, large parts of Africa where life expectancy has really reduced. It is certainly improving for Western and Northern Asian regions, but there is more to the world than those regions. I suppose if darker skinned people do not matter, then yes one can say life expectancy has improved.

it is easy to think that , The news report what has happened not what has not.

Historically  all the good metrics  are up all the bad are down .







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9 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

The only fact that your link offers is that the life expectancy of 65 year olds has increased by three years.  That sounds like living longer, to me.

Your link does not comment on whether more people as a proportion reach 65 , but I suspect that they do, and then they also go on to live three years longer.  Your quoted reference is in fact lying, and the only data that they quote shows that they are lying.


I had one grandparent that reached their eighties, but two parents in their eighties.  Try telling me again that people are not living longer.  

youll notice I didnt make any comment  as to its truth or  not, just showed another viewpoint....ps My Mother is 90

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2 minutes ago, Anythingleft? said:

Not as we know it, but the world will survive...possibly not the human race though...

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Very true. The world will exist but the humans will disappear within a few hundred years courtesy to our great leaders.

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1 hour ago, Anythingleft? said:

Not as we know it, but the world will survive...possibly not the human race though...

Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

Yes i do believe that the human race ,especially as we know it will die out ,the world will go on for millions of years ,we are just a blip on its surface .i remember once reading that if you thought of the world as a lighthouse ,we are the coat of paint on the top,thats how long we have been around in comparison to the world

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