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88 million baht worth of assets of 3 officials and accomplices to be seized over corruption


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88 million baht worth of assets of 3 officials and accomplices to be seized over corruption

By Thai PBS




The Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) will confiscate the assets of three former top officials of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and 12 other accomplices worth 88 million baht for corruption in the state funds for the destitutes.


The decision was reached at the meeting of the AMLO’s financial transaction committee after it was designated to investigate their money trails following  joint investigation by by the Office of the Auditor-General and the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) revealing of massive corruption in the funds for the destitutes across the country.


AMLO deputy secretary-general Pol Maj-Gen Rommasit Veriyasan said intensive investigation by AMLO investigation team showed that the three top officials who included the former permanent secretary Puttipat Lertchaowasit, his deputy, Narong Kongkham, and former inspector-general Thirapong Srisukhon were found guilty of collaboration in the misappropriation of funds for the destitutes allocated to protection centres for the destitutes across the country.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/88-million-baht-worth-assets-3-officials-accomplices-seized-corruption/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2018-06-13
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27 minutes ago, tracker1 said:

Where does it start better still where does it end ! I wonder will there be checks and balances on the current government and it's officials once their done and dusted ?

That is a good question are they only going after these guys as they were (not sure but probably if they talk about previous government) PTP ?. Is that why we finally see money confiscated. 

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I read where they are to be charged only with money laundering. Where are the embezzlement and theft charges and probably at least another six different charges they could get them on? Or are those crimes outside the jurisdiction of the PACC. Where is the RTP in all this? Why aren't they in there laying charges and getting their photos taken all lined up in front of elaborate cartoon-like diagrammatic charts.

Good they get a few at the boys at the top but there must have been plenty who had their hand out along the way as the money flowed through to the top. 

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11 minutes ago, robblok said:

That is a good question are they only going after these guys as they were (not sure but probably if they talk about previous government) PTP ?. Is that why we finally see money confiscated. 

Judging by the Military style uniform probably civil servants. 


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1 minute ago, Peasandmash said:

really chappy? so you'd steal from the poor people of Thailand if you could line your pockets with less than a $1mil USD. I wish they'd post your picture on this post too so we could all see what a scumbag looks like.

Where are you from.when did I say anything about me stealing or saying it's ok to steal.you sir are on another planet and talking absolute crap.all I said was a million dollars is a lot of money in Thailand which I'm sure most members reading would agree on.now go to the toilet and put your y fronts on properly because they are on back to front.you mug.

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AMLO confiscates 41 assets from ministry officials




THE ANTI-MONEY Laundering Office (AMLO) has seized 41 assets worth Bt88 million from three former senior officials at the Social Development and Human Security Ministry and some 10 alleged accomplices as part of the probe into the misappropriation of allowances and related irregularities at protection centres for the destitute.


AMLO acting secretary-general, Pol Maj-General Romsit Viriyasan, on Wednesday said the agency’s in-depth investigation had found that the former permanent secretary for Social Development and Human Security, Puttipat Lertchaowasit, and his former deputy Narong Kongkham, as well as the former inspector-general Theerapong Srisukhon were allegedly involved in corruption.

Corrupt officials forged documents to access the ministry’s budget allocated to various centres to distribute to entitled low-income earners.


The probe found that a part of such ill-gotten money was sent back to the ministry’s executives who then had others launder them for the purchase of 41 assets such as land, condominium units and luxurious cars, he said.


The AMLO transaction committee on Tuesday resolved to temporarily seize the assets of Puttipat, Narong and Theerapong as well as 10 alleged accomplices to take legal action as per the Anti-Money Laundering Act, Romsit said.


He also warned that any state official involved in graft would face asset seizure while those taking such ill-gotten money or assets would be liable to face charges of money-laundering, which is punishable with a maximum 10-year imprisonment for every asset transferred. The AMLO generally seizes assets temporarily during investigation for inspection, allowing suspects or their associates to provide explanations about the origins of the asset within a given period of time.


After a ruling by the court in the cases, it proceeded with a request for the state to appropriate the assets. In the cases of assets that are expensive to maintain, perishable, or depreciating that pose a potential burden to the state, AMLO may opt to hold auctions to dispose them of.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30347668


-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-06-13
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1 hour ago, GarryP said:

Should be automatic severance of pension and government healthcare, and all property obtained through ill gotten means permanently confiscated, if found guilty. Let them then start scratching for a living and see how they enjoy it.  

Agee, seems to me the initial OP is missing quite a bit of detail.




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11 minutes ago, Misterwhisper said:

It will be interesting to hear the hilariously creative excuses the trio will come up with. And trust me, there WILL be excuses. Because that sort of people always is innocent; or at least believe they are.


