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Trump backs down, orders end to family separations at U.S. border


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1 minute ago, bushdoctor said:

We’re talking about people who enter illegally right? 

Innocent until proven guilty, right?

What's more the crime is minor. I believe it's rather unusual to jail suspects on such charges. Or imprison them afterwards? Shoplifting, which you cited as a crime, is actually more serious since there are victims targeted in the crime.  Not so with border crossing. How many shoplifters are jailed until trial? 

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3 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

This purposely takes comments out of context. 

Give a few examples of comments taken out of context. I'll admit there were a few that were dubious (the ones about Corey Stewart and Higbie come to mind). But mostly, not taken out of context.

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8 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

It’s really humorous to me that being opposed to immigration law seems to mean you need to try to change facts and use tricky wording. Why can’t legitimate facts be enough to let people decide? 

Or, alternatively, post one-line responses to complex arguments repeating the same already discredited line ad nauseum while carefully avoiding responding to the valid points made by one's interlocutors.

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10 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Give a few examples of comments taken out of context. I'll admit there were a few that were dubious (the ones about Corey Stewart and Higbie come to mind). But mostly, not taken out of context.

Are you really asking me that right after I just gave an example? 

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1 hour ago, bushdoctor said:

Hasn’t this been posted already? 

This still amounts to releasing illegal immigrants into the community. Breaking the law should not be rewarded. That only encourages more. 

Who will support them? Who will house them? Who will pay for it? 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's no nice that you care so much for their well being.


You must realize if you give people who enter illegally free food and housing, it will encourage more to enter illegally. That’s counter-productive to the goal of securing the border. 

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3 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

Who will support them? Who will house them? Who will pay for it? 

Well, it won't be the US gov't, so it will be much, much cheaper than the current situation where housing for an adult runs $134 per day and for a child it is $780 per day for a child.   Family detention runs around $300+ .   


When they are released they are, for the most part, not eligible for financial aid from the gov't.   They go stay with family, if they have any, they may be assisted by Church groups and charities.   


If they are deemed a refugee then they may be eligible for refugee resettlement service including gov't funded assistance for housing.   That assistance is very short lived, but is designed to help people get settled.   


If you detain them, then you get one very big bill to pay for it.   



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1 hour ago, Credo said:

Well, it won't be the US gov't, so it will be much, much cheaper than the current situation where housing for an adult runs $134 per day and for a child it is $780 per day for a child.   Family detention runs around $300+ .   


When they are released they are, for the most part, not eligible for financial aid from the gov't.   They go stay with family, if they have any, they may be assisted by Church groups and charities.   


If they are deemed a refugee then they may be eligible for refugee resettlement service including gov't funded assistance for housing.   That assistance is very short lived, but is designed to help people get settled.   


If you detain them, then you get one very big bill to pay for it.   



We don’t want to encourage illegal immigration by giving them a family vacation. That’s no punishment. And again, I’m talking about those who choose to enter illegally. Not immigrants in general. 

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3 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

And you didn’t answer my question. You already know my answer, if you enter illegally you pay the price. 

Now let’s get to why you feel the need to make things up? 

Except of course, not always.

DHS referred roughly 29 percent of adults suspected of illegal entry and illegal reentry to the Justice Department for prosecution during a nearly seven-month period through mid-April, according to data provided by a DHS official. The number of suspected border crossers referred for prosecution doubled in the past month, according to the official.

That would mean the department is referring roughly 60 percent of suspected border crossers for prosecution – a dramatic increase, but still short of 100 percent Sessions targeted on May 7.




 As for now...

Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy is effectively dead


“It’s going to be 'catch and release' because they don’t have the detention beds for them,” the former official said.

That same message was delivered by Brandon Judd, president of a union for Border Patrol agents, who told CNNThursday that the executive order Trump signed Wednesday requiring families caught at the border to be detained together simply left his agency no choice.

"We're going to have to release them," he said.



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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

Except of course, not always.

DHS referred roughly 29 percent of adults suspected of illegal entry and illegal reentry to the Justice Department for prosecution during a nearly seven-month period through mid-April, according to data provided by a DHS official. The number of suspected border crossers referred for prosecution doubled in the past month, according to the official.

That would mean the department is referring roughly 60 percent of suspected border crossers for prosecution – a dramatic increase, but still short of 100 percent Sessions  targeted on May 7.




 As for now...

Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy is effectively dead


“It’s going to be 'catch and release' because they don’t have the detention beds for them,” the former official said.

That same message was delivered by Brandon Judd, president of a union for Border Patrol agents, who  told CNNThursday that the executive order Trump signed Wednesday requiring families caught at the border to be detained together simply left his agency no choice.

"We're going to have to release them," he said.



If you read the article closely (2nd one) you’ll see that it is taking statistics from 7 months earlier. The zero tolerance policy only started last month.  The article itself stated that. We will just have to wait and see.

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42 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

If you read the article closely (2nd one) you’ll see that it is taking statistics from 7 months earlier. The zero tolerance policy only started last month.  The article itself stated that. We will just have to wait and see.

Try reading this again:

DHS referred roughly 29 percent of adults suspected of illegal entry and illegal reentry to the Justice Department for prosecution during a nearly seven-month period through mid-April, according to data provided by a DHS official. The number of suspected border crossers referred for prosecution doubled in the past month, according to the official.

