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Retired paraplegic Brit: "I am like a prisoner in my own home"


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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Colin can't move to a new place, he has all the machinery in place to get him in and out of bed, I know, I have visited him and seen it all, can you imagine all the hassle and expense that would be involved?


You want to think before you write a post like that, I can also say that Colin is the bravest man I have ever met, and I hope to get the chance to visit him again.

???? He went there so he can leave! 

Other nursing homes might even pick him up! 

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Colin, I truly sympathise with your situation, I would not wish this on my worst enemy.

There is, I have to admit, one thing that puzzles me a little and that is, why it is your wife that is suggesting that you move to England and yet you feel that she would be dead against a move to a city such as Khon Kaen, or another locale even closer to your current village that is perhaps safer?

I do understand her preferring small villages as opposed to a city, I'm a rural type person myself, however, would it not help, from your own POV, to resolve the issues that surround you currently in the village, whilst still allowing your wife to be within a reasonable distance from her family and her work?

Yes, it would involve a lot of expense, hard work and upheaval and as Sheryl suggests, perhaps some of the local TV membership can rally around to at least lessen this burden, the end result would hopefully prove to be worth it.

Whichever way it goes, I wish you the very best of luck, you deserve it.

Edited by Mattd
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30 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

It's a hassle, but it can be done. We might even be able to marshal up some volunteers to help among the TV membership, Colin is a very popular poster.


But Khon Kaen rather than another small village would be my suggestion.


It's getting his wife to agree that is the issue.


Colin, perhaps start telling your wife you have seen the dead man's ghost? If the violence hasn't convinced her maybe a haunting will....

-Sheryl what a fantastic idea, as all Thais are scared of ghosts.

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

In answer to your very good post, as i have previously stated, we have not seen any police in our village for about 3 years.

Red police box... Good idea, but why should we pay 8.000 baht every month for the police to do their job.

So  you don't have to move or fear for your life because otherwise there is no police presence

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2 hours ago, bannork said:

 Mr Scammed, there have been plenty of threads over the years on Thai Visa talking about the dangers in Thailand, and almost without fail many posters like myself have replied that they have felt little or no threat to their own safety in LOS. It's called personal experience of life in Thailand and nothing to do with some author trying to sell his book. 

This thread is about Colin and what to do about a violent drug dealing family in his village. I recommended calling in the flavour of the month, the rising star, policeman, Big Joke, but unfortunately he's preoccupied trying to bring back a Thai lady from the UK at the moment.

Somehow that drug dealing family need to be scared of the law. If the local police for various reasons refuse to get involved then national police or the drug squad need to become involved. But does anyone in the village have a connection. the will or the clout to be able to muster outside forces to investigate? 

Of course are all farmers well connected with Prayuth, the CIA, the FBI, and perhaps the KGB? If you really live in a smaller village, you should know that the cops/Army are a resource Thais would never involve.


So much about an "outside force" for inside troubles.  BTW, anybody who's destroying their little business becomes their enemy. Not wanting to derail the thread, but it's quite important to find a suitable solution for his family and him, 


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Anyone would think the world is over reading this thread. Should we all just top ourselves instead of waiting to be a victim of a murder. 

An idea, so people don't continue to live in irrational fear would be to either look at the official stats, or even make your own stats of crimes that have been made against you in the years you have been here and find a conclusion. If it says you are safe, then get out and enjoy the world. Or alternatively, go to the hair salon where I am sure they will still be gossiping/living in fear about a murder that happened 3 years ago. 

*Edit: no offence to the people who go to hair salons. Just participating in the ridiculous generalisations made about them to help a point.

Edited by wildewillie89
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4 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

Anyone would think the world is over reading this thread. Should we all just top ourselves instead of waiting to be a victim of a murder. 

An idea, so people don't continue to live in irrational fear would be to either look at the official stats, or even make your own stats of crimes that have been made against you in the years you have been here and find a conclusion. If it says you are safe, then get out and enjoy the world. Or alternatively, go to the hair salon where I am sure they will still be gossiping/living in fear about a murder that happened 3 years ago. 

Did you get your information from your barber shop??

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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

It's a hassle, but it can be done. We might even be able to marshal up some volunteers to help among the TV membership, Colin is a very popular poster.


But Khon Kaen rather than another small village would be my suggestion.


It's getting his wife to agree that is the issue.


Colin, perhaps start telling your wife you have seen the dead man's ghost? If the violence hasn't convinced her maybe a haunting will....

A great post, not offering a drug selling biker gang to be present near Colin's house. You can't make such stuff up, can you? Let the ghosts do their jobs, for what else do they believe in them? I could get our village ghost to relocate near Khon Kaen, no big deal. 

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You shouldn't rely on the police, the army is the best bet, drug related incidents in a few villages near mine have always been dealt with by the army. My village has a large new temple an old one and a Buddhist teaching center all on the same temple grounds so when there is a Buddhist festival people come from miles around, festivals are policed of course but far more effective are Land rover type vehicles travelling around and through the village with massive antenne and soldiers on board, everybody here says they are for drug suppression. There has been very little drug trouble in the ampoer since the army has shown its teeth.