I recall the case of a prime minister's office permanent secretary about a decade ago. The twit that he apparently was, he reported several hundred million baht in cash stolen from his home while he was reportedly attending his daughter's wedding. The thieves were soon caught and described how they found the bundles of cash stashed away under beds, in closets and where not.


This triggered off an investigation how the secretary could possibly have accumulated such wealth on his comparatively small salary. First of all, he of course claimed the money was only in his house because it was intended as a dowry to be given to the newlyweds after the party. Then he said he had been working "freelance" as an architect for many years, day and night, round the clock. A clever reader reacting to the report calculated that it would've taken him around 80 years to amass that amount of money on the going rate for freelance architects at the time, but only if he had not spent a single baht of it during the entire period.


He was later found guilty and sentenced to a long prison term, which I believe he is still serving. And no, his daughter and new son-in-law were eventually NOT able to enjoy the fruits of his alleged labor as the recovered money was confiscated - or what was left of it, as the thieves had apparently been going on a spending spree immediately after the heist.


I remember that one.

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3 hours ago, seajae said:

about time they started at the top and actually follow it through, have to wonder though if this is the total amount stolen or just what was easy to find. Hopefully the family homes etc will also be part of the seizure

Don't bet on it,...... There will be upcoming brown envelops right under the table to relinquish this case nice and slowly..........

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6 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Well done. Make an example in hunting the top corrupt officials, it could serve as a lesson to those below who eventually may behave.


Legitimate lesson, or just getting rid of political enemies?


That's about 1.3 baht for each Thai citizen.  They need to look deeper.  But that may sting the wrong people.


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2 minutes ago, impulse said:


Legitimate lesson, or just getting rid of political enemies?


That's about 1.3 baht for each Thai citizen.  They need to look deeper.  But that may sting the wrong people.


A sensible thought.

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2 minutes ago, observer90210 said:
6 minutes ago, impulse said:


Legitimate lesson, or just getting rid of political enemies?


That's about 1.3 baht for each Thai citizen.  They need to look deeper.  But that may sting the wrong people.


A sensible thought.


It sure would be a handy way to prevent any of them from running in the upcoming elections.


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51 minutes ago, MaxLee said:

Don't bet on it,...... There will be upcoming brown envelops right under the table to relinquish this case nice and slowly..........


Not if the goal is to disqualify them from running for election. 


I'm not saying it is, but neither would I bet that this is a straightforward crackdown on corruption.

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Bt88m seized from ex-officials of destitute fund

By The Nation




AMLO Investigators say corrupt civil servants got 30 per cent of the embezzled money in cash


THE ANTI-MONEY Laundering Office (AMLO) has seized 41 assets worth Bt88 million from three former senior officials at the Social Development and Human Security Ministry and nine alleged accomplices as part of the probe into the misappropriation of allowances and related irregularities at protection centres for the destitute.


AMLO acting secretary-general, Pol Maj-General Romsit Viriyasan, yesterday said the agency’s in-depth investigation had found that the former permanent secretary for Social Development and Human Security, Puttipat Lertchaowasit, and his former deputy Narong Kongkham, as well as the former inspector-general Theerapong Srisukhon were allegedly involved in corruption.


Meanwhile, AMLO legal affairs director Witthaya Neetitham met yesterday with the Royal Thai Police’s Counter-Corruption Division (CCD) chief, Pol Maj-General Kamol Rienracha, to discuss filing complaints against 12 senior officials, including Narong, Theerapong, Puttipat and Puttipat’s female close aide who is also an ex-official. 


Kamol later told reporters that the AMLO would officially file the complaint on June 19, as the CCD would first have to get the green light from the Central Investigation Bureau to take up this “complicated” case and set up an investigation team.


According to Romsit, corrupt officials forged documents to access the ministry’s budget allocated to various centres to distribute to entitled low-income earners. The probe found that a part of the ill-gotten money was sent back to the ministry’s executives who then had others launder them to purchase 41 assets, such as land, condominium units and luxury cars, he said.


Wittaya said the graft took place in fiscal year 2016-17. He said that 30 per cent [more than Bt80 million] of the embezzled money was delivered in cash to the executives, making it difficult to probe the case due to the lack of bank money transfer records. However, the AMLO had received good cooperation from former officials and those involved in the graft in providing useful information that implicated the senior officials and led to the asset seizure, he said.


The AMLO transaction committee on Tuesday resolved to temporarily seize the assets from Puttipat, Narong and Theerapong as well as nine alleged accomplices for 90 days pending investigation, Wittaya said. The accused had 30 days to provide explanations about the origins of the assets, he said.


Romsit warned that any state official involved in graft would face asset seizure while those taking ill-gotten money or assets would be liable to face charges of money-laundering, which is punishable with a maximum 10-years imprisonment for every asset transferred. 


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30347698

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-06-14
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