That would mean the department is referring roughly 60 percent of suspected border crossers for prosecution – a dramatic increase, but still short of 100 percent Sessions  targeted on May 7.


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Trump has once again used twitter to discuss this issue, including in his remarks the following:


“When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came.”


In the first instance Trump is suggesting a suspension of the judicial process (a suspension of Law).


Clearly unconstitutional, absolutely out of the playbook of despots throughout history and a bit of blow to those arguing ‘this is all about upholding the law’.


But there is something else:


Trump is once again sending two sets of messages: To the majority of decent Americans he sends the message he’s halting the forced separation of children from their parents (though in truth he is not) while at the same time he sends this ‘hardball’ and totally despotic message to the racists and bigots within his own base.


The children and families impacted by his callous policies pawns in the political games of a failing president.

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The Trump Administration actually has no plans to reunite children with their parents. Nada. Zip. None.

The Government Had No Intention of Reuniting Separated Families

There’s also no plan to do so now.


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Migrant children could end up in already strained foster system as Trump administration continues pushing 'zero-tolerance' policy


Foster care advocates say the government won’t likely be able to reunite thousands of children separated from parents who crossed the border illegally, and some will end up in an American foster care system that is stacked against Latinos and other minorities.

With few Spanish-speaking caseworkers, it’s a challenge tracking down family members of the children who live south of the U.S.-Mexico border, and other relatives living in the states might be afraid to step forward to claim them because of fears of being detained or deported themselves.

Many complications have arisen for these separated families since the Trump administration adopted its “zero-tolerance” policy on entering the country illegally


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Unfortunately he has now been emboldened by the supreme court decision regarding his Muslim ban and thinks that he is on a roll to get full "wall" funding, he's already had a budget committee meeting, and is using his policies gearing up for the November elections!

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A 1952 federal law — the Immigration and Nationality Act, passed in the midst of a Cold War fear over Communist influence — historically gives the chief executive broad authority It reads in part: “Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may, may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

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32 minutes ago, wayned said:

Unfortunately he has now been emboldened by the supreme court decision regarding his Muslim ban and thinks that he is on a roll to get full "wall" funding, he's already had a budget committee meeting, and is using his policies gearing up for the November elections!

Emboldened by both the supreme court decision and by what he feels is a victorious North Korean situation. Victory in NK remains to be seen. Kim may not prove to be a cake walk. History frequently repeats itself.

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39 minutes ago, neeray said:

Emboldened by both the supreme court decision and by what he feels is a victorious North Korean situation. Victory in NK remains to be seen. Kim may not prove to be a cake walk. History frequently repeats itself.

It only took him 3 tries to get a conservative court to uphold it.   


I wonder how many families he will completely screw up before he gets this right, not to mention the amount of money being spent on housing this fiasco.   


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38 minutes ago, neeray said:

Emboldened by both the supreme court decision and by what he feels is a victorious North Korean situation. Victory in NK remains to be seen. Kim may not prove to be a cake walk. History frequently repeats itself.

It will be interesting on how Kim responds to the de-nuclesarization "check list" that Pompeo is supposedly going to present to him.  Pompeo has alreay removed the time lime for comp0leti8on of the milestones.  I'm 73 and doubt that much will be accomplished in my lifetime other than talk.


As far as the Supreme Court decision, I thought that the court was supposed to be totally non partisan. It's obviou7s that it is not as the decision was 5 Trumplican's against 4 Democrats with only a suggestion to Trump that he walks carefully in the future by the 81 year old chief justice who might retire at the end of this session leaving an opening for Trump to put another one of his cronies in.

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3 minutes ago, Credo said:

It only took him 3 tries to get a conservative court to uphold it.   


I wonder how many families he will completely screw up before he gets this right, not to mention the amount of money being spent on housing this fiasco.   


Screwed up (poor) families does not matter to trump. Money spent on housing or flying kids around the country and (maybe) back to the border for reunification does not matter to trump. Winning at any price, no matter what the cost to anybody, is all that matters to trump. Something (no matter what) to brag about is what turns his crank.

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7 minutes ago, wayned said:

It will be interesting on how Kim responds to the de-nuclesarization "check list" that Pompeo is supposedly going to present to him.  Pompeo has alreay removed the time lime for comp0leti8on of the milestones.  I'm 73 and doubt that much will be accomplished in my lifetime other than talk.


As far as the Supreme Court decision, I thought that the court was supposed to be totally non partisan. It's obviou7s that it is not as the decision was 5 Trumplican's against 4 Democrats with only a suggestion to Trump that he walks carefully in the future by the 81 year old chief justice who might retire at the end of this session leaving an opening for Trump to put another one of his cronies in.

Hopefully you (and I) will live in good health to become Centurions. Personally, I would like to see just how much Kim will wring out of trump before Kim gives over his missiles to China.

It's too bad that Obama exercised such decorum and did not appoint a replacement judge before vacating office. Reverse the situation and watch how fast no-decorum-trump would fill the vacancy.

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15 minutes ago, neeray said:

Hopefully you (and I) will live in good health to become Centurions. Personally, I would like to see just how much Kim will wring out of trump before Kim gives over his missiles to China.

It's too bad that Obama exercised such decorum and did not appoint a replacement judge before vacating office. Reverse the situation and watch how fast no-decorum-trump would fill the vacancy.


To be fair to Obama, he did try to fill the Supreme Court vacancy. He just got out maneuvered by his opposition, but you are completely right, Trump probably would have filled it. 

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