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2 hours ago, Radar501 said:

I'm not sure who's view of Thailand is deluded.   With a username of ScammedInThailand, one might assume that your impression of Thailand is somewhat jaded.   Had a bad experience in Thailand??....Give me a hug, you deserve it.


A further glance of your profile and 42 posts so far only confirms your contempt for this country.   Below are just three of your contributions from other forums as examples.   Such vile comments tend to say more about you and the company you gravitate to than it does about those you have directed them to.


"Why else would they be in Thailand?   Only inhumane self-absorbed low-life scum go to Thailand."


"Oh right - yes I could end up in the Land of Sh*t with all the sad losers like you..."


"Thank you for proving my point - you racist Thai cretin, (oh and by the way - no I do not live in your toilet of a country thank God!)"


Wow...did you figure that out on your own - or did mommy help you?

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4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

It's a hassle, but it can be done. We might even be able to marshal up some volunteers to help among the TV membership, Colin is a very popular poster.


But Khon Kaen rather than another small village would be my suggestion.


It's getting his wife to agree that is the issue.


Colin, perhaps start telling your wife you have seen the dead man's ghost? If the violence hasn't convinced her maybe a haunting will....

I agree with you Sheryl, if Thai visa can arrange for any help for Colin that would be great.

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4 hours ago, bannork said:

<snip> It's called personal experience of life in Thailand and nothing to do with some author trying to sell his book. 


This is from a 2014 UK Daily Mail article on the author of the above referenced book:


After being repeatedly robbed and attacked, he began looking into news reports on the welfare of tourists, which he describes as ‘scandalous’, suggesting that the police have little interest in helping foreigners who report crimes. ...

"It only came to me slowly, after having my drinks repeatedly spiked, being robbed, bashed and having my passport stolen, that Thailand was not quite The Land of Smiles that I had once thought it to be."


-- Good thing he wasn't murdered or he wouldn't have been able to write the book.



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1 hour ago, JLCrab said:

This is from a 2014 UK Daily Mail article on the author of the above referenced book:


After being repeatedly robbed and attacked, he began looking into news reports on the welfare of tourists, which he describes as ‘scandalous’, suggesting that the police have little interest in helping foreigners who report crimes. ...

"It only came to me slowly, after having my drinks repeatedly spiked, being robbed, bashed and having my passport stolen, that Thailand was not quite The Land of Smiles that I had once thought it to be."


-- Good thing he wasn't murdered or he wouldn't have been able to write the book.



And the majority of the replies stated that his report was blatantly over exaggerated which I agree. Been coming here with many friends from USA for 18 years and only thing that happened was my passport got stolen at Chatuchack Market and I was warned about the possibility beforehand. Little wifey ( my GF then) didn't want me wearing cargo shorts so had to wear nice jeans as she didn't want me to look like a tourist.

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Colin, most foreigners who live in rural villages do so because it is their wife's home? If that is you case, does your wife have family there, family who could assist you daily?  Even if that is not her home, does she have a niece who could come stay with you? My wife is Filipina, we plan to eventually go back to her village in the PI just for that reason. After almost 40 years of marriage, they are my family too.

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6 hours ago, smotherb said:

Colin, most foreigners who live in rural villages do so because it is their wife's home? If that is you case, does your wife have family there, family who could assist you daily?  Even if that is not her home, does she have a niece who could come stay with you? My wife is Filipina, we plan to eventually go back to her village in the PI just for that reason. After almost 40 years of marriage, they are my family too.

Yes we live in the wifes  village, but since my accident we have had no help what so ever from any member of my wifes family.

In the  words of  her oldest sister, we dont help farang.

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16 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Yes we live in the wifes  village, but since my accident we have had no help what so ever from any member of my wifes family.

In the  words of  her oldest sister, we dont help farang.

nice sister

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10 minutes ago, faraday said:

Mornin' Colin. :smile:


If your wife's family really don't care, & don't help you, then moving would be better, I think.


I'm actually quite shocked your wife's sister said that, about 'don't help farang'.


The reason she said that is money.

As i have posted many times, my wife has never asked me for money, her family just the opposite, they were always wanting Colin pay for this pay for that, i always said no.

As i told my wife, i married you not them.

When i came home from hospital, family told my wife, we will help, but you pay us.

Edited by colinneil
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6 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


And drug dealers, masquerading as disabled Brits !!!

Nice 1 mate, when if ever i see you i will give you a good  hard kick.:cheesy:

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16 minutes ago, Justfine said:

Ironically I think Isaan is a better place to visit than live. Hardly any tourists go there but it's interesting for a while. But to live there you're surrounded by uneducated hicks. It's the wild east.



Yes, there are some uneducated ban Nork types here - a few I know are really quite nice. Some not.


But "surrounded by".... perhaps they identify with you, perhaps? You know, 'like attracts like'?


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