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Dear Sir/madam: Sorry..... we don't accept ladyboys


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5 minutes ago, soistalker said:


I said that it was a liberal idea. It is. No conservative would good this belief. Not one. And if you want the stats backed up, watch a Ben Shapiro video and look at his footnotes.

So your source is a far right wing demagogue? So not surprising.

Dude, you made the claim of 40 percent suicide rate.

Either back it up with CREDIBLE facts or people really should ignore what you said. 

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

So your source is a far right wing demagogue? So not surprising.

Dude, you made the claim of 40 percent suicide rate.

Either back it up with CREDIBLE facts or people really should ignore what you said. 

He used that 40% suicide rate for transgenders in many speeches. I've read the footnotes on his sources, but am not going to do your research for you. If it was not true, liberals would be all over it.

Why are you argueing this so hard? I'll bet your breath smells like tranny.

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2 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:


The LB's I have met seem like decent people.


Some are. Some aren't. 

But as a class of people they face unique issues, both from within (gender transitioning isn't a garden party) and without (bigots and strong pressure to only be a very limited set of professions). 

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1 hour ago, Spidey said:

As, clearly, you don't! Any businessman will tell you that if you ride roughshod over employment law, you won't be in business for very long.

Nope, they wouldn´t. Not in South East Asia. That´s where we are, right? I guess you have to understand how it works in the place you choose to visit or stay in.
So, I guess I knew a little bit more then you anyway.

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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Because it smells like total B.S.

You don't have any credible source.

You can't even cite the source from an inflammatory pundit that you cite. Just in your memory.

So people should not take what you posted seriously until YOU, that posted it, can source it from a CREDIBLE source. Not a right wing ideologue either unless he is citing CREDIBLE data that he can source. 

I'll ignore your hate speech at the end. Nobody is surprised that you posted that either. That reflects on YOU. Not me. It's better when people are so self revealing as you've been. 

Only left wing people are credible?


Ok so Stalin must be right up there.

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You posters who know CM.  The big book /stationary shop just down from the Irish pub.  The employees are very polite, but I have never had one who spoke a word of English.  Unless you take an example of what you are looking for you are doomed to quite a long search for what you want.  A few years back they had a ladyboy working there.  He was intelligent and spoke excellent English.  He seemed to understand automatically what I was looking for.  The next time, couldn't find him, went to see the Manager who called for him to look after me.  The next year he wasn't there. I hope he went on to an even better job.

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Here is an actually good source.

About 40 percent of transgender people that have ATTEMPTED suicide in their lives.

The member said suicide rate. That is a totally different thing -- attempted vs. actual. 

Of course many people attempt suicide as a cry for help and attention without a real desire to end it.

In any case, very tragic, as the obvious main cause is societal oppression and even worse, family rejection.


"This report punctuates what PFLAG families know is fundamental -- that there is life-saving merit, demonstrable value, and paramount need for family acceptance," said Diego Sanchez, policy director for PFLAG National, an organization for family, friends and supporters of LGBT people.




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12 minutes ago, Justfine said:

They might be but they are still male.

Sure, but they were not seeking sex and what does that have to do with them wanting a job??

Unlike many people, they actually want to work.

I guess that is a bad thing??


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4 hours ago, greenchair said:

He's a man. He'll always be a man. He is a transgender male. Even if his knob is cut off with his danglers, he'll still be a male. The transgender that understand and accept this don't have the same problems as transgenders that insist they are a female and want everyone else to play pretend. What's wrong with saying, I'm a man and I like to behave feminiely and I'm fine with that. 

Get real. 

I would say it's because many don't feel that they are indeed men. They feel that they are women on the inside, hence the operation to correct one of nature's many querks. It's not up to you tell someone what they are/who they are, that's up to the person in question. 

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4 hours ago, Just Weird said:

They are actually being diametrically opposed to "who they are" (whatever that means).  They are men, they are not being "courageous" and they are certainly not being "punished".  They are simply suffering the consequences of their own decisions to masquerade as females.

The judge and jury has spoken. How ridiculous. Very easy to pass judgement on a phenomenon that you have no understanding of. People don't re-assign on a whim or "masquerade". They do it because they feel/know that they are not the gender they were dealt, for lack of a better word. 

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4 hours ago, Just Weird said:

That is your prerogative but what I stated was objective fact, not opinion, regardless of your agreement.

What you stated was your opinion only. And in my opinion, your opinion is little more than narrow-minded bigotry "regardless of your agreement". 

Edited by stephen tracy
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14 minutes ago, Spidey said:

From the OP: "Legislation exists in Thailand whereby those who believe they are the victim of sexual prejudice can make a case in such circumstances."

I guess S.E. Asia is catching up with the rest of the world. Much to your consternation, I assume.....


Have you read the law regarding the circumstance of beeing a victim of sexual prejudice? If not, I can really recommend one nights reading before sleep. It will really make you understand how inconsistant it is, and that it actually looks more and more like a Swiss cheese the longer you read.


After that reading you can dig into the labour law: http://www.mol.go.th/en/anonymouse/labour_law

When you have a clear view over that and understand how hard it is to make something stick. Hell, yeah! Then we can talk again. 

Catching up???? Are you living the dream too????

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4 hours ago, soistalker said:

Transgender men in USA have a 40% suicide rate. They are not very stable individuals. And liberals say that if a straight man will not date a transgender, then he is a transphobe. Peoplecare crazy. Thailand accepts them as a part of society, but they really aren't normal people. And in Thailand, a high percentage of them are violent. It's best to stay away from them altogether. 

To be honest, I have discovered that a significant number of western male (s)expats in Thailand "aren't normal people", and I find it "best to stay away from them altogether." Transgender people I've never had a problem with. 

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2 hours ago, Justfine said:

Rubbish. People choose to be a tranny. They have a choice.

If you're not a "tranny", how do you know that? Let me answer that for you: you don't. The knuckle-dragging, Neanderthal expat community is alive and well on TV. But when you look at a lot of the make expat community in Thailand, what do you really expect? Living proof that travel doesn't necessarily broaden the mind. 

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2 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Also your POV on what occupations transgender people should limit themselves REEKS of decrepit bigotry.

All people should feel free to pursue ANY work they can qualify for.

They should not be limited by the ignorance of bigots.


Of course they should be free to pursue ANY work they can qualify for, but also the potential employer should be free to politely decline to employ them if he/she wishes, for whatever reason.

100% agree

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